TEASER: Lack of spirituality is a problem

Teaser for tonight’s episode of Leadership Perspective, which will be about: The natural world view, Nazi boy summer and Nordic Days. We start at...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Apple owns your iPhone

“They make you pay a thousand dollars to buy a phone, but you can’t decide what podcasts you listen to.” Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #144. iFrameResize({...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“PewDiePie is the Master Troll”

Nordic Frontier on Pewdiepie's I joined a Photoshop Competition. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #132. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrpewdiepieisthemastertrollresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Arnar Björnsson comes out as a National Socialist

Counter Currents writer Arnar Björnsson appeared on Nordic Frontier to talk about volcanoes, life on Iceland and National Socialism. Björnson recently “came out” as a...

Breed white kids

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrbreedwhitekidsresizeIframe') And raise them to be warriors. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #8: Do black or white lives matter? Rittenhouse and summer activism
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Hollywood feminism and reality

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhollywoodfeminismandrealityresizeIframe') Nordic Frontier on “Hunger Games” and Hollywood feminism. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #161: Koran Burnings and New Speak

Survivor comedy

Simon Lindberg shares some of his favourite “holocaust” stories. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #13: Why deny the holocaust? Adaptation and dangerousness iFrameResize({ log: false },...

TEASER: National Socialism protects us from liberalization

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrteasernationalsocialismprotectsusfromliberalizationresizeIframe') Teaser for tonight’s second episode of Leadership Perspective. We start at 22:00 Swedish time.

The importance of ancestors

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrtheimportanceofancestorsresizeIframe') Tyrus talks about Donar’s Oak and Redbad, King of the Frisians, regarding the importance of ancestors in paganism. Excerpt from Aristogenesis...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Striving to be a better person

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrstrivingtobeabetterpersonresizeIframe') Andreas on the challenge of being mentally stable in a sick society. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #156


Tyr rune statue

The revolutionary struggle must remain radical!

IDEOLOGY. Samuel Almroth writes about the importance of radical and revolutionary struggle. When talking about radicalism (our radicalism), one should also note how our principle...

Achieving Final Victory


Dropouts and traitors