NORDIC FRONTIER #180: Gamestonks and Jews

NORDIC FRONTIER. The Wall Street banker cries out in pain as he shorts you. And Gay news. WEEKLY MEMES: SHILLING: Laser action against the holocaust hoax in...

Nordic Frontier #101: Activism revisited

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we learn about integrating into our new and exciting Sweden and we invite activist Oscar Bergström to talk about activism. Mixed...

LIVE 20.30 – NORDIC FRONTIER #267: Johannes aka Boer Jack of South Africa

NORDIC FRONTIER. We welcome Johannes aka Boer Jack back on the show to talk about life as a farmer in South Africa and his...

NORDIC FRONTIER #265: Ayo Kimathi

NORDIC FRONTIER. For the first time ever, we have invited a non-white guest on the show. We will be talking to Ayo Kimathi, about...

NORDIC FRONTIER #275: Israel: A matter of time

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we are joined by our Serbian comrade Marko and we take a look at the recent content coming out of the...
Nordic Frontier episode 92, Eric Striker

Nordic Frontier #92: Eric Striker and Folkish uprisings

NORDIC FRONTIER. This evening we’ll talk to Eric Striker, known from Strike&Mike podcast and many other media projects. We’ll also cover some Swedish cuckery...

NORDIC FRONTIER #113: Fresh No-Go Zones for everyone!

NORDIC FRONTIER. Up your Xanax intake, we're opening another mixed bag! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnordicfrontier113freshnogozonesforeveryoneresizeIframe') SHILLING: Nordfront Media Bitchute Nordic Frontier Bitchute Latest Vid:  Andreas Johansson Soundcloud: MIXED BAG: Action on...


NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we invite the people behind to talk about his case and the recent sentence. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT ON TELEGRAM...


NORDIC FRONTIER. We summarize the year 2020. We look at guests we've had on and activism performed. And also update Covid shit. iFrameResize({ log: false...

NORDIC FRONTIER cancelled this week

NORDIC FRONTIER. Due to a severe man-cold, this week's episode will be cancelled. We'll be back next week, but in the meantime enjoy some Nordic...


The Two World-Concepts in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf – Part 2

GUEST WRITER. Fellow Icelandic comrade Arnar writes about his impressions of Mein Kampf and the struggle between Marxism and National Socialism. This is part...

Resistance Movement 3.0