NORDIC FRONTIER #98: Jewish Influence – Good for the Nords?

NORDIC FRONTIER. We present the dysfunctional Centre-Right-Left government of Sweden and talk Jewish influence with Nordfront-writer Marcus Hansson. SHILLING: New products at MIXED BAG: Climate change girl...

No Nordic Frontier this week

NORDIC FRONTIER. The boys are taking the evening off due to a heavy workload following our 1 May activism, but they will be back...


NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we appropriate our appropriated culture, talk solutions to our organised crime and enjoy "state enforced homosexuality". iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nr7989resizeIframe') YUMMY MEME: SHILLING: Chief...

NORDIC FRONTIER #141: Overreaching Jewish Anti-Whiteness

NORDIC FRONTIER. Back once again, from the brink of Corona-Aids induced death, the boys will discuss the accelerated kosher-certified anti-whiteness. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrlive2000nordicfrontier141overreachingjewishantiwhitenessresizeIframe') YUMMY...

Nordic Frontier #85: Europe Shall Live!

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we explore Europe's chance of survival and some resistance news bits. With News you Lose: Kristersson fail and the un-built government Payment service...

Conversation with Rosemairi MacLeod of National Socialist Reason

NORDIC FRONTIER. Andreas Johansson has a laidback conversation with Rosemairi MacLeod about anything from natural breast feeding to Jewish subversion from a National Socialist...

NORDIC FRONTIER #157: Fascist Psychoanalysis with Normapollo

NORDIC FRONTIER. We discuss more black antisemitism and invite Normapollo for a chat about psychology and its role in our movement. iFrameResize({ log: false },...

NORDIC FRONTIER #180: Gamestonks and Jews

NORDIC FRONTIER. The Wall Street banker cries out in pain as he shorts you. And Gay news. WEEKLY MEMES: SHILLING: Laser action against the holocaust hoax in...

NORDIC FRONTIER #113: Fresh No-Go Zones for everyone!

NORDIC FRONTIER. Up your Xanax intake, we're opening another mixed bag! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnordicfrontier113freshnogozonesforeveryoneresizeIframe') SHILLING: Nordfront Media Bitchute Nordic Frontier Bitchute Latest Vid:  Andreas Johansson Soundcloud: MIXED BAG: Action on...


NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we will find out if our new socialdemocratic minister is our girl, whether Richard Spencer is a homosexual and when is...


Soldiers in rows

Military discipline

IDEOLOGY. Jacob Vullum outlines an important tool for self-improvement to help grow as a person and as an activist: military discipline. Discipline is the practice...

National Socialism in Our Time