NORDIC FRONTIER #98: Jewish Influence – Good for the Nords?

NORDIC FRONTIER. We present the dysfunctional Centre-Right-Left government of Sweden and talk Jewish influence with Nordfront-writer Marcus Hansson. SHILLING: New products at MIXED BAG: Climate change girl...

NORDIC FRONTIER #125: Der Dritte Weg Special

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we re-invent Greta, ban male baby genital mutilation and invite Max to talk about Der Dritte Weg. iFrameResize({ log: false },...

NORDIC FRONTIER #154: Back in Black

NORDIC FRONTIER. The boys are back with a special guest, they'll be talking to Shandon Simpson who recently was kidnapped and tortured by the...

NORDIC FRONTIER #184: Grazing Trannies

NORDIC FRONTIER. We graze the fields of the current year. Trannies, democracy bombs and racially estranged nationalism are on the menu. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT...

NORDIC FRONTIER #214: Squid Game Mukbang

NORDIC FRONTIER. 'Tis the season and we're jolly with Mukbangs and Squid Games. We also have a fantastic Cook Off to announce! JOIN THE LIVE...


NORDIC FRONTIER. The ChiComs go bye-bye. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT ON TELEGRAM HERE: Nordic Frontier Chat WEEKLY MEMES: SHILLING: Return visit to Strängnäs Market Massive propaganda campaign in Danish...

NORDIC FRONTIER #274: Fredrik Vejdeland and the Europa Congress

NORDIC FRONTIER. We sit down with Fredrik Vejdeland, veteran member of the movement, who recently attended the Gerd Honsik - Europa Congress in Vienna...

ARISTOGENESIS #4: Aspects of Aryan Religiosity

ARISTOGENESIS. This is the fourth episode of Aristogenesis. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nraristogenesis4aspectsofaryanreligiosityresizeIframe') In this episode Tyrus presents some fundamental aspects of traditional Indo-European religion...
Leadership Perspective

Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid-19 and controlled opposition

Here is the eighteenth episode of the podcast Leadership Perspective. Participating are the Nordic Resistance Movement’s leader Simon Lindberg and Fredrik Vejdeland from the...

Chief of Icelandic branch in radio interview

INTERVIEW. Bror Vakur, chief of the Icelandic branch, was interviewed by Max on our local radio show Radio Ludvika. After the Swedish edition of the...


Status Quo ante Revolution

At the time of writing , one year has passed since SD won representation in the Swedish parliament. This was, above all, a backlash...
Drawing of the Nordic Resistance Movement flags with the Tyr rune symbol

Our symbols