NORDIC FRONTIER SPECIAL: National Socialist Taliban

NORDIC FRONTIER. It took the Taliban less than two weeks to take back their country, after Globohomo just spent 20 years and trillions of...

LIVE 20.00 – NORDIC FRONTIER #239: Chris Dulny and the Post Election Apocalypse!

NORDIC FRONTIER. We sit down with Chris Dulny to talk about the Swedish election and its aftermath. Are the Sweden Democrats going to "save...

LIVE 20.00 – NORDIC FRONTIER #227: The case of the Kevin Murder

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we talk about the scandalous murder case of Kevin from way back in the 90s. And NATO shit. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT...

NORDIC FRONTIER #195: Reasonable levels of Anti-Semitism

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we'll kick it up a notch with some fancy anti-semitism, equality in rape and covid shit. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT ON TELEGRAM...
ARISTOGENESIS #9: Askr Svarte Interview 2

ARISTOGENESIS #9: Askr Svarte Interview 2

ARISTOGENESIS. This is the ninth episode of Aristogenesis.  Join us for another episode of Aristogenesis, where we continue our conversation with the Traditionalist philosopher and...

NORDIC FRONTIER #129: Captain Ahab and the New World

NORDIC FRONTIER. Captain Ahab, known from the "People's Square", joins us to talk about the Democrats wanna ban and life in the New world. iFrameResize({...
Andreas Johansson Fash the Nationvideo

Andreas Johansson on Fash the Nation

INTERVIEW. Nordic Frontier host Andreas Johansson appeared on episode 539 of the Fash the Nation podcast on Saturday. Andreas Johansson joined Fash the Nation host...

NORDIC FRONTIER #115: Free Super Chats for everyone!

NORDIC FRONTIER. The Crew offers FREE super chats for all the live listeners in the chat tonight. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnordicfrontier115freesuperchatsforeveryoneresizeIframe') So tonight we'll be...

NORDIC FRONTIER #187: Nam and the Mannerbund

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we invite Nam from the US based organization "The Mannerbund". JOIN THE LIVE CHAT ON TELEGRAM HERE: Nordic Frontier Chat MP3...

NORDIC FRONTIER #146: Social Distance

NORDIC FRONTIER. The glorious trio will tonight dig into the Corona bits of the week, new social norms and how to preserve your wealth...


What is fascism?

IDEOLOGY. “Fascism” and “fascist” are two terms which are thrown around a lot in political debate. Here Jimmy Thunlind discusses what fascism actually is...
Nordic Resistance Movement marchers on May Day 2018 in Ludvika, Sweden

Fight and live forever!