Home Media Forest hiking and camping in Värmland

Forest hiking and camping in Värmland


WILDERNESS ACTIVITY. Sweden’s Nest 5 held a hike and overnight stay in the forests of Värmland on 9 January.

On Saturday, 9 January, Nest 5 arranged a hike in the forests of Värmland. When the participants gathered, they were met by something unexpected but also appreciated: 15 centimetres of freshly fallen snow.

It was soon time to leave the gathering place, with the participants using a map to determine their position and taking a compass reference for each respective destination.

Nest 5 wilderness activity

One of the destinations was beside a small lake, where a fire-building lesson was held. The participants were shown how to find fatwood in pines – both in dead trunks and dead branches in the lower parts of living trees.

After that the hike continued, with the comrades having to cross a stream along the way by balancing on a tree trunk.

A long hike later they arrived at the site where they would make evening camp. After a coffee break, the process of building the camp began, after which food was grilled over the fire.

Sunday began with a communal breakfast. Finally, the participants had to navigate back to the gathering place without a map or compass. Another 10 centimetres of snow had fallen during the night, but the return journey was still made somewhat easier by the previous day’s tracks.