Home Resistance News Activism Leaflet distribution and banner activity in Vetlanda

Leaflet distribution and banner activity in Vetlanda


ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 7 held two public actions in Vetlanda on Saturday, 19 February.

NRM leafleting action, Vetlanda, Sweden

After taking up positions in the centre of Vetlanda, the Nest’s activists engaged in several conversations with local people. Leaflets were accepted by sympathisers, curious passers-by and many others.

The message on the leaflets was one of self-defence, with a call to the reader to defend himself and other Swedes against attacks from foreign gangs.

NRM leafleting, Vetlanda, Sweden

The police started circulating around street corners as soon as the Resistance men began the activity, but it took about an hour before they approached the activists. This did not cause any major problems this time, however, and the police soon moved on.

NRM leafleting, Vetlanda, SwedenNRM leafleting, Vetlanda, Sweden

After standing in the town centre for a good while, the comrades felt satisfied and concluded the activity. Next, they went to the outskirts of Vetlanda and lined up on a bridge with a banner bearing the message “Stop the Population Replacement”.

NRM banner action, Vetlanda, SwedenNRM banner action, Vetlanda, Sweden

The activists saw many happy faces and greetings from behind windscreens while standing with the banner. The majority of Swedes seem to agree that the population replacement is something negative that must be stopped.