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Monthly meeting and physical training in Nest 1


MEETING. On Sunday 5th April, Nest 1 held their monthly meeting together with a physical training session and social gathering.

The day began with a three-hour training session for the activist group, with a focus on fitness and strength. The activists were divided into pairs and jointly completed 50 pull-ups, 160 sit-ups, 80 burpees, 150 push-ups and 150 back raises. Next the whole group had to do dips, wall sits and lateral dumbbell raises for as long as possible.

After the strength training, the activists practised a new addition to the nest’s training programme: self-defence with flagpoles. Next the members joined the activists to hold the monthly meeting, which was combined with a social gathering in the form of a barbeque in the comrades’ good company. Before heading home, there was one last item left on the agenda for the activist group: a bath in the nearby lake that was just a few degrees above freezing.

All in all it was a very successful and invigorating day.