Five steps to counter The Great Replacement

The IKEA manual. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrfivestepstocounterthegreatreplacementresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

High prices – “Putin’s fault”

Everything is Putin's fault. But apart from the fact that the sanctions themselves create problems for the people of Europe and the USA as...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

A white pill in the Ukraine conflict

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #222: You Crane or smth idk iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrawhitepillintheukraineconflictresizeIframe')

The liberating feeling of being doxxed

Fredrik Vejdeland talks about the liberating feeling of being doxxed. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing iFrameResize({ log: false },...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Jacob Vullum on his prison time

Jacob Vullum, National Chief of the Nordic Resistance Movement’s Danish branch, visited Nordic Frontier to talk about his time in prison. Excerpt from NORDIC...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

When TANSTAAFL understood that the Jews are the key

TANSTAAFL from talks about how he came to understand that the “neo” in neo-cons is just a codeword for Jews. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The difference between Aryans and Jews

Whites really have to step up. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #219: Honk Honk Whoopi Whoopi! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthedifferencebetweenaryansandjewsresizeIframe')

TEASER: White genocide

Teaser for tonight’s episode of Leadership Perspective which will be about: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing. We start at 22:00 Swedish time. iFrameResize({...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Thomas Sewell on parallel societies and ‘the golden zone’

Thomas Sewell on how the System is behaving now that they are losing. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #218: Thomas Sewell is back iFrameResize({ log: false },...

Recent police harassments

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition A new episode of Leadership Perspective will arrive tonight at...


Strasserism – The enemy within

IDEOLOGY. The founder of the Nordic Resistance Movement, Klas Lund, writes about the enemy within. Originally published on in 2012. This article was originally...

Hate Through Love