Nordic Voice #3: The lost episode

BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. We present to the world a brand new episode of the rising podcast Nordic Voice. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnordicvoice3thelostepisoderesizeIframe') With two...

Nordic Voice #2: Hitting the streets of Copenhagen

NORDIC VOICE. Here is the second episode of our new pan-Nordic activist podcast Nordic Voice! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnordicvoice2hittingthestreetsofcopenhagenresizeIframe') In this episode we have already...

New radio show: Nordic Voice!

NORDIC VOICE. The Nordic Resistance Movement presents its second international radio show, an activist podcast with hosts from all the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council...


Shadows of Ukrainian soldiers

Which side are we on in the Ukraine war?

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement explains where the organisation stands on this important issue. There may be some who think this...