Aristogenesis episode 13, The Iliad


ARISTOGENESIS. This is the thirteenth episode of Aristogenesis.  Join us for a journey into the magical realm of Indo-European epic poetry. In this episode, we...

NORDIC FRONTIER #221: No More Brother Wars

NORDIC FRONTIER. In the first portion of the show we talk with Jacob Vullum, newly appointed chief of the Danish branch of the NRM,...

NORDIC FRONTIER #220: TANSTAAFL and the concept of Jewing

NORDIC FRONTIER. TANSTAAFL from joins us this week to talk about the concept of Jewing and we will find out if there are...

NORDIC FRONTIER #219: Honk Honk Whoopi Whoopi!

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we honk with the canucks with trucks and whoop with Whoopie's antisemitic remarks. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT ON TELEGRAM HERE: Nordic Frontier...
Leadership Perspective

Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing

Here is the nineteenth episode of the podcast Leadership Perspective. Participating are the Nordic Resistance Movement’s leader Simon Lindberg and Fredrik Vejdeland from the...

NORDIC FRONTIER #218: Thomas Sewell is back

NORDIC FRONTIER. Thomas Sewell joins us to talk about his enlightening experience behind bars and what wisdom 7 months in isolation can give you. SUBSCRIBE...

LIVE 20.00 – NORDIC FRONTIER #217: Heroes and Traitors

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we're finding out who the heroes and traitors are. We also dive deep into the future of Holocaustism. LIVE LINK: SUBSCRIBE TO...

NORDIC FRONTIER #216: Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front

NORDIC FRONTIER. Thomas Rousseau returns to the show to talk about Patriot Front's impressive activism during the past year. LIVE LINK: JOIN THE LIVE CHAT...

NORDIC FRONTIER #215: The return of Neo-Mike

NORDIC FRONTIER. The Nordic Frontier makes a glorious return in the new year with a very pleasant surprise, the return of good old Neo-Mike. JOIN...

NORDIC FRONTIER #214: Squid Game Mukbang

NORDIC FRONTIER. 'Tis the season and we're jolly with Mukbangs and Squid Games. We also have a fantastic Cook Off to announce! JOIN THE LIVE...


Hate Through Love

IDEOLOGY. Love or hate – what really drives a Nordic Resistance Movement activist? In this article from 2012, Simon Lindberg gives the answer. We in...

A United North