TEASER:Our goal: World domination

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrteaserourgoalworlddominationresizeIframe') Teaser for tonight's first episode of Leadership Perspective. We start at 22:00 Swedish time.

“South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd was a true National Socialist”

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrsouthafricanprimeministerhendrikverwoerdwasatruenationalsocialistresizeIframe') Jan Lamprecht explains how the Jews came into control of South Africa and that it was Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

How the communists recruited blacks in South Africa and Rhodesia

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhowthecommunistsrecruitedblacksinsouthafricaandrhodesiaresizeIframe') Jan Lamprecht of Historyreviewed.com was invited to the show to talk about Africa. Here he talks about how the communist-terrorists...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

How the retarded left started the trend with big nationalist marches in Finland

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhowtheretartedleftstartedthetrendwithbignationalistmarchesinfinlandresizeIframe') The Independence day in Finland gathered around 2,500-3,000 patriots in the “6/12”-demonstration where members from National Socialist organizations like Kohti...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Patriot Front’s stance on key questions

Thomas from Patriot Front was invited to talk about the goals and visions of the organization. In a follow-up question from Mike, he was...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“PewDiePie is the Master Troll”

Nordic Frontier on Pewdiepie's I joined a Photoshop Competition. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #132. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrpewdiepieisthemastertrollresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“United North is a great vision”

Captain Ahab has read the Nordic Resistance Movement's political program "Our Path" and share some thoughts about it. From Nordic Frontier #129. iFrameResize({ log: false },...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Jewish fake news: Swedish state media came to the same conclusion as Nordfront

Swedish state media, SVT, recently did an investigation regarding Jewish allegations of anti-Semitism at Karolinska hospital. The allegations resulted in a fierce mass media...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Jews are never happy

Nordic Frontier discusses the yellow stickers and Jews reactions to it. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #131. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjewsareneverhappyresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Just have sex with your woman

Andreas and Mike in a big disagreement about what has to be done and what doesn't. Vote here. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #131. iFrameResize({ log: false },...


Team pulling together

There is no “right” time to join the struggle

IDEOLOGY. The Norwegian writer "Russleman" explains that the time to take your rightful place in the struggle is now, and not a moment later. It...

Back to the Trenches

Status Quo ante Revolution

A United North

Alibis vs allies