Nordic Frontier excerpt

About Hitler and Mein Kampf

Andreas and Alan answer a comment questioning the importance of honouring Adolf Hitler and Mein Kampf. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrabouthitlerandmeinkampfresizeIframe') Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #191:...
Landsmenn Nordic Resistance Movement podcast

No global warming in Iceland

Guðfinnur, the new co-host on Landsmenn, about global warming in Iceland. Excerpt from Landsmenn #5-Interview with Guðfinnur from Iceland iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnoglobalwarminginicelandresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The energy situation in Germany

A member from Der Dritte Weg joins Nordic Frontier to talk about the situation in Germany. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #235: Germany Calling! iFrameResize({ log: false...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Handling the Covid hysteria

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhandlingthecovidhysteriaresizeIframe') Nobody can break Andreas and Alan. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #190: Justice for the Nords
Nordic Frontier excerpt

How the white working class resisted globalism in Australia

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhowthewhiteworkingclassresistedglobalisminaustraliaresizeIframe') Nordic Frontier invited Thomas Sewell from Australia to talk about the struggle in the land down under. Here Thomas talks...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

This is Magnus Ranstorp

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthisismagnusranstorpresizeIframe') In the latest episode, Nordic Frontier talks about the "expert" Magnus Ranstorp and his report on the movement in Sweden....
Nordic Frontier excerpt

How the communists recruited blacks in South Africa and Rhodesia

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhowthecommunistsrecruitedblacksinsouthafricaandrhodesiaresizeIframe') Jan Lamprecht of was invited to the show to talk about Africa. Here he talks about how the communist-terrorists...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Why you must follow technological development

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwhyyoumustfollowtechnologicaldevelopmentresizeIframe') Alan talks about things that seem to be a certain way but can be or become something else. Excerpt from NORDIC...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The Swedish government wants to ban “Holocaust denial”

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrtheswedishgovernmentwantstobanholocaustdenialresizeIframe') Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson (Social Democrat) wants to ban views. Behind the proposal is the World Jewish Congress. Excerpt from...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The globalists decide the fate of workers and companies in Finland and Sweden

Tuukka Kuru from Sinimusta Liike joins Nordic Frontier to talk about, among other things, global capitalism’s control over Finland and the Nordic countries. Excerpt from...


Reticle and fire

Are the Nordic Resistance Movement terrorists?

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Simon Lindberg responds to the ongoing efforts to classify the Nordic Resistance Movement as a terrorist group and the upcoming constitutional amendment...

Race – Not Country