Nordic Frontier excerpt

Jewish supremacists behind the Charlottesville civil trial

Tony Hovater from the National Justice Party explains the Charlottesville trial, where Jews openly say they want to punish Whites. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #208:...

A gray world without us whites

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing A new episode will be out tomorrow at 22:00. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nragrayworldwithoutuswhitesresizeIframe')

It’s child abuse not to fight

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #27:Kids in the struggle, getting yourself a woman and psychological warfare. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nritschildabusenottofightresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Jewish fake news: Swedish state media came to the same conclusion as Nordfront

Swedish state media, SVT, recently did an investigation regarding Jewish allegations of anti-Semitism at Karolinska hospital. The allegations resulted in a fierce mass media...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Interview: The idea behind Aristogenesis

In an interview with Nordic Frontier, Tyrus from Aristogenesis talks about the idea behind the podcast. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #146. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrinterviewtheideabehindaristogenesisresizeIframe')

White Lives Matter more

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwhitelivesmattermoreresizeIframe') Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #8: Do black or white lives matter? Rittenhouse and summer activism
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Wolfram Nahrath on Horst Mahler

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwolframnahrathonhorstmahlerresizeIframe') The lawyer Wolfram Nahrath on the trial of Horst Mahler and Horst Mahler as a person. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #175:...

The name of Sweden: “Land of our own kind”

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthenameofswedenlandofourownkindresizeIframe') Ancient Swedes were not particularly interested in living in a multiracial society. Excerpt from ARISTOGENESIS #6 P2: Origin Myths – The...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Leo Frank – The saint of the Jews

The murder of Mary Phagan and why the Jewish power organization ADL was formed. Swedish article: Leo Frank och bakgrunden till ADL Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Make cool what is healthy

How the movement operates to make people wanna live again. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #214: Squid Game Mukbang iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrmakecoolwhatishealthyresizeIframe')


National Socialist handshake

“My honour is loyalty”

NATIONAL SOCIALISM. How the motto “My honour is loyalty” came to be and how it relates to today’s struggle… “Meine Ehre heißt Treue” became the...

Humiliation violence