NORDIC FRONTIER #107: Grandpa Lampshade

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we talk to national socialist podcaster Grandpa Lampshade about life, ideology and the future. Thomas Goodrich's Hellstorm Audio Book Special Guest Grandpa Lampshade...

Nordic Voice #2: Hitting the streets of Copenhagen

NORDIC VOICE. Here is the second episode of our new pan-Nordic activist podcast Nordic Voice! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnordicvoice2hittingthestreetsofcopenhagenresizeIframe') In this episode we have already...

NORDIC FRONTIER #106: Transtrains and Danish march

NORDIC FRONTIER. National socialists have been marching in Denmark, while the Swedish healthcare is busy turning their girls into boys. Tune in to hear...

NORDIC FRONTIER #105: A Nordic Voice

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight Andreas and Johan shoot the breeze about the latest degeneracy. They also invite Max from the Nordic Voice to have a...

New radio show: Nordic Voice!

NORDIC VOICE. The Nordic Resistance Movement presents its second international radio show, an activist podcast with hosts from all the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council...

NORDIC FRONTIER #104: Secret police and NATO

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we get the fresh scoop straight from the source, secret Nazi agent Simon Holmqvist has been tracking down NATO troops deep...

NORDIC FRONTIER #103: Greta for prez and Juden exposed!

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week Mike is back from his excavations and the guys are having a gay old time. Participation in Manifest Destiny with the...

NORDIC FRONTIER #102: Climate Panic and the Coin Square

NORDIC FRONTIER. Andreas and Johan revel in the decay of the modern world tonight and we also invite activist Julius Blomberg. Mixed bag: Climate Panic Hypocritical Swedes Ban...

Nordic Frontier #101: Activism revisited

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we learn about integrating into our new and exciting Sweden and we invite activist Oscar Bergström to talk about activism. Mixed...

NORDIC FRONTIER #100: Black Pills

NORDIC FRONTIER. We celebrate 100 episodes by feeding you a fist-full of Black Pills. Mixed race black pill bag: Jews respond to the mention of the...


We are not “right-wing extremists”

IDEOLOGY. Leif Eriksson puts National Socialism’s undeserved labels in perspective. When the media reports on the activities of National Socialist groups, as they did in...

Race – Not Country

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