Nordic Frontier excerpt

The UN’s path to salvation

Everyone must be educated to become slaves to Jews and part of their “Tikkun Olam”. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #217: Heroes and Traitors iFrameResize({ log: false...

The danger of advocating conspiracy theories

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrdangerwithadvocatingconspiracytheoriesresizeIframe')

When the whole world establishment is behind something…

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwhenthewholeworldestablishmentisbehindsomethingresizeIframe')

Jews and the European aristocracy

Dr Alexander Jacob joins Aristogenesis once again. Here he talks about the Jews’ relationship to the European aristocracy. Which in the case of the...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The hard work behind Patriot Front’s success

The leader of Patriot Front, Thomas Rousseau, visits Nordic Frontier to talk about Patriot Front’s impressive activism during the past year. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

No flu – but lots of vaccines

Excerpt from The return of Neo-Mike iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnoflubutlotsofvaccinesresizeIframe')

Chemtrails and vaccine fuck up

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition

The climate change agenda

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrclimatechangeagendaresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Make cool what is healthy

How the movement operates to make people wanna live again. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #214: Squid Game Mukbang iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrmakecoolwhatishealthyresizeIframe')

Merry Christmas, Mr. Bond!

And we hope that you are doing well. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #213: Our Girl? iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrmerrychristmasmrbondresizeIframe')


Man in front of burning house

“I will join when the collapse comes”

IDEOLOGY. Karl Folkesson comments on the phenomenon of supporters who are “waiting for the collapse”. When supporters are encouraged to organise and fight for a...

Back to the Trenches

What is fascism?