NORDIC FRONTIER #107: Grandpa Lampshade

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we talk to national socialist podcaster Grandpa Lampshade about life, ideology and the future. Thomas Goodrich's Hellstorm Audio Book Special Guest Grandpa Lampshade...

Nordic Voice #2: Hitting the streets of Copenhagen

NORDIC VOICE. Here is the second episode of our new pan-Nordic activist podcast Nordic Voice! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnordicvoice2hittingthestreetsofcopenhagenresizeIframe') In this episode we have already...

NORDIC FRONTIER #106: Transtrains and Danish march

NORDIC FRONTIER. National socialists have been marching in Denmark, while the Swedish healthcare is busy turning their girls into boys. Tune in to hear...

NORDIC FRONTIER #105: A Nordic Voice

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight Andreas and Johan shoot the breeze about the latest degeneracy. They also invite Max from the Nordic Voice to have a...

New radio show: Nordic Voice!

NORDIC VOICE. The Nordic Resistance Movement presents its second international radio show, an activist podcast with hosts from all the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council...

NORDIC FRONTIER #103: Greta for prez and Juden exposed!

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week Mike is back from his excavations and the guys are having a gay old time. Participation in Manifest Destiny with the...

Nordic Frontier #101: Activism revisited

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we learn about integrating into our new and exciting Sweden and we invite activist Oscar Bergström to talk about activism. Mixed...

NORDIC FRONTIER #100: Black Pills

NORDIC FRONTIER. We celebrate 100 episodes by feeding you a fist-full of Black Pills. Mixed race black pill bag: Jews respond to the mention of the...


NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we discuss if the original Swedes actually were blue eyed Somalees after all and we also invite Martin Saxlind to talk...

Conversation with Rosemairi MacLeod of National Socialist Reason

NORDIC FRONTIER. Andreas Johansson has a laidback conversation with Rosemairi MacLeod about anything from natural breast feeding to Jewish subversion from a National Socialist...


Reflection on the National Day of Sweden: Under which banner should...

SYMBOLISM. Simon Holmqvist wrote the following article for the National Day of Sweden 2017, explaining why the Nordic Resistance Movement does not use the...
Images of Cultural Marxism

What is Cultural Marxism?

National Socialism in Practice

Hate Through Love