Fundamental problems with modern science

Nestor points out three fundamental problems with modern science that make us blind and disoriented. Excerpt from Aristogenesis #1. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrfundamentalproblemswithmodernscienceresizeIframe')

TEASER: New Podcast: Aristogenesis

From the first episode of the podcast Aristogenesis. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrteasernewpodcastaristogenesisresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Johan got famous – by representing everything they hate

Johan got doxxed by Antifags in Sweden. Why does he trigger them? Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #145. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjohangotfamousbyrepresentingeverythingtheyhateresizeIframe')

Are we an anti-movement?

Simon Lindberg answers the question of whether our organisation is an anti-movement. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #4. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrareweanantimovementresizeIframe')

Repression and role models

Simon Lindberg speaks about the repression activist Freddy Nerman recently endured from the establishment and the exemplary way he reacted. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #4. iFrameResize({...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Globalism fails in these Corona times

Free market and global capitalism cannot help countries in crisis. Corona proves that globalism and the EU must be eliminated. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #144. iFrameResize({...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Apple owns your iPhone

“They make you pay a thousand dollars to buy a phone, but you can’t decide what podcasts you listen to.” Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #144. iFrameResize({...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Sweden’s emergency preparedness – from the best in the world to the worst

Mike talks about how Sweden went from being the best nation in the world at self-reliance to the worst. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #143. iFrameResize({ log:...

NS Utopia

Simon Lindberg speaks about the ideal National Socialist society. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #4. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnsutopiaresizeIframe')

Antifa behind Fake Patriot Front Twitter account

Thomas Rousseau is not Patriot Front's leader but some Antifa fags. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #142. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrantifabehindfakepatriotfronttwitteraccountresizeIframe')


Vetlanda terrorist attack and Nordic Resistance Movement activism

Are you for or against acts of multicultural violence?

MULTICULTURALISM. The Leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement reflects on the act of madness in Vetlanda and the proposal to ban “racist” organisations. So it’s...
Images of Cultural Marxism

What is Cultural Marxism?