Nordic Frontier excerpt

Take away the “Holocaust” – and Swedes would hate Jews for no reason?

Prime minister Stefan Löfven admits that lack of "education" regarding the "Holocaust" would lead to antisemitism. The logical question is why? Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Norm MacDonald was brilliant!

In the latest episode, Nordic Frontier Norm analyzes MacDonald's humor. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #203: Back to NORMal iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnormmacdonaldwasbrilliantresizeIframe')

Multiracial societies will not survive

Tuukka Kuru from the new political party Sinimusta Liike joins the Norwegian podcast Hold Fanen Høyt! and explains why “diversity” is our biggest weakness. Excerpt...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

No sissy boys in China

Andreas and Alan talk about new policies in China. Is it based, or is it a trap? Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #203: Back to NORMal iFrameResize({...

Why Sinimusta Liike will not be liberalized

Tuukka Kuru from the new Finnish political party Sinimusta Liike recently appeared on the Norwegian podcast Hold Fanen Høyt!. Here he speaks about how...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Coach Finstock: “I had to do something”

Coach Finstock from the Full Haus podcast talks about his journey from "libtard" to white nationalist. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #202: Full Frontier with Coach...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Based Norm Macdonald

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #202: Full Frontier with Coach Finstock iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrbasednormmacdonaldresizeIframe')

About “Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives”

Traditionalist philosopher and author Askr Svarte about his new book "Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives". Excerpt from ARISTOGENESIS #10: Askr Svarte Interview 3 iFrameResize({ log: false },...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Jewish symbology

How the Jews operate regarding the "Holocaust". Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #201: Autumn postings iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjewishsymbologyresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Selection of the strongest

A selection of the strongest fighters and the most serious organizations and personalities. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #200: OMG 200!!! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrselectionofthestrongestresizeIframe')


Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration

Public interest in National Socialism is growing

STRUGGLE. A member of the Nordic Resistance Movement reflects on the way the struggle has changed in recent years and how bright the future...