Recent police harassments

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition A new episode of Leadership Perspective will arrive tonight at...
Landsmenn Nordic Resistance Movement podcast

Guðfinnur on why he joined the Nordic Resistance Movement

Guðfinnur, the new co-host on Landsmenn, on National Socialism and the Nordic Resistance Movement. Excerpt from Landsmenn #5-Interview with Guðfinnur from Iceland iFrameResize({ log: false },...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Game of Thrones kvetching

Andreas speaks about how people shouldn’t invest so much energy into fictional TV-series that are written by Jewish script writers. Full episode here: NORDIC FRONTIER...

Patriot Front marching in Washington: “Very well organized – it was perfect!”

"First time ever that I've been impressed by a nationalist organization in the US" iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrpatriotfrontmarchinginwashingtonverywellorganizeditwasperfectresizeIframe') Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #140.
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Striving to be a better person

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrstrivingtobeabetterpersonresizeIframe') Andreas on the challenge of being mentally stable in a sick society. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #156
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Johan is back to ensure quality!

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjohanisbacktoensurequalityresizeIframe') Nordic Frontier's going full decadent without Johan. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #172: The Return of the Boomer!

No proof for the Holocaust

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnoprooffortheholocaustresizeIframe') Teaser for tonight’s episode of Leadership Perspective which will be about: Why deny the holocaust? Adaptation and dangerousness. We start...

BLM in the US – race war between Blacks and Hispanics

In the second and final part of our interview with Martin Tudón of the band Maquahuitl we continue to discuss not only music but...

Dr Alexander Jacob: The Third Reich was a unique philosophical-political phenomenon

Dr Alexander Jacob – a political philosopher, scholar, musician and author – visited Aristogenesis to talk about the metaphysical and philosophical concepts of Indo-European...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Enormous Jewish wealth and why it’s not listed

Jan Lamprecht on why you should not believe in lists of the “richest people in the world”. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #224: Jan Lamprecht and...


“I welcome worse times so we can create better times together!”

OPINION. The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement shares his thoughts on some of the potentially far-reaching consequences of the coronavirus that could be...