Multiracial societies will not survive

Tuukka Kuru from the new political party Sinimusta Liike joins the Norwegian podcast Hold Fanen Høyt! and explains why “diversity” is our biggest weakness. Excerpt...

The danger of advocating conspiracy theories

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrdangerwithadvocatingconspiracytheoriesresizeIframe')
Landsmenn Nordic Resistance Movement podcast

No global warming in Iceland

Guðfinnur, the new co-host on Landsmenn, about global warming in Iceland. Excerpt from Landsmenn #5-Interview with Guðfinnur from Iceland iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnoglobalwarminginicelandresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Grandpa Lampshade gets visited by the FBI

Grandpa Lampshade tells us about how the FBI came to his house and told him to think about what he’s saying on the radio. Full...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“Minds” no longer free speech

The social networking service "Minds" - launched from the start as a freedom of speech alternative to Facebook - is no longer free speech....

“If the Holocaust did happen, I wouldn’t be here.”

Johan talks about how the truth about the holocaust woke him up. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nriftheholocausthappenediwouldntbehereresizeIframe') Full Episode: NORDIC FRONTIER #156: The Serbian Question
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The problem with quacks

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrtheproblemwithquacksresizeIframe') Alan’s view on Covid-19, serious people and quacks. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #171: Million Magapede Covid Shit


Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #12: The struggle of 2020, Covid-19, election frauds and BLM. The next episode, which will be about the Holocaust, will...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Bombing children… in a “complex conflict”

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrbombingchildreninacomplexconflictresizeIframe') Bombing children may be acceptable to some extent – when Israel does it. This is according to Human Rights Watch,...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Be careful with super-Aryans in Jewish movies

Warren “Ahab” Balogh joins Nordic Frontier to talk about the NJP documentary and his new show “Modern Politics”, among other things. On the show, the...


We are the future - Nordic Resistance Movement

How will we free the Nordic nations?

IDEOLOGY. Simon Holmqvist shares his view on how the liberation of the Nordic countries might take place. There is a lot of talk in our...
Stavanger sword monument

What do you live for?