Mike Peinovich Radio Nordfront

How the (((echo))) got famous

The triple parentheses, or the (((echo))), is labelled as a hate symbol by the ADL and has its own Wikipedia page. Here Mike Enoch...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Jews are never happy

Nordic Frontier discusses the yellow stickers and Jews reactions to it. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #131. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjewsareneverhappyresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Bright future for the Nordic Resistance Movement

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrbrightfutureforthenordicresistancemovementresizeIframe') Andreas and Alan discuss the attempt in Sweden to ban “racist organizations”. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #184: Grazing Trannies
Nordic Frontier excerpt

We can’t just hide and isolate

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwecantjusthideandisolateresizeIframe') …we need to stay in the battlefield! Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #178: Thomas Sewell and the land Down Under
Nordic Frontier excerpt

High prices – “Putin’s fault”

Everything is Putin's fault. But apart from the fact that the sanctions themselves create problems for the people of Europe and the USA as...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Globalism fails in these Corona times

Free market and global capitalism cannot help countries in crisis. Corona proves that globalism and the EU must be eliminated. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #144. iFrameResize({...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

JinjerZilla moves on to make children’s books

The memetic wizard JinjerZilla on why we must produce more positive material. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #209: JinjerZilla and the Memes iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjingerzillamovesontomakechildrensbooksresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The boomer problem and our responsibility

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrtheboomerproblemandourresponsibilityresizeIframe') The boomers and the people of today – both victims of Jewish subversion and brainwashing. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #182: A...

Everybody is National Socialist

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrallaarnationalsocialisterresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

A National Socialist revolution

A society that will get things done. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #233: A Glorious Retvrn iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nranationalsocialistrevolutionresizeIframe')


Team pulling together

There is no “right” time to join the struggle

IDEOLOGY. The Norwegian writer "Russleman" explains that the time to take your rightful place in the struggle is now, and not a moment later. It...

The N-Word