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Camping at Vaskijärvi


CAMPING. Last Saturday activists and members from the Finnish branch gathered at Vaskijärvi national park to start a tough camping trip.

When the six activists and members were walking through the snow, they soon realised that this trip will be much harder than expected, since the snow was knee-deep and it was warm under the sun.

After hours of walking, they paused for a meal, before continuing to their destination for the day. Once they arrived, some had soaking wet boots and some were a little bit exhausted, but they were in a good spirits, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful landscapes that the Vaskijärvi had to offer.

The next day, after a long good night’s sleep, they made breakfast before starting the hike back home. The road was a lot easier but still challenging. Hours later they arrived back at the parking slot, exhausted, but glad that everyone made it without any injuries and all had a great time in the Finnish forest.

Photos from the trip: