Nordic Frontier excerpt

Cuckservatives and Patriot Front

Patriot Front’s march in Washington looked fantastic, but cuckservatives couldn't understand how they did it. Therefore they must be Feds. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #212:...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

National Justice Party – The right combination

Alan Balogh on why he joined the National Justice Party and what was important in the formation of the new organization. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

JinjerZilla moves on to make children’s books

The memetic wizard JinjerZilla on why we must produce more positive material. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #209: JinjerZilla and the Memes iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjingerzillamovesontomakechildrensbooksresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Thomas Sewell on National Socialism and the higher meaning of life

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthomassewellonnationalsocialismandthehighermeaningofliferesizeIframe') Nordic Frontier invited Thomas Sewell from Australia to talk about the struggle in the land down under. Here’s Thomas’ view...

Initiation through struggle

Excerpt from ARISTOGENESIS #9: Askr Svarte Interview 2 iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrinitiationthroughstruggleresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The difference between Aryans and Jews

Whites really have to step up. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #219: Honk Honk Whoopi Whoopi! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthedifferencebetweenaryansandjewsresizeIframe')

We are not politicans, we are the people!

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #6. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwearenotpoliticanswearethepeopleresizeIframe')

Repression and role models

Simon Lindberg speaks about the repression activist Freddy Nerman recently endured from the establishment and the exemplary way he reacted. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #4. iFrameResize({...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“Ketchup on your pasta?” with Rob Rundo

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrketchuponyoupastawithrobrundoresizeIframe') Talking with Rob Rundo about food. What does an American with roots in Italy think about pouring ketchup on pasta? Excerpt...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Johan got famous – by representing everything they hate

Johan got doxxed by Antifags in Sweden. Why does he trigger them? Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #145. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjohangotfamousbyrepresentingeverythingtheyhateresizeIframe')


Has the Resistance Movement been bought by Russia? Memorandum from the...

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. In a memorandum recently published by the Swedish Center for Preventing Violent Extremism (Center mot våldsbejakande extremism), a series of lies were...

National Socialism in Our Time

What is National Socialism?