Nordic Frontier excerpt

The Resistance Movement “rules”

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Nordic Frontier excerpt

Mark Collett on the Nordic Resistance Movement

The political activist Mark Collett appeared on the most recent episode of Nordic Frontier to talk about his time in the BNP, demographic questions...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Andreas Johansson “shoad” from Youtube

Andreas talks about his Tiwaz Tunes channel being shoad from YouTube. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrandreasjohanssonshoadfranyoutuberesizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Game of Thrones kvetching

Andreas speaks about how people shouldn’t invest so much energy into fictional TV-series that are written by Jewish script writers. Full episode here: NORDIC FRONTIER...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Grandpa Lampshade gets visited by the FBI

Grandpa Lampshade tells us about how the FBI came to his house and told him to think about what he’s saying on the radio. Full...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The Sweden democratic party is simply a PRIDE train nowadays…

Andreas and Michael discuss how pathetic you must be when you’re dying to walk in a Pride parade but you don’t get invited. The full...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

American nationalists: “I’m jealous of you guys, you’re basically developing an entire radio station.”

In an interview with the guys behind, one of the hosts says he is impressed by the Nordic Resistance Movement’s radio endeavours and...


Jew demanding holocaust reparations from the world cartoon

UN document highlights the role of the “holocaust” as the moral...

GLOBALISM. Russleman writes about a newly discovered document from one of the United Nations’ educational programmes, which emphasises the role of the “holocaust” as...
National Socialist handshake

“My honour is loyalty”