Nordic Frontier excerpt

Will Smith and black privilege

The National Socialist view on the Oscars. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #225: Living in a tent with Marcus iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwillsmithandblackprivilegeresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“United North is a great vision”

Captain Ahab has read the Nordic Resistance Movement's political program "Our Path" and share some thoughts about it. From Nordic Frontier #129. iFrameResize({ log: false },...

Muslims are the problem – not Jews!?

Are Muslims the problem in our societies and not Jews? Simon Lindberg answers. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #5. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrmoslimsaretheproblemnotjewsresizeIframe')

Believe in our people

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrbelieveinourpeopleresizeIframe') Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #8: Do black or white lives matter? Rittenhouse and summer activism
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“To deny Holocaust is a religious offence”

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrtodenyholocaustisareligiousoffendresizeIframe') Defence lawyer Wolfram Nahrath talks about how the trial of Horst Mahler opened his mind to what Holocaust denial really...

The difference between Mycenaean and Minoan art

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthedifferencebetweenmycenaeanandminoanartresizeIframe') Nestor recounts the rise and fall of the mighty Mycenaeans of the Hellenic Bronze Age. Excerpts from ARISTOGENESIS #7: Origin Myths...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Selection of the strongest

A selection of the strongest fighters and the most serious organizations and personalities. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #200: OMG 200!!! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrselectionofthestrongestresizeIframe')

The climate change agenda

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrclimatechangeagendaresizeIframe')

Rob Rundo’s initiation rite to strengthen white youth

Rob Rundo on what the fighters of the future must sometimes start with when they are beginners and still a product of today’s sick...

Our methods of work

Simon Lindberg, leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement, talks about five methods used by the organization to achieve our one goal. From the premiere episode...


Resistance Movement 3.0

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Fredrik Vejdeland writes about the Nordic Resistance Movement’s evolution to Resistance Movement 3.0. On the most recent episode of Ledarperspektiv, I made some...
Nordic Resistance Movement marchers on May Day 2018 in Ludvika, Sweden

Fight and live forever!

Anti-EU – Pro-Europe