Landsmenn episode 4, Pär Öberg

When Pär Öberg was arrested twice in one day

Pär Öberg from the Nordic Resistance Movement visits Landsmenn and is asked about some fond memories from the struggle. Öberg tells of a demonstration...

The liberating feeling of being doxxed

Fredrik Vejdeland talks about the liberating feeling of being doxxed. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing iFrameResize({ log: false },...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The Jew Shell in Mario Kart

Mark Collett from Patriotic Alternative joins Nordic Frontier and gets tricky questions over controversial matters. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #237: Mark Collett and PA activism...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Neo-Mike rants about white men killing themselves

Neo-Mike rants about "Project 84" and the fact that 84 men are killing themselves every week in England. Listen to the whole show here: NORDIC...

Repression and role models

Simon Lindberg speaks about the repression activist Freddy Nerman recently endured from the establishment and the exemplary way he reacted. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #4. iFrameResize({...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Nordic Days 2020

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnordicdays2020resizeIframe') Andreas talks about some of the new activities at this year's Nordic Days (Nordendagarna). Further reading: Nordic Days 2020

Winter Solstice and the mead of immortality

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwintersolsticeandthemeadofimmortalityresizeIframe') Freya talks about the deeper meaning of the Winter Solstice and Yule. Excerpt from ARISTOGENESIS: Winter Solstice Yule Special 2020

How Ríkharður Leó Magnússon got red pilled

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhowrikhardurleomagnussongotredpilledresizeIframe') The Nordic Resistance Movement’s Norwegian podcast Hold Fanen Høyt! (Hold the Flag High!) recently interviewed the Icelandic Chief Ríkharður Leó...

“If we show resistance in South Africa…”

“Boer Jack” appeared on Radio Nordfront on Sunday to discuss the ongoing situation in South Africa. Here he issues a call to resistance to the...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Charles XII – The ideal man

Andreas and Alan pay tribute to Charles XII of Sweden. “I have resolved never to start an unjust war but never to end a...


Tyr rune statue

The revolutionary struggle must remain radical!

IDEOLOGY. Samuel Almroth writes about the importance of radical and revolutionary struggle. When talking about radicalism (our radicalism), one should also note how our principle...

Dropouts and traitors