NORDIC FRONTIER #270: Document from Germany

NORDIC FRONTIER. We have invited long-time member of the organization Henrik Pihlström to talk about his recent trip to Germany, where he brought together...

NORDIC FRONTIER #104: Secret police and NATO

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we get the fresh scoop straight from the source, secret Nazi agent Simon Holmqvist has been tracking down NATO troops deep...

NORDIC FRONTIER cancelled this week

NORDIC FRONTIER. Due to a severe man-cold, this week's episode will be cancelled. We'll be back next week, but in the meantime enjoy some Nordic...

NORDIC FRONTIER #160: Thomas Rousseau and #StickerGate

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight Andreas and Mike answer some questions, ask some questions and invite Thomas Rousseau to give some answers. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrlive2000nordicfrontier160thomasrousseauandstickergateresizeIframe') WEEKLY...

NORDIC FRONTIER #190: Justice for the Nords

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we celebrate our victory in court against the anti-white system, we discuss Swedish sexual degeneracy and is America reaching South African...

NORDIC FRONTIER #221: No More Brother Wars

NORDIC FRONTIER. In the first portion of the show we talk with Jacob Vullum, newly appointed chief of the Danish branch of the NRM,...


NORDIC FRONTIER. This Yuletide we're bringing you something extra from the mixed Christmas bag: nothing less than Andreas Johansson's speech from Patriotic Alternative's autumn...

NORDIC FRONTIER #281: Raging Dissident

NORDIC FRONTIER. We'll sit down with fellow snow bro Jeremy MacKenzie aka Raging Dissident to talk about his wild adventures in Canada, the rise...

Nordic Frontier #86: Savage Finns, Old saggy survivors and the Death of a Hero

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we explore Finnish alternative media, gasp at the beauty of old saggy survivors and remember a Hero that passed on...

Telegram group created for NRM supporters

NORDIC FRONTIER. It has come to our attention that the encrypted chatting app Telegram might be the place to be. So we've created a Nordic...


Team pulling together

There is no “right” time to join the struggle

IDEOLOGY. The Norwegian writer "Russleman" explains that the time to take your rightful place in the struggle is now, and not a moment later. It...