“If the Holocaust did happen, I wouldn’t be here.”

Johan talks about how the truth about the holocaust woke him up. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nriftheholocausthappenediwouldntbehereresizeIframe') Full Episode: NORDIC FRONTIER #156: The Serbian Question

Living embodiments of forces of history

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrlivingembodimentsofforcesofhistoryresizeIframe') Nestor talks about the hero in the latest episode of Aristogenesis.

Interview with Shandon Simpson

Nordic Frontier invited American National Guardsman Shandon Simpson who was recently fired from his job, kidnapped and tortured by the FBI for his political...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

National Guardsman Shandon Simpson on system harassment

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrnationalguardsmanshandonsimpsononsystemharassmentresizeIframe') Nordic Frontier invited American National Guardsman Shandon Simpson who was recently fired from his job, kidnapped and tortured by the...

When Apollo appeared before the Babylonians

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwhenapolloappearedbeforethebabyloniansresizeIframe') Indo-European traditions for Indo-Europeans. Excerpt from Aristogenesis #2 P2.
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Trump’s anti-censorship law: Good chance that something will change

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrtrumpsanticensorshiplawgoodchancethatsomethingwillchangeresizeIframe') Will Trump succeed against Twitter censorship? Mike believes there’s a good chance that something will change and has some good...

TEASER: Immigration – the most important issue

Teaser for tonight’s episode of Leadership Perspective, which will be about immigration and repatriation. We’ll also talk about how to keep the struggle going...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Laura Towler on the Mind Virus

Nordic Frontier recently invited Laura Towler to talk about the new Patriotic Alternative, amongst other subjects. Here Laura speaks about different stages of liberal...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Johan on how we become National Socialists

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjohanonhowwebecomenationalsocialistsresizeIframe') Listen to the full episode here: NORDIC FRONTIER #151: Super show + Anti-Semitism

A strong force

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrastrongforceresizeIframe') Why the Nordic Resistance Movement is a revolutionary organization. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #6.


Man standing before a mountain

Why make the perfect the enemy of the good?

OPINION. In this article, Martin Saxlind argues that we should not let the perfect stand in the way of the good. Several times over the...

National Socialism in Our Time