Nordic Frontier excerpt

Cuckservatives and Patriot Front

Patriot Front’s march in Washington looked fantastic, but cuckservatives couldn't understand how they did it. Therefore they must be Feds. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #212:...

TEASER: Do all jews know about the evil conspiracy?

Teaser for tonight’s episode of Leadership Perspective, which will be about: Real conspiracies and false theories, Covid-19 and controlled opposition. We start at 22:00...
Mike Peinovich Radio Nordfront

Lesson after Charlottesville: Don’t be a coward, get better organized!

Mike Peinovich talks about the aftermath of Charlottesville and how both the National Justice Party and Patriot Front can demonstrate, but in a better...
Mike Peinovich Radio Nordfront

How the (((echo))) got famous

The triple parentheses, or the (((echo))), is labelled as a hate symbol by the ADL and has its own Wikipedia page. Here Mike Enoch...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Charles XII – The ideal man

Andreas and Alan pay tribute to Charles XII of Sweden. “I have resolved never to start an unjust war but never to end a...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

American Krogan – How it all began

American Krogan uses video game analysis to communicate important messages. Here he explains how it all started. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #210: American Krogan and...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

JinjerZilla moves on to make children’s books

The memetic wizard JinjerZilla on why we must produce more positive material. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #209: JinjerZilla and the Memes iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrjingerzillamovesontomakechildrensbooksresizeIframe')

You do not recruit heroes with economical stats

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #17: The kind of activism that will save our race! iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nryoudonotrecruitheroreswitheconomicalstatsresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Cowards with the best strategies

It’s just cowardice. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #208: Tony Hovater and the Charlottesville Duginists iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrcowardswiththebeststrategiesresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Jewish supremacists behind the Charlottesville civil trial

Tony Hovater from the National Justice Party explains the Charlottesville trial, where Jews openly say they want to punish Whites. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #208:...


Soldiers in rows

Military discipline

IDEOLOGY. Jacob Vullum outlines an important tool for self-improvement to help grow as a person and as an activist: military discipline. Discipline is the practice...

A New Mentality