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All attempts to stop us will fail


RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement comments on the US State Department’s decision to classify the organization as a terrorist organization.

Yesterday, the US State Department issued a decision that the Nordic Resistance Movement and three people belonging to the organization, including myself, have been classified as terrorists. These are absurd accusations, without any basis in reality, made by the Jewish activist and Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken. These false statements will be addressed individually at a later stage.

At this point, neither the EU nor Sweden has gone the same way as the US. Rather, it seems that the Swedish government and the Swedish Security Service will not change their approach to the Nordic Resistance Movement. Everyone, including those who made the decision, knows that the Nordic Resistance Movement is not a terrorist organization but a fully legal organization engaged in opinion-forming activities. The American Empire’s terrorizing of people here and there has been their modus operandi for as long as they have been terror bombing civilians around the world. But it may be more difficult to apply such a decision at home in Sweden. The consequences of such a decision can be unexpected and not always in favor of those in power.

In this case, ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’ is more true than ever. The Nordic Resistance Movement has not even had to take up arms to be classified as terrorists. The decision is about opinions and that the Nordic Resistance Movement is opposed to the globalist power order. The message they want to convey is: Either you are with us or we will label you a terrorist.

The liberal hegemony of the West is today on the ropes as it is challenged both by external forces and by its own peoples who have lost confidence in the governments run in the background by hidden powers. In recent years, in response to this gradual awakening, the plutocracies of liberal democracy have shown strong totalitarian tendencies, shutting down entire societies, banning opposition and waging both psychological and economic warfare against anyone who opposes the cynical power play of this hidden elite. The number of people who no longer trust the globalist powers or a crumbling American empire is growing steadily. In all the chaos that many see coming, a group like the Nordic Resistance is a candidate for real influence and a force they know they will not be able to control. So the recurring repressive measures against us and others are not a sign of strength but a show of weakness. For us, however, it is a confirmation that we are doing the right thing.

In recent years, the Nordic Resistance Movement has been subjected to several attempts to ban it. These have concerned the organization’s alleged links to the Third Reich, that racist organizations must be banned, and that it should be illegal to belong to a so-called violent extremist organization. The attempts at banning have ranged from banning the organization itself, to making it a crime to be a member of the organization or illegal to engage in any kind of public activism for it. All attempts to ban us and our activities have failed.

The fact that we have managed to survive all these attempts to ban us is a combination of the fact that, after all, it is not so easy to enforce a ban on an organization that conducts legal activities and at the same time ensure that the credibility and trust of the prevailing system is maintained, and because the Nordic Resistance Movement has built up a good ability to defend ourselves from these attacks and won several legal processes that were intended to bring us down. While this has been going on, we have adapted our strategy to the prevailing conditions and both built and planned for alternative structures in the unlikely event that these attempts succeed. Today, we are on a more secure footing and are stronger and more robust than before.

Outside observers, depending on their view of us, may either hope or be horrified that the US terror classification will bring down the Nordic Resistance. As far as our enemies are concerned, this is a natural approach because they are in power, they have never experienced repression, and they are opportunists who lack principles for which they are prepared to sacrifice themselves. They simply assume what they would do and hope that we are equally weak and that we too lack ideals and real conviction. Our friends and comrades, however, need not worry. You know what we stand for and that our struggle is eternal.

The fight goes on!