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Great response from the people of Uppsala

ACTIVISM. At 10.30 on 23 February, members of Nest 1’s activist division visited Uppsala, Sweden, to spread the message of the Resistance Movement.

Nordic Resistance Movement activists in Uppsala, Sweden

The activists were in good spirits as they set up at the town square with their flags. As it was still a little early in the day, there weren’t many people around and everything went calmly. The police arrived after about an hour but kept themselves at a distance. They asked a few questions here and there but soon tired of doing so when they didn’t get any answers.

A minor incident occurred when a racial stranger with a dim view of those not sharing her opinions got off the bus near the activity. The situation was diffused relatively quickly, however, thanks to the respectful behaviour of the Resistance Men she was shouting at.

Nordic Resistance Movement activists in Uppsala, Sweden

One man came over to one of the activists and asked who they were and why they were there. After the activist told him about his and his comrades’ struggle, the man became teary-eyed with joy and wished them all well, parting with the promise of future support.

After around four hours’ of good responses from the people of Uppsala, the activists ended the activity. The police harassment wasn’t at an end, however, as the officers decided to conduct a “routine vehicle check” that only involved searching cars belonging to the activists.

Do you want to stand up for your race and nation? Join the fight against the rotten system today!

To Live as a National Socialist


IDEOLOGY. National Socialism is the original, natural, organic and scientific way of thinking and looking at the world. It is both a return to our pre-Christian forefathers’ mindset as well as a higher insight into our place in the cosmos, a higher consciousness we have reached through our race’s accumulated historical experiences and scientific discoveries.

Nordic Resistance Movement flag outdoors

National Socialism is a total worldview and as such demands that we embrace it totally. If we cannot embrace it fully, and can only “think National Socialism” without “living National Socialism”, we will remain divided “democratic” individuals. One could say that a true National Socialist is not just a person with a strong set of views; a true National Socialist lives National Socialism.

This is not a question of who is “properly educated” or not, but a question of great practical importance: We cannot hope to defeat Zion if we do not first rise above the present system. This means that we must practise what we preach. National Socialism must rule within us before we can hope that it will prevail around us! A weak people cannot free themselves from their tyrants, no matter how many of them may hold opposing views. Only through living National Socialism can we reclaim our race’s former strength and overcome the enemy.

Culture and anti-culture

Child at pride parade

“Modern culture” is in reality not a culture but an anti-culture. It is the opposite of a people’s true culture and their naturally developed way of living. The anti-culture is the foreign implantation of unnatural customs and traditions that destroy the original culture and ultimately destroy the people, who are dependent on their own culture for their long-term survival.

It is not enough just to understand that modern anti-culture is destructive, because by living within it we willingly or unwillingly constitute a part of it. As a National Socialist, one must therefore actively distance himself from modern anti-culture and everything it represents. Practically speaking, this can be difficult, especially with regard to our mindset, habits and more subliminal cultural influences that we “breathe in and out” without realizing it. Our behaviour and mentality are deeply influenced by anti-culture. We are “children of our time”.

One should at least have a highly critical attitude towards television, Hollywood movies and to some degree modern pop music. Watching TV, being entertained by Hollywood and listening to popular music are just habitual behaviours (and for many people a form of addiction). Remember that National Socialism is harmony, harmony in man and nature but also in matters like art and music. Disharmony and perversion are spread by Zion within cultural life (behaviour, trends, art, film, music etc.) with the aim of subverting the life force of our race.

A simpler and more natural life

Man breaking his chains

In the same manner as one should avoid so-called modern cultural expressions, one should also reject products of the Judeo-capitalist system and attempt to live a simpler, more natural life in harmony with nature. This entails boycotting products and trademarks from Jewish and large capitalist businesses. One should not support the Jewish-capitalist system via unnecessary consumption of luxury items.

Consider the fact that when you buy such wares you enrich and increase the power of those who work for our race’s destruction – and every time you buy an expensive product, you also pay tax to a state machinery that uses the proceeds to brainwash children at nursery and school and forces mass immigration and anti-culture upon our people.

Today people even pay to wear capitalist companies’ logos, when in reality it should be the companies paying people to display their advertisements. This phenomenon is a direct result of Judeo-capitalism’s victory in 1945. Do not accept it – you are a National Socialist, not a willing slave under a Jewish-capitalist system. Avoid wearing so-called designer clothes and priding yourself in their logos. This does not befit a champion of National Socialism.

Likewise a National Socialist should also boycott foods and drinks from companies that support multiculturalism, as well as multinationals that profit from producing food that is manufactured with the aid of harmful pesticides and which contains poisonous substances. One should aim to eat naturally. It should go without saying that a National Socialist should not help Judeo-capitalism poison him! There is also no valid excuse to eat at foreign-owned pizzerias or American hamburger chains or drink beverages like Coca Cola.

Complete abstinence from drugs

A man abusing illegal drugs

Some nationalists defend alcohol abuse by claiming that it’s a “part of our culture”. But not every aspect of Nordic culture is holy. High alcohol consumption is such an example. Alcohol is a poison, and its widespread abuse by our youth is catastrophic. Alcohol gradually destroys the brain and weakens the individual and the intellect. For young people, whose brains and personalities are still developing, abusing alcohol is very serious. Drinking oneself into intoxication every weekend is quite simply not acceptable for a National Socialist. There are of course occasions when it’s acceptable to consume alcohol, but moderation must be the principle for a National Socialist, or, even better, strict abstinence.

Alcohol is not the only drug weakening our race. Narcotic substances, which are so dangerous they are even forbidden by this decadent system (or require a prescription), are also a problem. Some have been used previously, or are still being used, as medicines. Others lack any medicinal use and are extremely destructive; e.g., ecstasy. Israel controls the distribution of ecstasy into Europe and makes large profits by destroying the Aryan youth in the process. All drug abuse is harmful. A National Socialist has zero tolerance of illegal drugs and views many of the legal narcotics which are also used medicinally with great skepticism.

In our modern Jewish system, a serious new threat has also appeared: the lawful drugging of already vulnerable sections of our population via so-called anti-depressants. Anti-depressants don’t just produce passive and more tolerant people, but also violent psychopaths. These so-called medicines are even given to children and make enormous sums of money for pharmaceutical companies. The system creates doped-up and compliant individuals who are kept content and satisfied via chemical means. Naturally the Resistance Movement does not allow such drugs to be used by its activists.

A healthy soul in a healthy body

Silhouette of man and Nordic Resistance Movement flag

An unnatural life leads to sickness, both physical and psychological. Sadly, it can be said that the whole system we live in is sick and that all people in it are sick physically or mentally to some degree. The young generations, our recruits, are poisoned, both in body and mind. As a part of our worldview, we regard spiritual and bodily regeneration to be dependent on each other. Being a National Socialist in thought alone is not enough; it must also be physical – National Socialism must be lived. Is revolution even possible without a spiritual or bodily regeneration? Hardly, for a physically and spiritually weak people cannot free themselves, no matter how “right” they are.

Today many young men attempt to “cure” their bodily weakness via the methods offered by the Jewish system. One such method is so-called bodybuilding, with its accompanying sub-culture, unnatural dietary supplements and other “wonder drugs”. This lifestyle stills results in an unhealthy person. The reasoning behind it is sick and so is the result.

There are no shortcuts in nature. Everything has a price. You can get bigger muscles and achieve “better” results via the use of anabolic steroids in the short term, but the price for this is high. Nature has shaped man throughout millions of years of evolutionary development. A healthy man, of good racial stock, is perfectly adapted to handle all types of situations and has a well-adapted physique and a stable mind for this goal. There are no wonder drugs that can do anything other than destroy the natural balance in the human body.

For example, we have no drugs that can prevent us from sleeping, only drugs that keep us awake longer, and always at a price. Neither are there any miracle drugs that can make us live any longer than we would do by pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Using steroids to build bigger muscles follows the same principle as a farmer using poisonous fertilizer and pesticides in order to “improve” his harvest.

This practice is based on the Judeo-Christian capitalist delusion that we humans are in some way not a part of nature (or that nature is magical), that there is no natural balance and that we can break nature’s laws as and when it suits us. This is a parasitic mindset, and one day we will pay a high price for this violation of the natural order.

Anabolic steroids have direct repercussions on the human body. The body doesn’t just suffer physical damage but psychological damage; for example, in the form of personality changes. These changes in personality and psyche are often permanent, and are of such a kind that we absolutely do not want them affecting our activists. As such we do not encourage activists to practise such an extremely materialistic and self-centred “sport” as bodybuilding.

So what kind of training is appropriate? A person doesn’t just need to have endurance, strength, flexibility and speed – he must also be able to physically defend himself and his family. Only a balance between all these characteristics is healthy. Training should be a matter of creating this balance. The sports one plays should also have a practical use in life. Soccer, tennis and similar sports/games are not especially suitable (with the exception of some, such as rugby).

Certain martial arts are suitable, as are jogging, swimming, orienteering and cross-country skiing. Strength training (as opposed to bodybuilding) is recommended, as is hiking in the forest and mountains. Activities like parkour (but without the sub-culture) are also recommended. Naturally there are other appropriate sports besides those mentioned here, but this is just a guideline. Lastly it should be added that it is of course better to play sports like soccer or tennis than not to exercise at all!

Mental attitude

Nordic Resistance Movement march

The National Socialist activist in the Resistance Movement has an obligation to pursue a good physique, but it is one’s mental state that is the most decisive factor in determining whether he or she can handle the struggle.

Big, strong men without the right mentality can collapse under the stress and adversity that physically weaker individuals with the right attitude can handle well. We want activists who are unaffected when the enemy threatens us with long prison sentences, throws us out of the workplace or attempts to sever our family ties. We want activists who won’t crack when the enemy media demonises us in their attempts to destroy our lives.

Activists are often born tough, but with the right attitude and training even a “soft” person can cultivate this strength. The activist must acquire courage, if he or she lacks it – as without it, he or she will eventually break. And because courage, or what is regarded as such, is often just experience and habit, the activist must develop in these fields as well.

“That wasn’t so bad,” is something you have likely said to yourself after doing something you were initially doubtful about. If you slay dragons every day, you eventually stop realising you’re doing something brave, even if everyone else considers it as such. The task that at first glance seemed so difficult soon becomes habit and routine.

Our struggle is no different. When you have joined the fight for our survival and been there a while, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. You will realise that your apprehension was largely unfounded, and that you are pursuing a goal that others regard as requiring great courage.

Mental health

Frieze of man slaying a serpent

Although activists are strong of character, life as a Resistance Man or Woman can entail great adversities, even for brave National Socialists. The Resistance Movement is aware of this. You must be conscious of this too, and realise that your comrades can sometimes go through difficult periods in their lives; for example, when they have family problems or are due to begin a lengthy prison sentence. Nest chiefs, as well as very active activists, can also burn out. An almost apathetic state can occur when someone has hit a wall or fallen into depression.

Such issues may cause an activist to regard their Movement work as the source of their problems and lead them to give up. Perceptive individuals see these signs early, in themselves or their comrades, and take appropriate measures. It is extremely important that you do not use this as an excuse if there are other reasons why you may wish to scale back your own level of engagement.

At this point in time the Resistance Movement cannot offer psychological support on a professional level, although the organization has little to no faith in “Freudian shrinks” anyway… The best support is found among your comrades and your Nest chiefs. Do not hesitate to bring up any issues, even if they are of a private nature. The reality is that a person who is suffering from mental issues – even temporary ones – can be a risk to the organization if he keeps them to himself. To fight against hopelessness and dejection is a necessary condition for being effective. Stand together, just like on the streets!

Life as an activist

Statue of a warrior against a cloudy sky

As an activist one must understand that it can be difficult to combine a regular life with the struggle. One effectively excludes the other. One can quite simply not expect to prosper in a system one is fighting against, and vice versa. This needs to be emphasized: You cannot live a life as an integrated part of this society and simultaneously work effectively as a National Socialist activist.

A career outside of the struggle is therefore unthinkable, and, if an individual clings to the delusion that it is still possible, it is proof of a split personality that cannot decide which side they want to take. Sooner or later a decisive moment will come, usually with the result that the weaker side of one’s personality – i.e., the compliant side – wins, and the person in question becomes a defector.

Activists should therefore attempt to adjust to this reality from the outset, and not pretend or hope that it’s still possible to live a double life. Unfortunately, the vast majority of activists must still provide for themselves in some way, and many must also provide for a family. The enemy knows this is a weak point for activists and will not hesitate to attack them accordingly.

The Resistance Movement does not want divided individuals as activists. It goes without saying that any ambitions of growth and advancement should primarily concern the struggle and the Movement. This means that an activist will be forced to accept a lower standard of living than many of those who obediently serve the system. But as this is in accordance with one’s new life as a healthy and Spartan National Socialist, this shouldn’t be a problem…

Public leafleting in Gothenburg


ACTIVISM. On Saturday 16 February comrades from Nest 2 were once again out on the streets of Gothenburg.

A Nordic Resistance Movement activist leaflets in Gothenburg

At around noon the activists met on Avenyn, the city’s main boulevard, to hand out the “Duty Calls!” leaflet. The activity passed very calmly. Some passers-by were uninterested, while others were unpleasant, due possibly to their irritable nose rings, ill-fitting crop tops or unsatisfying lives. Everyone else was much more willing to talk, mostly about mass immigration and its many negative consequences.

One man admitted the current inflamed state of public discourse in Sweden created by the media is guaranteed to work in the Nordic Resistance Movement’s favour. He said that constantly attacking everyone who does not agree with the approved media narrative will cause free thinkers to search out alternative ideas – and that after a while they will discover a strong and determined organisation… He congratulated us in advance and walked on.

In contrast to many previous public activities in the city, the activists were spared a visit from the strange and disagreeable types who usually oppose National Socialism, a healthy lifestyle and open discussion with the people. Gothenburg’s “trans-proletariat” were presumably too drunk – or worse – to get dressed up and make a show of themselves this time.

The only disruptive visitors were a group of sportsball fans who appeared to have begun the day with stronger drinks than tea or coffee. Fortunately, only one of them had trouble behaving himself, which his companions ascribed to him not having had any friends when he was a child and consequently growing up to be a socialist. The rest said they were unpolitical, but didn’t like “camel therapists” and “jungle noise”.

The next person to come along was a racial stranger who was curious about what the activists were giving out. After being offered a leaflet he began to shout and shake his head, calling the activist who had given him it a “Nazi” and telling him he should go home. The Resistance Man replied that it would be more appropriate if the racial stranger went home to his own country instead, after which the man tried to snatch the activist’s body camera. This poor act of judgement was answered by a powerful right hook.

The racial stranger was overpowered and fell backwards. People continued to walk past, assuming the man was yet another kind of strange counter-demonstrator who had suddenly thrown himself to the ground in protest.

Prior to this incident, the activity had involved the ideal amount of police interaction – i.e., none at all – so rather than spoil things, it was decided to end the leafleting 15 minutes early so as to avoid any difficulties that might delay the upcoming Nest meeting.

All in all it was a very good day in Sweden’s second biggest city. The Nest is growing and becoming stronger, and regular public activities will continue apace in western Sweden.

NORDIC FRONTIER #100: Black Pills


NORDIC FRONTIER. We celebrate 100 episodes by feeding you a fist-full of Black Pills.

Mixed race black pill bag:

Jews respond to the mention of the Holodomor

What the fuck do I get? A welfare system under strain

Making milk chocolate in Iceland

Over 800 000 neo-Swedes created in five years

School chaos in the land of the Nords

Swede took the law into his own hands

Fluff Piece:

Resistance News:

Mike writes about getting off your fat arse and fight for your race

Simon Lindberg speaks in Budapest

Pär Sjögren’s speech from Mynttorget

Horst Wessel anniversary article

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Support the Nordic Resistance Movement!

Live at:

7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond


The Nordic Frontier is an English speaking podcast and a sister broadcast to the glorious Radio Nordfront. Our aim is to spread our political message of the Nordic Resistance Movement to a wider audience. Through theme- and discussion-based episodes we will dive deep into what National Socialism has to offer in the 21st century.

The format is not set in stone and everything is subject to change, the overall message is based on the political direction of the Nordic Resistance Movement but the individual opinions expressed by the hosts and guests are their own.

Permanent hosts: Andreas Johansson, Johan Svensson and Michael Hovila.

Dresden memorial activism in Helsinki


ACTIVISM. Finnish activists commemorate the victims of the Dresden bombings.

On week 7, a group of activists and members from the Finnish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement in the Helsinki region gathered for remembrance of the bombing of Dresden.

First the group headed to the embassy of Germany in Helsinki, with a banner to declare their message – “We will never forget the Dresden firestorm! 13th-15th of February, 1945”. The activists also left candles by the embassy to commemorate the anniversary.

After this they visited the German soldiers’ cemetery (Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof) in Vantaa to light some candles and held a moment of silence.

Public activity in Norrköping

PUBLIC ACTIVITY. On Saturday, the 16th of February, it was time for Nest 8’s first major public leafleting session, which took place in Norrköping.

Equipped with two banners, the comrades spread out, positioning themselves around the town center. Radiant sunshine and the springtime weather drew people into town, so the town was bustling. The Resistance Movement’s new flyers were distributed in large quantities and, as usual, the response was mostly positive.

A lot of good discussions were conducted and the few provocative hostiles who tried to offend the activists were told off. One person was physically reprimanded after having attacked an activist and said that “fucking Nazis should not exist”. After being struck back, he was frightened and pulled on his headphones before leaving.

After a surprisingly long wait, just over an hour, the police arrived. The first policeman to arrive on site raved and acted like a fool, insisting he didn’t want to be filmed. More police officers, as well as security guards, quickly arrived on the scene and acted with the expected level of hostility. They tried to block in and provoke the members, which they obviously did not succeed in doing.

Many passers-by thought it was outrageous that the police would act in such a politicized fashion. A lone girl, however, thought that the police should have attempted to drive away the Resistance members and asked the paradoxically comical question “Why do you have to exist here, in a democratic society?”

After just over two hours, the activity was concluded and was considered very successful.

Video from the Day of Honour in Budapest

EVENT. Here is a video from the Day of Honour held in Budapest, in remembrance of the brave soldiers who battled their way through the communist hordes, trying to escape the city in 1945.

Read more: The Nordic Resistance Movement honours fallen heroes in Budapest

Horst Wessel – The Martyr


HISTORY. On February 23, 1930, the National Socialist martyr Horst Wessel died after being attacked and seriously injured by members of the Red Front in his home in Berlin.

On October 9, 1907, the National Socialist martyr Horst Wessel was born. Wessel joined the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) early on and became active in the Sturmabteilung (SA), where he fought on the streets of Berlin under the leadership of Joseph Goebbels. On account of his bravery and heroism, he quickly assumed a leading position within the SA.

Wessel was both beloved and hated among the communists in Berlin. Alongside his other activities, he would try to infiltrate their meetings and propagate for National Socialism and win their members over. Wessel manifested a warrior spirit and eventually became the foremost martyr of the German National Socialist struggle in the Kampfzeit. One of Wessel’s poems, “Die Fahne Hoch”, was set to music and became the NSDAP’s official anthem and a “second national anthem” next to the “Deutschlandlied”.

Wessel passed away on February 23 after being attacked and seriously wounded by a large group of members of the Roter Frontkämpferbund (Red Front) in his Berlin residence on January 14. At the hospital, Wessel was visited by Joseph Goebbels. Wessel was lying in bed with an elegiacal expression on his face, in anticipation of death, yet whispered to Goebbels: “We must continue the fight.” Goebbels later wrote in his memoirs: “You will live on with us and participate in our victory.”

Public leafleting in Staffanstorp


ACTIVISM. Members of Activist Group 301 recently went to the town of Staffanstorp in Skåne County to distribute leaflets outside a supermarket after finishing work.

It was a good time to go leafleting, as a lot of people were going shopping after the work day. Some stopped to talk, including some pro-multiculturalists who didn’t like the fact that the local council currently houses asylum seekers in trailers. They were even more upset when the activists explained that the Resistance Movement would take things even further and send them all home.

Many regular people stopped to speak with the activists and thanked them for the leaflets. Some of them also came back later to ask for more copies to give to their friends. After more than an hour of successful leafleting, the activists made their way home.

Pär Sjögren speaks against censorship and government persecution

FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Nest 5 Chief Pär Sjögren was invited to speak at a public event in Stockholm about the dangers of censorship and “incitement to racial hatred” laws on Sunday, 3 February.

Pär Sjögren speaks against censorship and government persecution at public rally in Stockholm, Feb 2019

The event was organised by Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden, an independent free speech movement in part inspired by France’s Yellow Vests.

The group has been holding speaking events since the beginning of December 2018, many of them at Stockholm’s Mynttorget Square, which was also the venue for Pär Sjögren’s speech.

Previous demonstrations have featured notable nationalist speakers and focussed on subjects such as the UN migration pact.

Pär was invited due to his own extensive experiences and persecution at the hands of Sweden’s “incitement to racial hatred” laws, in particular the charges he faces as a result of the Movement’s 2017 demonstration in Gothenburg. Following the demonstration, Pär and several other members were charged with a long list of supposed “hate crimes”, including such ridiculous charges as attending a legally permitted demonstration and wearing a jacket bearing the Movement’s Tyr Rune symbol (a legal symbol in Sweden).

Despite Pär being a very fitting speaker for the subject of the demonstration, the decision to invite him caused a great deal of consternation among the so-called “Sweden Friends”, or Swedish nationalists. After Pär’s participation was made public, four of the other six scheduled speakers cancelled their appearances, including Patrik Forsén from Nordic Youth, and the immigration critic and Zionist Stefan Torssell. Sjögren’s presence was also denounced by the Jewish “sex advisor” Katerina Janouch, a leading figure among the Sweden Friends, who said she “would never demonstrate” with the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Luckily more speakers who were not afraid to share a stage with a Nordic Resistance Movement member subsequently came forward to fill the vacant places. The result was a very powerful event with excellent speeches from a number of notable figures.

Pär’s speech (with English subtitles) can be seen below.

Photos from the event:

Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, 3 February 2019Pär Sjögren speaks at the Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, 3 February 2019Pär Sjögren speaks at the Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, 3 February 2019Pär Sjögren speaks at the Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, 3 February 2019Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, Stockholm, 3 February 2019

“Clowns Against Racism” activist Sara Leifsdotter photographs the participants
Sara Leifsdotter is taken away by police at Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, 3 February 2019
Sara Leifsdotter is taken away by police
Dan Park speaks at Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, 3 February 2019
The artist Dan Park speaks
Dan Park speaks at Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, 3 February 2019
Dan Park reveals his new T-shirt. “HMF” stands for “Hets mot folkgrupp” (incitement to racial hatred)
Undercover police arrest a young man for thought crime at a freedom of speech demonstration in Stockholm
Undercover police arrest a young man for thought crime at a freedom of speech demonstration. He was wearing a jacket with a Wolfsangel symbol

Undercover police arrest a young man for thought crime at a freedom of speech demonstration in StockholmUndercover police arrest a young man for thought crime at a freedom of speech demonstration in StockholmStockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, Stockholm, 3 February 2019Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, Stockholm, 3 February 2019Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, Stockholm, 3 February 2019Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, Stockholm, 3 February 2019

Dr Thomas Jackson speaks at Mynttorget demonstration in Stockholm
Dr Thomas Jackson speaks

Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden rally, Stockholm, 3 February 2019


A United North

NORDIC UNION. Here you can read about the Resistance Movement's vision of a united Nordic nation and what it stands for, as opposed to...

What is National Socialism?