Fredrik Vejdeland

National Socialism – “The optimal defiance”

INTERVIEW. “For as long as we can, we should call ourselves National Socialists,” explains Fredrik Vejdeland. Around the country, members of the Nordic Resistance Movement...

Nest 8 reporting for Duty!

THE NORDIC RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. After hard and successful work performed by Nest 1, the nest has grown to the extent that it was necessary...

Interview with Nordic Frontier host Andreas Johansson

INTERVIEW. Read Nordic Frontier host Andreas Johansson’s recent interview with the Spanish National Socialist website Herrenblut. Topics discussed include how Andreas came to be...


Nordic Resistance Movement marchers on May Day 2018 in Ludvika, Sweden

Fight and live forever!

STRUGGLE. Fight today and you can live forever through your race – if too many of us choose not to fight, we will soon...

For Our Race

Political Soldiers

The NRM’s Tyr Rune symbol and a man’s silhouette

Why do we fight?