Support Freddy Nerman

On 18th February the house of Nest 3 chief Freddy Nerman burned to the ground in a suspected arson attack. We are asking all...

Patriot Front marching in Washington: “Very well organized – it was perfect!”

"First time ever that I've been impressed by a nationalist organization in the US" iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrpatriotfrontmarchinginwashingtonverywellorganizeditwasperfectresizeIframe') Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #140.
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“Minds” no longer free speech

The social networking service "Minds" - launched from the start as a freedom of speech alternative to Facebook - is no longer free speech....
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Today’s parents: Just be a tool

Don't work out, don't think. Just be pointless and you'll be all fine. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #137. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrtodaysparentsjustbeatoolresizeIframe')

TEASER: National Socialism protects us from liberalization

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrteasernationalsocialismprotectsusfromliberalizationresizeIframe') Teaser for tonight’s second episode of Leadership Perspective. We start at 22:00 Swedish time.
Nordic Frontier excerpt

“Black metal is like modern art”

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrblackmetalislikemodernartresizeIframe') In the latest episode of Nordic Frontier the host Andreas tells about the successful special program on Black metal (In...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Never listen to a Jew

Words of wisdom from Jan Lamprecht. Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #134. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrneverlistentoajewresizeIframe')
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Simon Holmqvist on what’s important to know from 2019

Nordfront's news editor Simon Holmqvist visited Nordic Frontier to talk about the biggest events in 2019. Among other things, he commented on Jeffrey Epstein,...

Our methods of work

Simon Lindberg, leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement, talks about five methods used by the organization to achieve our one goal. From the premiere episode...

TEASER:Lindberg’s awakening

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrteaserlindbergsawakeningresizeIframe') Teaser for tonight's first episode of Leadership Perspective. We start at 22:00 Swedish time.  


Team pulling together

There is no “right” time to join the struggle

IDEOLOGY. The Norwegian writer "Russleman" explains that the time to take your rightful place in the struggle is now, and not a moment later. It...
Images of Cultural Marxism

What is Cultural Marxism?