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Nest 1 at Brommaplan

ACTIVISM. Nest 1 conduct leafleting at Brommaplan, Stockholm.

On a recent sunny afternoon, a Nest 1 activist group visited Brommaplan, in Stockholm, as people were heading home during rush hour. As always, many were interested to hear more about the message of the Nordic Resistance Movement, and a number of discussions arose with passers-by.

The police were surprisingly late to arrive at the scene. When they did get there, they chose to send two patrols, which one wonders how they could afford to spare, considering how they are constantly claiming to be too understaffed to investigate actual crimes or get to crime scenes in time.

Despite the massive brainwashing of the Nordic population, most people supported the activists’ struggle. After a while the crowds subsided and the Resistance Men chose to end the activity.

Nest 1 enjoy abseiling and comradeship in the wilderness

SOCIAL ACTIVITY. Members and activists from Nest 1 recently visited the great outdoors for socialising and abseiling practice.

Nordic Resistance Movement members abseiling

On Saturday 16 March, members and activists from Nest 1 went to the woods to enjoy Nordic nature, socialise with comrades and practise abseiling down some slippery and treacherous cliffs.

The day began with everyone being divided into groups for a competition to see who could build and light a fire the fastest. This was easier said than done in the damp woodlands, but even so all the groups managed to accomplish the task in good time. Meanwhile another group were busy getting things ready for the abseiling. They set up the ropes, harnesses and safety gear and tested lowering themselves down to check everything was working well.

When the ropes were secure and the fires were lit, those who wanted to try abseiling went up the mountain to receive instructions. Everyone present attempted a descent despite some being first-timers and having a fear of heights.

Some comrades contented themselves with one go, while others were practically glued to the cliffs. In order to test themselves under different conditions, the group also tried descending while secured with carabiner rings as well as just with the ropes.

Meanwhile the rest of the Nest members sat and socialised around the fire. Eventually the comrades started heading home, all of them satisfied with the day’s activities.

Nordic Resistance Movement members building a fire in the wilderness

Zionism and The Emperor’s New Clothes


IDEOLOGY. Jimmy Thunlind explains how the fairy tale of The Emperor’s New Clothes can be used to unmask the Zionists’ methods of securing power – and what the Resistance men must do to be victorious.

One of the foremost weapons used by the worldwide Zionist movement to gain influence and control – besides economic force and dominance in the media and entertainment – is mass manipulation via psychological “master suppression techniques” that have been honed to perfection over millennia. These techniques affect both regular people and those in power, because they exploit one of man’s deepest urges: the will to be accepted and not stand out, to belong to the herd.

Some may believe themselves to be exempt from these forces. They might think they are not mentally ruled or manipulated by the Zionists, or anyone else. “In Sweden I can think freely and question anything!” they say…

To those who feel this way, I would like to pose you three test questions:

  1. Do you feel completely comfortable with questioning mass immigration in front of your work colleagues or schoolmates and explaining how it constitutes a threat to the survival of our race?
  2. Does it feel natural to sit in the break room at work and point out the disproportional dominance of Jews within the media and entertainment industry?
  3. Can you in any context question whether the “deliberate and industrial extermination” of Jews during the Second World War actually took place?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you may be interested in finding out why. What is it that makes you – someone who lives in a society with freedom of speech and thought – unable to think or question what you want to in matters in which it’s possible to arrive at different conclusions? In this article, I shall attempt to answer that query.

Man’s desire to belong to the herd is so strong that it can make us say and do irrational things to prevent us from becoming pariahs. The last thing most of us want is to appear strange, stupid or incompetent in front of others.

An educational saga

One man who has illustrated this dynamic in a masterful way is the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. In his fairy tale The Emperor’s New Clothes he succeeds in describing the herd instinct, the psychological master suppression techniques and the characteristics required to break this destructive manipulation.

The tale tells the story of an emperor who loved fine clothes and did whatever he could to look attractive and extravagant. A great many foreigners often came to the emperor’s city, and one day two cunning fraudsters arrived and claimed they could weave the most beautiful fabric imaginable. The fabric wasn’t just expensive and beautiful, however; it also had the fantastical property of being invisible to those who were incompetent or stupid.

The emperor absolutely had to have clothes made of such a material, so he gave the fraudsters huge sums of money and gold to weave the fabric and design clothes for him. The fraudsters weaved on their empty looms and demanded more and more money. When the emperor sent his most qualified ministers to inspect how the work was progressing, they couldn’t see any threads on the looms; but as they didn’t want to appear foolish or incompetent, they instead exclaimed what an amazingly beautiful fabric it was.

When the emperor himself came to inspect the cloth, he was mortified: he saw nothing! Did it mean he was stupid and unfit for his station? That was unthinkable, so instead he and his entourage praised the beautiful fabric. When the day of the great procession finally came, the fraudsters dressed the emperor in his new clothes, which fitted so well and had such beautiful patterns. The procession passed through the city, and all the people on the streets and at the windows exclaimed how wonderful the emperor’s clothes were (as none of them wanted to appear stupid or incompetent).

“But he isn’t wearing any clothes!” cried out a little child who hadn’t yet learned to be politically correct and to say the right things to look respectable. The child’s words spread like wildfire in the crowd, and finally everyone shouted, “He isn’t wearing any clothes!” The emperor was unnerved because he sensed they were right, but he couldn’t show it and continued to walk, with his head held even higher, in the clothes that didn’t exist.

The Swedish regime as the emperor

This genial tale has many real-world applications. The interpretation I will explore is that of the emperor corresponding to the Swedish regime, which loves to parade around in fine clothes, making a show of its benevolence, humanism and feminism in front of the whole world. The foreigners and fraudsters who come to the city are the Zionists who come to manipulate the regime for money. Here the deception is not tricking the emperor and everyone else into accepting the invisible, non-existent clothes, but exploiting man’s urge to avoid standing out from the crowd and being stigmatised. By popularising the lie that everyone who cannot see the clothes is stupid and incompetent, the Zionists silence the entire population and make them accept the situation. That is to say, all citizens who do not accept and support the regime’s approved views and values are stupid and ignorant.

This trick is both cunning and wicked. It has a stronger effect the higher up one goes in the societal hierarchy, because the consequences for those exposed as incompetent or stupid are far greater if they have a lot of power and influence. Among the recognised master suppression techniques, this form of manipulation is an example of “Ridicule” and “Imposition of Blame and Shame” because the fraudsters make people both feel stupid (“Surely everyone knows this is how things are?”) and be ashamed for something that isn’t their fault (“Not believing in these values led to the Holocaust!”).

How these lies, which the Zionist fraudsters earn enormous amounts of money on, have succeeded in permeating our entire society can be explained by returning to the three test questions earlier in this article.

The mass immigration lie

The lie that mass immigration of racial foreigners enriches and is even necessary for our country has been popularised as an incontrovertible truth by the Zionists. Those who question the benefits of multiculturalism are automatically branded as stupid and evil.

When some childish individual dares to question why our pension money is no longer sufficient, the dutiful regime answers that it is our own fault: we are too healthy and are living too long. The obvious reason, that 1.5 million foreigners are also being given a share of the pension pot without having worked for it, is not dared to be voiced, despite the fact that everyone – not least those in power – knows it to be true.

When some other naive soul writes on social media that mass immigration must be the reason for the housing shortage (because we Swedes have had too few children the last 30 years to cause it), or that suburban violence and gang rapes have increased, they are convicted for incitement to racial hatred and are branded as ignorant and hateful.

Mass immigration invasion line

The Zionist swindlers have made the regime believe it appears beautiful and glamorous by accepting the most migrants per capita in Europe and by gladly spending billions of taxpayers’ money every year on so-called aid programmes with no critical evaluation – with the result that the majority of the money ends up in the pockets of the corrupt, or goes to arms sales or human trafficking. The fact that mass immigration is bought with borrowed money and will have to be paid for by our children is ignored; the important thing is to look good to the rest of the world.

When patriots highlight the fact that organised mass immigration in practice entails a slow genocide of our race, the regime and large sections of the public just chant all the more hysterically: “Oh, what beautiful clothes! What patterns and what colours!”

The “independent media” lie

Another lie established as inviolable truth is that our media is free and independent and that the culture and entertainment industry has no prescribed agenda. If one asks questions as to why a majority of media companies, book publishers and film production studios are owned and operated by Jews despite their making up an insignificant percentage of the population, one is immediately branded as ignorant and stupid. And hateful. The fact that the biggest media outlets have owners who support the terror state of Israel, who applaud the racial replacement in the Nordics and who believe that freedom of speech should be curtailed for inconvenient critics of the regime naturally makes their pretensions to truth and objectivity just as transparent as the emperor’s clothes.

The regime also likes to show off its wonderful openness by ensuring that an unlimited flood of movies, TV shows and not least pornography from Hollywood and porn factories in Los Angeles overwhelm our people, while taking help from Jewish Google and YouTube to stop posts from citizens critical of the regime. Those who dare to utter a word about being sick of explicit propaganda for race mixing, imperialism, homo lobbyism and decadence are branded as painfully ignorant and stupid.

The Holocaust lie

In The Emperor’s New Clothes, the most enigmatic garment is the long invisible train on the cloak that several chamberlains hold up as they walk behind the emperor. This train is especially beautiful. In the case of the Swedish regime, the train corresponds to the holy Holocaust myth, which the system is in need of constant assistance to hold up. Despite Swedes’ having had nothing to do with the alleged Holocaust, despite the complete lack of forensic proof for its occurrence, and despite the fact that so-called survivors have been caught innumerable times in lies, exaggerations and fantasies, it is still the most forbidden subject to question. Those who dare to do so are sentenced by the regime to prison and eternal stigmatisation.

Some inconceivably childish citizen, in their ignorance, might ask why it is completely legal to deny the holocaust of Armenians in the 1910s, or the holocaust of the Japanese in the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the holocaust of Germans in the terror bombings of Dresden and other cities, or the holocaust of Ukrainians and Tartars under Stalin’s reign of terror. Is it not just as offensive to deny those? Or is it because all those holocausts are harmless to deny because they are well documented and can be proven? Yet the myth of the holocaust of the Jews must be kept alive with laws, repression, memorial days, study trips and propaganda – otherwise people might not see it because it’s invisible…

The Emperor’s New Clothes teaches us many important lessons. We humans are herd animals and as such are naturally inclined to be influenced by group thought and the Jante Law mentality. This inclination is intensified when the powers that be brand all forms of opposition and questioning as ignorance, stupidity and hate. This carefully implemented conformity has been one of the Zionists’ foremost means to control and exploit us free people.

As such the need is urgent for more of us to dare to be childish, dare to cry out the forbidden but obvious: “The emperor has no clothes! It’s all lies! It’s not we who are stupid!” Because the more who shout, the more will join, until all the people rise up and cry in unison: “No more lies! Seize the fraudsters, force them to pay back every krona and then throw them out! Put the emperor in chains and give power to the little child who first shouted!”

Thus we start a white revolution.

Man holding Nordic Resistance Movement flag

Source: Kejsarens nya kläder (Ur Sagor och berättelser, första delen; 1877)

Activism for Nordic women in Trelleborg on “International Women’s Day”

ACTIVISM. On 8 March activists from Nest 3 marked International Women’s Day by spreading the healthy message of the Nordic Resistance Movement in Trelleborg, Sweden.

Nordic Resistance Movement stickers in Trelleborg

On International Women’s Day it is important that people be informed that National Socialism is the only force that can protect women from assaults, rapes, muggings and other crimes from racial strangers.

As such, Nest 3 activists in Trelleborg took to the streets to put up stickers in a number of places, including at Söderslätt secondary school. An ill-tempered female teacher tried to tear down the stickers but was verbally reprimanded. She couldn’t understand how the Resistance Men could be “so mean” as to put up stickers in an area where so many different nationalities were living. She subsequently had it explained to her that these different nationalities will be sent home, which made her even angrier, causing her to go and phone the police. A great use of public resources!

Apart from that, the activity went well. No police showed up, the freedom-of-speech-hating cat lady didn’t tear down any stickers, and the Resistance Men spread plenty of propaganda to encourage more people to join the National Socialist resistance for the safety of women and a white Aryan North.

Read more on how communists and Jews created “International Women’s Day” as a tool for their destructive global agenda here and here.

Nordic Resistance Movement stickers in TrelleborgNordic Resistance Movement stickers in Trelleborg

My path from communist to National Socialist


IDEOLOGY. It was only when I became a communist that my racial awakening began. It led me to National Socialism…

Communist and Nordic Resistance Movement symbols

For a long time I wasn’t interested in the racial question. For a long time I sympathised with communism, with its anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism and anti-parliamentarianism (views which, one way or another, also exist in National Socialism). It was this opposition to capitalism, imperialism and parliamentarianism that motivated me to become a member of a communist organisation. That “anti-racism” came with it, wasn’t something I gave much thought to, at least not in the beginning.

Call me naïve, but initially I wasn’t aware that “anti-racism” was a core aspect of communist activity, and in many ways its main activity. This lack of realisation was likely due to my successful indoctrination by society at large, which ensured that “anti-racism” was something I never questioned. “Anti-racism” was never a motivating factor when I became a communist, but because I had an unconscious connection to “anti-racism”, I accepted it as part of the package, without really thinking about it.

Norwegian "No racists on our streets" banner
Communist “No racists on our streets” banner

The “fight against fascism” awoke my curiosity

Few people are so obsessed with “fascism” as communists. According to the Marxist vocabulary and worldview, fascism is the most repressive form of bourgeois power. At one time I was used to thinking of “fascism” as a somewhat inferior version of Marxism, but not necessarily worse than modern day society. Therefore it was the hatred some of my fellow communists had for fascism that awoke my curiosity. Why were they seemingly more engaged in “crushing fascism” than working towards a revolution? I began to study our “fascist” opponents; that is to say, self-proclaimed National Socialists. Rather than putting me off, the process only made me more interested in their views.

Nordic Resistance Movement activist hands out leaflets

Decisive experiences

It still took time for me to relinquish the class struggle as my leading political principle. The deciding factor in saying goodbye to Marxism and becoming a National Socialist with the Resistance Movement was the experiences I had as a communist activist. I realised that, under the pretence of leading the “workers’ fight against capitalism”, communists were in reality just fighting against the Nordic people. They did this under the guise of both “anti-racism” and “anti-fascism” but also by identifying immigrants as an important part (in fact, the most important part) of the working class in the Nordics today.

The communists purposefully recruited members from foreign ethnic groups ahead of others. The “anti-racist” message appealed to immigrants and attracted them to the movement. Despite the communists’ claims that society’s main conflict was between the workers and capitalists, I couldn’t help but notice that in reality they were more interested in fomenting opposition between different races, and always to the detriment of the Nordic people. Via this practice they helped make this the main conflict in society today.

When I finally felt confident that National Socialism wasn’t a “capitalist reign of terror” but an ideology that in fact attends to regular workers’ interests – without compromising on the strength, health and survival of our race and unique identity – there wasn’t much left to doubt. I was a National Socialist!

Nordic Resistance Movement activists with shields

It’s never too late to make the right choice

A people’s solidarity with their own ethnic group – their own flesh and blood – runs deep. This solidarity is natural. Often people aren’t conscious of something so ingrained. It’s like breathing. Something not so obvious, which nevertheless affects our people’s thoughts, are the anti-white forces that surround us in our daily lives. The same applies to our debased culture’s fixation on money as an all-important determiner, a characteristic shared by both capitalists and Marxists, proving they aren’t so different as they would like to believe.

It’s never too late to realise that your political home is with the real opposition to today’s regime – that your home is with your own people, with National Socialism!

Training report from Denmark

TRAINING REPORT. Activists from Nest 1 met up for the usual martial arts training.

This weekend Nest 1 had arranged for activists to practice their fighting techniques and one on one combat. The pulse was high and the sound of fists hitting leather filled up the gym for about two hours before the training session was rounded off.

The group of activists, a little stronger and more confident than before, left the gym to await new adventures in the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Nordic Frontier on Manifest Destiny


INTERVIEW. Andreas and Johan make an appearance on the Manifest Destiny podcast.

Last weekend Andreas and Johan from the Nordic Frontier joined the folks over at Volkish.org on their podcast, Manifest Destiny, to talk about their journey to National Socialism, the movement and its workings and other many things.

Listen to “Manifest Destiny Show 27” on Spreaker.

Nest 1 visit Enköping

ACTIVISM. Nest 1 have been intensifying the struggle in the town of Enköping, Sweden, with a large propaganda offensive.

On the night of Friday, 1 March, a number of activists sprayed, stickered and put up banners with radical messages in and around Enköping. A security patrol car buzzed around and searched for the Resistance men while they worked but didn’t have any success. After about three hours, the activists decided to end the activity, having decorated the town with a large amount of propaganda. This was reflected in the newspaper articles that appeared the next day in the local media.

The activism continued on Saturday, as Nest 1 went to town to encourage the people of Enköping to join the struggle for their folk and a brighter future.

Enköping was a little sleepy on the day, but as soon as the Resistance Movement arrived the town started to wake up. The response was mixed. The older sections of the population seemed to be more negative to the Movement’s message, while younger people were more positive. Despite a few passers-by having a confrontational attitude and lack of manners, the activity went calmly.

Good discussions were held on a variety of subjects, from the police’s political violence to whether integration is a good or bad thing considering the current racial replacement in the Nordics. At around 3 p.m. the activists ended the activity and moved on.

NORDIC FRONTIER #103: Greta for prez and Juden exposed!


NORDIC FRONTIER. This week Mike is back from his excavations and the guys are having a gay old time.

Participation in Manifest Destiny with the guys from Volkish

Manifest Destiny #27

Mixed bag:

Horse raped!(Again) Assailant still on the loose

Simon Lindberg’s comment on the New Zealand shooting

More climate psy-ops with Greta Thunberg

China 2 kid policy

Tax Money well spent on democracy project in eastern Europe

NRM agent Tobias Lindberg doxxed and smeared in Jewish media

(((Robert Aschberg))) exposed

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7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
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The Nordic Frontier is an English speaking podcast and a sister broadcast to the glorious Radio Nordfront. Our aim is to spread our political message of the Nordic Resistance Movement to a wider audience. Through theme- and discussion-based episodes we will dive deep into what National Socialism has to offer in the 21st century.

The format is not set in stone and everything is subject to change, the overall message is based on the political direction of the Nordic Resistance Movement but the individual opinions expressed by the hosts and guests are their own.

Permanent hosts: Andreas Johansson, Johan Svensson and Michael Hovila.

American nationalists: “I’m jealous of you guys, you’re basically developing an entire radio station.”


In an interview with the guys behind Volkish.org, one of the hosts says he is impressed by the Nordic Resistance Movement’s radio endeavours and that he looks to our movement as a role model for the pro-White movement worldwide.

Listen to the entire show here: Manifest Destiny #27


Alibis vs allies

OPINION. In this article Martin Saxlind writes about how racial aliens can be alibis or allies. Non-white ”anti-racists” and feminists sometimes refer to whites or...
Nordic Resistance Movement marchers on May Day 2018 in Ludvika, Sweden

Fight and live forever!