Merry Christmas, Mr. Bond!

And we hope that you are doing well. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #213: Our Girl? iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrmerrychristmasmrbondresizeIframe')

Winter Solstice and the mead of immortality

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwintersolsticeandthemeadofimmortalityresizeIframe') Freya talks about the deeper meaning of the Winter Solstice and Yule. Excerpt from ARISTOGENESIS: Winter Solstice Yule Special 2020
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Thomas Sewell on National Socialism and the higher meaning of life

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthomassewellonnationalsocialismandthehighermeaningofliferesizeIframe') Nordic Frontier invited Thomas Sewell from Australia to talk about the struggle in the land down under. Here’s Thomas’ view...

This guy stopped his car and got out on the highway

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthisguystoppedhiscarandgotoutonthehighwayresizeIframe') And then he did... Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #192: Mark Collett Returns Related article: 1st of May activism across the Nordic nations

TEASER: There is hope

Teaser for tonight’s episode of Leadership Perspective which will be about: A jew is a jew and propaganda is propaganda - how to influence...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The Swedish government wants to ban “Holocaust denial”

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrtheswedishgovernmentwantstobanholocaustdenialresizeIframe') Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson (Social Democrat) wants to ban views. Behind the proposal is the World Jewish Congress. Excerpt from...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The globalists decide the fate of workers and companies in Finland and Sweden

Tuukka Kuru from Sinimusta Liike joins Nordic Frontier to talk about, among other things, global capitalism’s control over Finland and the Nordic countries. Excerpt from...

The struggle in Finland goes on

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthestruggleinfinlandgoesonresizeIframe') Despite being banned, not dead! Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #9: International struggle against the global parasite. Comrades abroad and geopolitics

Our methods of work

Simon Lindberg, leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement, talks about five methods used by the organization to achieve our one goal. From the premiere episode...

Muslims are the problem – not Jews!?

Are Muslims the problem in our societies and not Jews? Simon Lindberg answers. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #5. iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrmoslimsaretheproblemnotjewsresizeIframe')


Man in front of light

The future will be what we want it to be!

IDEOLOGY. Here Fredrik Vejdeland reflects on how the movement should achieve its future goals. Do we have to “accept reality” as it is, or...

National Socialism in Practice