
Training report from Denmark

ACTIVISM. Activists gathered on Saturday for combat training in Nest 1 of the Nordic Resistance Movement's Danish branch. Eight activists of the Nordic Resistance Movement's...

STREAM: Protest outside the Embassy of Israel in Finland

ACTIVISM. The Nordic Resistance Movement conducted activism in Helsinki, which was streamed live by Norden Media. Activists visited the Embassy of Israel and gave...

2018: A year in review

MEDIA. Norden Media presents a summary of the movement's activism from the year gone by.

Cultured Thug reviews “Our Path”

MEDIA. The popular YouTube personality Cultured Thug reviews our political program "Our Path".

Nest 3 leaflet in Trelleborg

ACTIVISM. Members of Sweden's Nest 3 visited Trelleborg last Saturday to spread the message of the Nordic Resistance Movement to the people.
NTV interview with Der Dritte Weg's Julian Bender in Romevideo

Video report: Nordic Resistance Movement members attend CasaPound memorial demonstration

CASA POUND. Members of the Nordic Resistance Movement were in Rome on the first weekend of January to attend a memorial march by the...
The Nordic Resistance Movement flag attached to a crane in Kärrtorp, Swedenvideo

The Tyr rune flag flies high over Kärrtorp

ACTIVISM. On the night of Saturday, 15 December, members of Nest 1 held a remarkable activity in central Kärrtorp, Stockholm. Activists climbed a construction crane...
Nordic Resistance Movement members at the 612 Independence March in Helsinki, 2018video

National Socialism lives! Long live the Finnish Resistance!

EVENT. Today National Socialists marked Finland’s 101st Independence Day with a demonstration in Helsinki against state oppression. Approximately 450 National Socialists marched through the city...

Kohti vapautta 2018! – You are invited

Norden Media have released a video invitation to the National Socialist “Kohti vapautta” (Towards Freedom) march taking place in Helsinki on 6 December 2018,...

A message from Finland: “We cannot be silenced!”

A video message by the banned Finnish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement has been uploaded to YouTube. The video was uploaded on 28...


The State of the Conflict in Syria livestreamvideo

The Resistance Movement participates in podcast conference about the situation in...

IDEOLOGY. Simon Lindberg shares his thoughts on his recent appearance on the “State of the Conflict in Syria” livestream and the Resistance Movement’s geopolitical...
Rob Rundo with Antifa banner

Healthy activist culture

Political Soldiers