Nordic Frontier excerpt

Banned from Spreaker – here’s how you can listen and chat from now on

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrbannedfromspreakerhereshowyoulistenandchatfromnowonresizeIframe') Nordic Frontier emigrate to which is a real free speech platform. Here’s some information on how to find the...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Nordic Frontier pays tribute to Mr. Bond!

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrmrbondarrestedatributetomrbondresizeIframe') Nordic Frontier is reached by the news that the musician and loyal Nordic Frontier listener Mr. Bond has been arrested...

Walt Disney – pro-Jewish or pro-White?

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwaltdisneyprojewishorprowhiteresizeIframe') Nordic Frontier talks about anti-White Disney and Walt Disney himself. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #179: Biden in President Picture: From the original...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

We can’t just hide and isolate

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwecantjusthideandisolateresizeIframe') …we need to stay in the battlefield! Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #178: Thomas Sewell and the land Down Under
Nordic Frontier excerpt

How the white working class resisted globalism in Australia

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhowthewhiteworkingclassresistedglobalisminaustraliaresizeIframe') Nordic Frontier invited Thomas Sewell from Australia to talk about the struggle in the land down under. Here Thomas talks...
Nordic Frontier excerpt

The hypocrite Mikael Wilgert and Andreas’ schadenfreude

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthehypocritemikaelwilgertandandreasschadenfreuderesizeIframe') Andreas just can’t help it. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #178: Thomas Sewell and the land Down Under
Nordic Frontier excerpt

Thomas Sewell on National Socialism and the higher meaning of life

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrthomassewellonnationalsocialismandthehighermeaningofliferesizeIframe') Nordic Frontier invited Thomas Sewell from Australia to talk about the struggle in the land down under. Here’s Thomas’ view...

How Feds operate within the movement

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrhowfedsoperatewithinthemovementresizeIframe') Eric Striker talks about FBI tactics and why they try to subvert the movement. Excerpt from RN DIREKT#187: Althögern, Trump och...

Why the capitalists support Antifa

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrwhythecapitalistssupportantifaresizeIframe') Eric Striker on the strange relationship between big corporations and Antifa. Excerpt from RN DIREKT#187: Althögern, Trump och USA:s framtid med...

Eric Striker: Trump never backed white nationalists

iFrameResize({ log: false }, '#nrericstrikertrumpneverbackedwhitenationalistsresizeIframe') Eric Striker from the National Justice Party was invited to Radio Nordfront to talk about recent events in the USA...


The Nordic Resistance Movement – The last outpost in the fight...

IDEOLOGY. The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement writes about the dangers of the homo lobby’s advance, and the Resistance Movement’s struggle against these...

Resistance Movement 3.0

What is National Socialism?