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NORDIC FRONTIER #211: Press F for Apetor


NORDIC FRONTIER. Legendary alcoholic chainsaw skater Apetor has passed away and we mourn the passing. We also talk about jews.




Safety patrol and activism in Vetlanda after school rape


Chaos in Swedish politics

Press F for Apetor

Subversive Santa shit

NJP in Waukesha

Covidshit part 5.76b

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Box 52
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7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
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2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond

Safety patrol and activism in Vetlanda after school rape


ACTIVISM. On 15 November, a 14-year-old girl was raped by a racial alien in a bathroom at Withalaskolan school in Vetlanda. On the following Friday evening, Sweden’s Nest 7 went to the town during a public event to spread propaganda and talk to the people.

Nordic Resistance Movement Vetlanda activism and street patrol

At 6 p.m. a Christmas concert and candle-lighting ceremony was taking place in the town centre, attracting a large crowd, which in turn attracted the Resistance Movement’s activists. The activists gave out leaflets and stood and talked with the people.

When the event was over, the crowd thinned out, and the activists started walking around town to put up propaganda. After large parts of central Vetlanda had been covered, the group headed towards the outskirts of town to hang up banners and speak with the young people who usually hang out in the car parks.

Nordic Resistance Movement Vetlanda activism and street patrol

The group chief and Vetlanda local Jonas Jensmark had this to say about the meeting with the teenagers:

“We headed towards the outskirts of Vetlanda, where we knew young people would be hanging out. When I and a couple of comrades were going over to them, the first police car turned up. Altogether, three patrols arrived on the scene and tried to find out what we were doing there, but as usual they didn’t receive an answer. We had a lot of productive discussions with the youngsters, including one in which they told us about a gang of racial foreigners who throw stones at them and harass them on an almost daily basis. We concluded the conversation by giving them a few stickers, which proved to be very popular.”

Nordic Resistance Movement Vetlanda activism and street patrol

Some of the youngsters go to Withalaskolan and told the Resistance men about the incident on Monday and how the racial aliens at the school behave in general. They said they had been attacked and robbed by racial aliens and that they didn’t get any help from the police when they called.

Before the Resistance men concluded the activity, they put up some more banners on bridges around Vetlanda. One of the comrades’ cars was stopped by the police, and the activists were body searched. Finally, the comrades gathered at the cars again and enjoyed half an hour’s socialising before heading home.

NRM banner, Vetlanda, Sweden

More about the rape at Withalaskolan (Swedish)

American Krogan – How it all began


American Krogan uses video game analysis to communicate important messages. Here he explains how it all started.

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #210: American Krogan and the fall of gaming

“Victory in the Election” – Interview with Simon Lindberg


    ORGANISATION DAYS. A video interview with the leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement at Organisation Days 2021.

    During the successful Organisation Days event earlier this month, Simon Holmqvist took the opportunity to interview Simon Lindberg about the theme of the weekend, the 2022 election struggle, the boxing competition and other features of the event.

    Boxing tournament champion – Interview with Pär Sjögren

    ORGANISATION DAYS. A video interview with the winner of the boxing tournament at Organisation Days 2021, Pär Sjögren.

    One of the highlights of this year’s edition of Organisation Days was a hard-fought boxing tournament. After several rounds featuring various participants, Pär Sjögren, Chief of Nest 5, was crowned the winner. Here, Pär is interviewed about his view on the competition and the other fighters.

    Germany Calling: Der III. Weg secures Germany’s borders


    DER III. WEG. Our correspondent from Der Dritte Weg in Germany reports on the organisation’s new border security campaign.

    Der III Weg members watch the border for illegal immigrants
    Members of Der III. Weg watching the border

    After Angela Merkel opened Germany’s borders in 2015, a large number of illegal immigrants invaded Germany and its social systems. The pressure caused by illegal immigration is getting greater and greater due to the fact that many migrants have started travelling through Belarus in recent months. From Belarus they go to Poland, and from Poland they invade Germany. Most of the migrants come from Yemen, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.

    Der III. Weg members secure the border

    A lot of Germans living close to the border between Germany and Poland (which is questionable under international law) told members of Germany’s leading revolutionary movement about the huge invasion of illegal immigrants there. In response, members of Der III. Weg started a border guard campaign. Together with people living in and around the border town of Guben, they started watching the border on the night of 23 October.

    Der III Weg members watch the border for illegal immigrants

    Mainstream media criminalises activists

    Prior to the campaign, the mainstream media tried to criminalise the members of Der III. Weg and tell the people that they would do something illegal. This is very bizarre because illegal immigration, which is clearly against the law, appears to be legitimate in the eyes of the system’s journalists. However, they view those who protect the law as criminals. So according to left-wing journalists in Germany, protecting the borders is criminal, but illegal invasion is fine.

    Der III Weg members harassed by police at German-Polish border
    Der III. Weg border guards harassed by the police

    On the night of 23 October, 30 volunteer border guards were arrested by the police and were sent out of the city. Matthias Fischer, Deputy Chairman of Der III. Weg, was also present and was harassed by the police. Of course, a lot of anti-German journalists were there to report their lies. Interestingly, some of them had been transported to Guben by the police. This suggests the police work hand in hand with those who try to criminalise the rightful action of securing the border.

    Guben: The safest part of the border for one night

    The campaign led to some interesting developments. On both the German and Polish sides of the border, there were so many police officers that Guben became the safest part of the Polish-German border that night. Ultimately, the activity was a great success and served as an effective promotion of Germany’s leading revolutionary movement. Der III. Weg have announced that the border guard campaign will be continued, so stay tuned for further news.

    German police, Germany-Poland border
    German police “securing” the border

    NORDIC FRONTIER #210: American Krogan and the fall of gaming


    NORDIC FRONTIER. We talk to epic gamer American Krogan about the pozzing of games and the future of gaming.




    Video from Organisation Days 2021

    Organisation Days 2021 photo report

    Organisation Days 2021

    Day of Action in Bergen: Propaganda distribution and barricades


    American Krogan’s Telegram: https://t.me/AmericanKrogan

    American Krogan’s Odysee: https://odysee.com/@americankrogan:3

    NORDIC FRONTIER ON ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@nordicfrontier:3

    New RSS: https://nordiskradio.se/?format=mp3-rss&show=nordic-frontier

    EMAIL: [email protected]

    TELEGRAM GROUP: Nordic Frontier Channel and Chat

    Donate by CASH:

    Nordic Frontier
    Box 52
    77222 Grängesberg

    Donate with Bitcoin:


    Support the Nordic Resistance Movement!

    Live at:

    8.00 PM in Iceland
    9.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
    10.00 PM in Finland
    3.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond

    Video from Organisation Days 2021


    VIDEO. A video report from this year’s Organisation Days event.

    Organisation Days 2021
    Organisation Days 2021 photo report

    Day of Action in Bergen: Propaganda distribution and barricades


    ACTIVISM. Activists and members from Norway’s Nest 3 were recently active in Bergen, delivering hundreds of leaflets and symbolically barricading anti-Norwegian institutions.

    NRM Bergen activism

    Activists and members from Norway’s Nest 3 recently conducted a large action in Bergen. Five hundred leaflets were distributed in Loddefjord, before the group headed to central Bergen.

    In Bergen city centre, symbolic barricades and informative posters were put up on the Masonic Lodge and the offices of the Red and Socialist Left parties. On one of the posters was the message “A people’s court will be established to prosecute serious cases of treason!” The text is a quote from Point 9 of the Resistance Movement’s political programme.

    The action was successful and no problems occurred.

    Photos from the action:

    NRM Bergen activism leaflets
    Five hundred leaflets with excerpts from Point 4 of Our Path were distributed in Loddefjord

    NRM Bergen activism leafletsNRM Bergen activism leaflets

    NRM Bergen activism Red party barricade
    The communist Red party’s office was cordoned off and affixed with an informative poster
    NRM Bergen activism SV barricade
    The communist SV party’s office was cordoned off and affixed with an informative poster
    NRM Bergen activism Masonic lodge barricade
    The Bergen Masonic Lodge was also barricaded and affixed with an informative poster

    Organisation Days 2021 photo report


    ORGANISATION DAYS. A selection of photos from Organisation Days 2021, taken by the Resistance Movement’s skilled photographers.

    Read the report from Organisation Days here: Organisation Days 2021

    All photos can be distributed freely in an unedited form, provided nordicresistancemovement.org is cited as the source.

    Simon Lindberg speech at the Nordic Resistance Movement Organisation Days 2021Speech at the Nordic Resistance Movement Organisation Days 2021Fredrik Vejdeland speech at the Nordic Resistance Movement Organisation Days 2021

    Swedish food
    Good food was served to the attendees
    Andreas Holmvall lecture at the Nordic Resistance Movement Organisation Days 2021
    Andreas Holmvall hosted a workshop on using Photoshop
    Nordic Resistance Movement training workshop, Organisation Days 2021
    And Max Rosenfors held one on accounting
    Nordic Resistance Movement abseiling training
    The more daring attendees learned how to abseil from a high cliff

    Nordic Resistance Movement abseiling training

    Andreas Holmvall speech at the Nordic Resistance Movement Organisation Days 2021
    Andreas Holmvall gave a lecture that included reading aloud from a timeless classic
    Daniel Byström speech at the Nordic Resistance Movement Organisation Days 2021
    Nest 6 Chief Daniel Byström reported on the Nest’s activities during the year
    Sebastian Elofsson speech at the Nordic Resistance Movement Organisation Days 2021
    A fiery speech was delivered by Sebastian Elofsson

    Nationalist figures portraits

    Nordic Resistance Movement exercises, Organisation Days 2021
    Day 2 began with a tough training session

    Nordic Resistance Movement activist exercises, Organisation Days 2021Nordic Resistance Movement activists exercise, Organisation Days 2021Nordic Resistance Movement exercises, Organisation Days 2021Nordic Resistance Movement exercises, Organisation Days 2021Nordic Resistance Movement activist push-ups, Organisation Days 2021

    Nordic Resistance Movement leadership at Organisation Days 2021
    Information from the National Council
    Boxing gloves close-up
    The highlight for many on the second day was the highly intensive boxing tournament

    Nordic Resistance Movement boxing match, Organisation Days 2021Nordic Resistance Movement boxing match, Organisation Days 2021Nordic Resistance Movement boxing match, Organisation Days 2021

    Blood on the ground at outdoor boxing competition
    Bloodshed occurred more as the rule than the exception

    Boxing match, Organisation Days 2021Nordic Resistance Movement boxing match, Organisation Days 2021

    Pär Sjögren at the Nordic Resistance Movement Organisation Days 2021
    Pär Sjögren emerged as the victor from the bloody battles

    Corneliu Codreanu photograph, NRM Organisation Days 2021


    Sweden Democrats and Nordic Resistance Movement logos

    Can the Sweden Democrats save Sweden?

    First published in the Nordfront newspaper, 7 July 2017. In Sweden today there are over three million people who have either one or two parents...