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Thoughts on Jan Lamprecht’s appearance on Nordic Frontier


INSIGHT. Johan shares his thoughts on the recent appearance of Jan Lamprecht on Nordic Frontier.

Jan Lamprecht, born in Rhodesia (today’s Zimbabwe) and currently living in Johannesburg, South Africa, is a powerful voice in revealing and exposing the historic truth about race, communism and the Jewish influence in Africa, particularly the southern region of Africa, from the end of WW2 to the present day.

He has a wealth of personal and researched knowledge that can be ingested in greater depth through some of his many internet outlets – our interview touched on a few of these issues.

Visit Historyreviewed.com for more of Jan’s work

Lamprecht explained that the vast majority of the colonization of Africa happened in a very short period of time, when various white European peoples seized control of approximately 90% of the continent over 20 years in the late 1800’s. They quickly set to work laying down infrastructure the likes of which the African people had never seen: roads, railroads, shipping industries and ports (not only on the coasts but along the navigable rivers and great lakes of the interior).

As for Rhodesia’s particular history, the British businessman Cecil Rhodes came to the region in the early 1890’s and made a fortune in mining, but also held a great vision of creating a vast British Empire from the Cape to Cairo. Rhodes was heavily financed by the Rothschilds and thus it can be speculated that his agenda was using the whites as pawns in his empire-building to ultimately benefit the Jew. Most of the developments by white people that we associate with this time period were, in fact, accomplished not through governments but through stockholding/tradeable companies, which developed contracts and made signed deals with the blacks of each region. There are countless documents recorded proving these dealings were legitimate, usually with the whites paying for and fulfilling demands of the blacks in return for access to land for settling and developing. Unfortunately, relations were untenable and led to a race war by the end of the 1890’s.

The history of whites in Africa shows much greater populations in the southern regions. North Rhodesia (today’s Zambia) and South Rhodesia (today’s Zimbabwe) were a British colony until 1923 when the British South Africa Company (founded by Rhodes) officially handed power over to the whites of the region. They were given the option of joining South Africa but instead chose to self rule. Lamprecht explained that the Rhodesians proved to be the most fiercely loyal of all the colonies to the motherland of Britain, volunteering in such numbers in the war that they had to stop them for fear of leaving no men behind to run Rhodesia. This undying devotion to Britain would leave a bitter taste later when Rhodesians were betrayed by the motherland.

Following WW2, there was such destruction throughout so much of Europe that many white Europeans chose to flee and relocate to the African colonies, greatly increasing the white populations, especially in the southern region. At this same time, the Jewish communists had their stranglehold on Russia, giving them a strong platform from which to spread their ideology. They were enormously wealthy from years of financial support throughout the war from wealthy Jews – especially from the US – who financed the construction of industries, harnessed resources and built infrastructure. Immediately following the war, the Jewish communists grabbed all the resources they could from Germany, including scientists and engineers, and were ready to take over the world. Through the immediate development of Communist International, the Jews determined to rule the earth with communism by establishing a party in every country on the globe. To do this, they would have to undermine and ultimately destroy the great white empires, and they would do it from within.

An interesting note is that the second oldest Communist Party was established in South Africa. Communist infiltration was, in fact, going so well there that Stalin liked the idea of turning South Africa into a black communist state. Most of the communists in South Africa were whites and Jews and so did not support this, but nobody says no to Stalin. This is when the Communist movement in South Africa switched to a black movement and went into high gear.

According to Lamprecht, Ian Smith (Prime Minister of Rhodesia from 1964-1979) interviewed a high official in Mugabe’s government in the early 1980’s and asked, “What converted you blacks to Communism?” The official replied, “The Soviets took us to Cuba to see communist rule, and we were not impressed. They took us to see Russia, and we were not impressed. Then they told us that with this system you can remain in power forever. That is when we were converted.” This truth, combined with “physical convincing” in the form of terror and torture, converted essentially all the blacks to communism. If nothing else, the promise of the Jew for permanent control held true, as the same people have remained in power all these years, even through many so-called “democratic” elections.

The agitations of the Jews throughout the continent continued and there were countless skirmishes and race wars. In Lamprecht’s opinion, Britain knew their colonies were infested with Soviet activity fighting for independence and they could no longer control the communist unrest in so many places at once. The British knew they were handing their colonies over to criminals, but they could no longer manage the situation. By 1960, through the “Winds of Change” speech given in South Africa by the UK Prime Minister Macmillan, it was clear that Britain was ready to give up her colonies. Macmillan promoted the idea of “Nationalism” in Africa and essentially told the whites it was time to go. This was the start of the bitter schism between Britain and Rhodesia.

An interesting note is that the Rhodesians engaged in the Boer Wars under false pretences, given fake reasons from Britain as to why they must attack. As mentioned, Rhodesia was totally loyal to Britain at the time and did as it was told. They went along with Britain and the Jews until the snake turned on them and they found themselves in the exact same spot as the Boers – that is when blood and soil kicks in. Now they followed the path of the Boers, and never again would Britain be their friend.

While much of Africa was going from colonial status to independent black rule nations, several white countries rejected this trend and fought for the land in intense race wars. These wars were essentially communist wars against whites. In Rhodesia, the first years of their war were unusually peaceful for the whites. They had such a powerful military of blacks and whites that everyone sent in by the Jews was eradicated before they could even enter the country. Soon though, the communists “convinced” the blacks through terror, torture and murder where their alliance should be. This worked, and slowly the tide turned against the white Rhodesians.

As a young man, Lamprecht learned first-hand how the blacks respected a hard-handed, white, male boss. His father was a farmer who, when things got out of hand, became judge and jury and swiftly beat up troublemakers. It worked quickly and efficiently and kept the farm running without involving authorities and bureaucracy. His brother was even stronger and found that a black who showed disrespect to taking an order or following through needed to be beaten into submission. He saw first-hand that then and only then would he respect you and be loyal.

Lamprecht lamented the state of African immigration to Europe and America. He marvelled at the financial support and aid given to the blacks over all of these years in Africa, with so little accomplishments to show for it. And now they seek asylum in white countries looking for greater help, leaning on victimhood status, and it works. And as we see, they will continue to accomplish nothing. He expressed frustration over the loss of wildlife through poaching and mismanagement under black rule when compared to the abundance of wildlife he experienced as a child when they had to thin elephant and rhinoceros herds yearly to keep them from damaging farms and forests. There was respectful management of natural resources and a harmony between the white man and the African environment. This is not possible with black rule, where each leader wants the biggest piece of the pie and never thinks beyond today – what they want and what they deserve.

That corruption is rampant among the communist blacks is certainly no secret. A study found that 1/3 of all aid given to African countries from the west ends up in Swiss bank accounts; these black leaders do not disseminate the aid or even invest in their own countries. If you look at the salaries of white officials prior to black rule, government salaries were modest and sensible. With black rule, the same positions earn many times more and for far less work. The communists promised higher wages, and they held good to that promise. But productivity did not rise with it, so more employees were hired, all with higher salaries, and the end result is less and less productivity. South African Airways has nine times the staff of other airlines their size, and the examples go on and on.

Lamprecht feels that in 100 years’ time white people will look back at white rule in Africa as the “Golden Age of Africa”. A time when, through white rule, the best work and accomplishments were drawn from the blacks. Whites, through direct experience and contact with blacks, were able to recognize their strengths and abilities as well as their weaknesses and inabilities. In the future, whites will recognize that our white ancestors of Africa fought wars for the land they had toiled and built up with valor and honor. Much like the Germans, who can hold their heads high knowing that at the end of WW2 they were the only ones who did not rape and pillage as the Americans and Russians did.

The only way out at this point, according to Lamprecht, is a total race war. He feels like the whites of South Africa live under such an intense state of security and defense right now with walls and fencing that they might as well just go to war. They are outfitted and ready. His wish is to see Africa owned and run by whites.

Lamprecht’s final message was to never listen to a Jew or a Liberal and never, ever forget that white people are awesome.

Anti-EU – Pro-Europe


OPINION. Our English comrade Niall discusses the UK election results and what they could mean for the future of Europe.

I must admit, I am pleasantly surprised by the result of this election. My greatest fear was that there would be a hung parliament, prompting Labour to do a deal with the extreme far-left Scottish National Party (who want Scotland to leave the UK and rejoin the EU), that would result in the Brexit vote being overruled, and then having to watch as the British public sit around complaining without taking action. But it would seem that such a crisis has been avoided.

Not wishing to take away from the moment, but in the long run this victory might come to back bite us – the so-called Conservative Party of the UK are not populists, like Italy’s Salvini for example, but rather a rats’ nest of men and women with their hearts in their wallets. However, given that Brexit will strengthen the UK’s economy (the value of the Pound is skyrocketing), we can at least hope that the Conservatives deliver Brexit efficiently, if only because they stand to make money, rather than out of any genuine care for the British people.

This victory for Brexit may also present a future threat for the right – Labour’s leader Jeremy Corbyn has stepped down as head of the party, meaning we are now at risk of Labour electing a leader who has a personality that doesn’t resemble a damp rag, and therefore the chance of them actually getting elected has increased, if only slightly.

But, in all seriousness, we should celebrate this victory while we can. The British people, or perhaps more accurately, the English people, have voted for nationalism, for control, and for pride, sovereignty and self-governance. They have clearly show what they want the future of Britain to look like, and it is not an image of mindless conformity and government handouts. It is not an image of submission to foreign powers that hold we Englishmen, we Europeans, in utter contempt – a foreign power that have merchants and global finance pulling their strings as they flood Europe with invaders hostile to all that which we as Europeans hold dear.

In fact, the EU has gone as far as to make “European” a dirty word in and of itself. When I talk of Europe and Europeans, I talk not of economic treaties and faceless plutocrats hiding behind a thousand layers of bureaucracy, that dark spectre that has haunted civilisation since its inception. I talk not of imaginary lines drawn by politicians for their games of petty so-called “nationalism,” nor even of being European in the sense of modern culture.

To be European is to be descended from the greatest and most noble peoples to ever walk the Earth. It is not only to live in Europe, but to have built it with blood. Our homelands are paradises, and yet simultaneously some of the most hostile places on the planet, and only we Europeans have ever been able to tread that line.

However, while I think we’re right to celebrate this blow to those bureaucrats, we shouldn’t let ourselves get carried away. First of all, the Conservatives are not to be trusted in anything but the acquisition of money, money with which they might line both their and their puppet-masters’ pockets. It should be noted that many Conservative politicians simply want to be rid of the EU so that they can exchange their poorly paid and exploited Eastern European workers for African migrants, who they can get away with paying even less and exploiting even more. Do not mistake their desire to leave the EU for a genuine passion for the British people. If they find a way to sell out the native populations for more money, they will jump at such an opportunity.

Let us not forget that these are the same “Conservatives” who have presided over the banning of every nationalist group that dared advocate for our people, that approved the taxpayer-funded hormone therapy for children, and forces children as young as 6 to learn all about gay marriage – as well as having been the ones to legalise it in the first place.

The Conservative Amber Rudd wants to make “viewing far-right propaganda” punishable by up to 10 years in prison, being deliberately vague in her definition so that the label can be applied to any genuine nationalists who pose any kind of political threat to them.

Let it be said though, that I don’t believe the British public to have been deceived. The British public know what to expect from them, at least for the most part. This wasn’t a vote for Conservatives or their policies, this was a vote for Brexit. If the shoe were on the other foot, and it were Labour leading the charge against the bloated and corrupt EU, then perhaps it would be them celebrating a victory instead.

The British public have now made it even more abundantly clear that they wish to play no part in the EU, and have simply voted tactically to secure the most stable platform for Brexit.

There is a danger that we face as a whole, however. That is the danger of Brexit being used to placate the rising tide of genuine nationalism coming forth now in Britain, and all across Europe. The danger is that people will take this first victory and become complacent, believing all the work is done, keeping the Overton Window firmly in its place.

My fear is that once we leave the EU, people might not be as hungry for freedom from the chains placed upon us by these ruling classes. We need to make sure that we use this as a platform to push real nationalism and keep the snowball rolling and increasing in mass. If anything, our real work starts now, as we seize the moment and pull the European zeitgeist in our direction, rather than becoming complacent and allowing the “powers that be” to pervert the European man’s natural instinct to care for his people, and the healthy inclination towards nationalism that comes with it, in order that it might serve their own sinister ends.

We must be indefatigable and uncompromising until our goals are achieved and our people are truly free. We must now concentrate on keeping up the momentum, until every nation in Europe leaves this failing union of tyrant bankers, of Bolshevik dogs and crony-capitalists holding it hostage. From there we can look at forging a new United Europe, a union based not on paperwork and finance, but in our common blood. My hope is that Europeans have now tasted nationalism and pride once again, a`nd it will awaken a hunger that cannot be satiated with the petty placating of clamouring politicians and their ilk.

But what of those in the vocal minority who cry out against Brexit and the rise in nationalism across Europe and the world? They seem to have formed a kind of suicide cult similar to those Abrahamics who sit eagerly awaiting the death of the entire natural world. Their beliefs are no longer simply political ideas shaped by practical observation and experience, but rather sacred dogmas that cannot be called into question. They sit there, actively hoping for the country to completely collapse, because they want to be able to give a smug “I told you so” to the rest of us, so desperate are they to have their quasi-religious views validated after being proven wrong time and time again – and like any group of masochistic and backwards religious nut-jobs (as in Ken Ham’s creationists, not genuine traditional men of faith), when reality does not coincide with their pseudo-idealism, this only makes them double-down in their “faith.”

I could write and entire separate article on how left-wing politics, from the EU Remain campaign to Thunberg and her followers, function exactly like a modern death-cult, complete with a saviour, a judgement, and a dogmatic doctrine – but for now this will have to suffice.

Speaking of those voters and supporters of the EU, who are becoming a smaller and smaller minority with every passing day, which areas of Britain were most fanatical in their devotion to their EU overlords? Virtually all of Scotland, half of Northern Ireland, and of course the cesspool that calls itself “London.” Brexit, both the vote itself and this last election, have been decided almost entirely by the English and Welsh, but now the country finds itself at yet another crossroads.

The Scottish National Party now hold complete control over Scotland, and Sinn Fein have a good hold in Northern Ireland. There’s substantial reason to believe that the United Kingdom might collapse entirely. But if all of its political unions collapse, not only will the power our ruling class have over us be diminished, but the only union we Anglo-Saxons will have left is the only one that truly matters – the union of our noble blood.

My dream is to witness a domino effect that sees the EU have member state after member state withdraw from its union. And in its place, England might become again what she once was – a proud nation of old Roman ideals and strong Germanic blood, bringing us closer to other European peoples and nations than any group of faceless bureaucrats could ever have hoped to.

And this proves the eternal words of that greatest of Anglo Saxons still “echo through the ages”:

“And I say that England is not dead! England lives, and marches on!”

Leadership Perspective #1:
The premiere – What is the Nordic Resistance Movement?

Here is the first episode of the podcast Leadership Perspective. Participating are the Nordic Resistance Movement’s leader Simon Lindberg and Fredrik Vejdeland from the organization’s national leadership in Sweden.

MP3 Download


  • What is Leadership Perspective?
  • Who is Simon Lindberg?
  • What is the Nordic Resistance Movement?
  • FAQ

Basis for discussion:

What is the Nordic Resistance Movement?

Our Nine Political Points

Our Path

Lindberg’s awakening


Teaser for tonight’s first episode of Leadership Perspective. We start at 22:00 Swedish time.


Our goal: World domination


Teaser for tonight’s first episode of Leadership Perspective. We start at 22:00 Swedish time.

About Leadership Perspective

NORDIC RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. About the podcast Leadership Perspective.

Leadership Perspective

Nordic National Socialism for the 21st century.

Leadership Perspective is the official podcast of the Nordic Resistance Movement, in which Simon Lindberg, the Movement’s leader, voices the organization’s positions and thoughts. Discussions on the podcast often center on ideological questions, the organization’s tactics and its official positions on different matters. Everything stated in Leadership Perspective can be regarded as being sanctioned by the organization.

An interview with the leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement

The program is broadcast in an interview format and is hosted by the head of Nordisk Radio, Fredrik Vejdeland. This means the program is devoid of guests, jingles, debates and other things usually featured in podcasts. This is a deliberate choice in order to highlight and clarify the arguments and thoughts being communicated, without any unnecessary background noise.

Incisive questions are asked and profound messages are conveyed, resulting in many candid and radical discussions. Yet the podcast is still down to earth and always aims to answer even the most difficult questions in an easy way that is understandable to everyone.

Nordic National Socialism

National Socialism is a revolutionary worldview that is neither to the left nor to the right of the political spectrum. Instead, National Socialism stands uniquely above this spectrum as a biological and scientific worldview. Its ideas always proceed from nature and the most fundamental aspects that exist in our world, and it always looks out for the interests of our own people first and foremost. The essence of National Socialism is thoroughly explained on Leadership Perspective, as are the reasons why it’s the only solution to the present political and existential wasteland that is Western liberal democracy.

The Nordic Resistance Movement

The Nordic Resistance Movement is the foremost National Socialist organization in the Nordics (and in the entire world, according to some observers). It is an activism organization which works on several different fronts in order to constantly advance. On Leadership Perspective, you will hear more about why the organization acts the way it does in different contexts and about official positions on current matters. You will also get a glimpse into the internal culture of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Simon Lindberg – as a person

On Leadership Perspective, you will also get to know Simon Lindberg via some more informal questions and simpler reflections from his everyday life. Although there are occasionally elements of a personal nature in the podcast, it largely seeks to maintain an authoritative, credible and serious tone.

“South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd was a true National Socialist”


Jan Lamprecht explains how the Jews came into control of South Africa and that it was Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd (In office: 1958-1966) who was their strongest opponent. Verwoerd was assassinated on 6 September 1966.

Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #134.

NORDIC FRONTIER #135: Summary of 2019


NORDIC FRONTIER. We invite radio boss Fredrik Vejdeland to reveal an exciting new audio production and we’ll summarize the year gone by.




Simon Lindberg speaks at Finnish Independence Day demonstration


  • Fredrik Vejdeland comes on to talk about a new exciting program being launched this week and also about how the radio business has progressed in 2019.
  • We talk to news editor of Nordfront.se Simon Holmqvist about his thoughts on the news year 2019
  • We’ll finish up by summarizing our hottest takes of 2019

RSS: https://nordiskradio.se/?format=mp3-rss&show=nordic-frontier

EMAIL: [email protected]

TELEGRAM GROUP: Nordic Frontier Channel and Chat

Support the Nordic Resistance Movement!

Live at:

7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond

How the communists recruited blacks in South Africa and Rhodesia


Jan Lamprecht of Historyreviewed.com was invited to the show to talk about Africa. Here he talks about how the communist-terrorists managed to recruit blacks after several failed attempts.

“The change of tactics, which the liberals and Jews won’t tell you.”

Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #134.

Simon Lindberg holds lecture on National Socialism in Dalarna


MEETING. On Saturday 30th November, the Nordic Resistance Movement’s leader Simon Lindberg held a lecture on National Socialism at Nest 5’s monthly meeting in Dalarna, central Sweden.

The meeting served to discuss the organisation’s activities during the coming month and also allowed members and activists to converse about all matters big and small with their comrades. After the monthly meeting was concluded, everyone enjoyed a well-made chilli con carne, which was much appreciated by the attendees.

The highlight of the day was a lecture by Simon Lindberg entitled “What is National Socialism?”, which he previously gave in Sundsvall. As the name suggests, the talk aims to elucidate what National Socialism is and is not.

Before the speech began, the venue was opened up to visitors, who came to listen to what Simon had to say. As well as listening to the presentation, the visitors could also take the opportunity to purchase items from Greenpilled and write a Christmas message to the imprisoned comrade Peter Holm.


Alternative for Sweden Nordic Resistance Movement debate

Is the Nordic Resistance Movement – and not Alternative for Sweden...

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. After a long wait, a response to the Nordic Resistance Movement's request for a debate with Alternative for Sweden was finally received....

Achieving Final Victory

Anti-EU – Pro-Europe