Home Resistance News Activism Dresden awareness activism across Norway

Dresden awareness activism across Norway


ACTIVISM. From the 13th to 15th of February, the Nordic Resistance Movement were active across Norway to honour the memory of the victims of the 1945 Dresden terror bombings.

Dresden awareness activism in Norway
“We must never forget Dresden!”

Activists and members from the Nordic Resistance Movement conducted activism across the country to commemorate the memory of the victims of the horrific terror bombing that today’s regime – the Allies – carried out against the German city of Dresden at the end of World War II.

In four waves of attacks, an aerial armada of 2,500 planes dropped a total of 850,000 bombs on the German city and created a firestorm that was intended to cause as much death and destruction as possible.

A firestorm occurs when a fire is so intense that the air it needs to keep burning is sucked towards it from surrounding areas with the strength of a hurricane. In Dresden the fire spread with such force that people and even trees were pulled into a sea of fire. Testimonies also tell of how children lost their grip on their parents and flew into the firestorm. The heat was so intense that roads melted, clothes spontaneously ignited and people’s bodies burned up as they attempted to flee. The enormous conflagration even sucked the oxygen out of air raid shelters and cellars where people were hiding, causing them to suffocate.

Thousands of civilians, surrounded by a sea of fire, threw themselves into the ice-cold water of the Elbe to escape the burning inferno. Witnesses recount how the American fighter planes then descended on the people in the river and massacred them with autocanons and machine gun fire.

Dresden was a very populous city at the time due to hundreds of thousands of white East European refugees having arrived there after fleeing the Red Army. Some sources state there were up to 2.5 million people living in the city, many of whom were desperate women, children and old people who sought refuge from the ravages of Jewish communism.

The Allies conducted terror bombings on various German cities, but Dresden is believed to have been the hardest hit. Exactly how many were killed is uncertain, but German estimates range between 200,000 and 300,000 people.

After winning the war in 1945, the Allied globalists swept their war crimes under the carpet when they wrote the history books, and today hardly anyone has even heard of their atrocities.

See images from the activism below: