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Landsmenn #4 – Interview with Pär Öberg


LANDSMENN. Here is the fourth episode of the podcast show Landsmenn.

This time we interview Pär Öberg from Sweden, who is well known among members of the Nordic Resistance Movement. Pär celebrated his 50th birthday on the 28th of July – and we want to congratulate him. He has been around in the movement for a long time and has much experience in the National Socialist struggle. We ask him about his youth, his views, the movement and more. The interview is in English, but the short introduction is in Icelandic.

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Regional council rules that “Nazi dentist” will not lose his job


FREE SPEECH. A man who was labelled a “Nazi dentist” by the media due to his alleged involvement with the Nordic Resistance Movement will not lose his job, after an investigation ruled that he acted professionally in his duties.

Nordic Resistance Movement dentistOn Wednesday, 22 September, the Nya Wermlands Tidningen (NWT) newspaper published a hit piece about a Värmland dentist, who it claims is active in the Nordic Resistance Movement.

During their “investigation” for the story, NWT accosted the dentist in question, photographed him and asked him multiple questions regarding his alleged political opinions and involvement.

The newspaper referred to the man as a “Nazi dentist” in the story, in an attempt to dehumanise him and make him sound like a villain from an old B-movie. The story also included comments by the anti-Swedish organisation Expo and former members of a local so-called “anti-racist network” in order to present a subjective image of the Resistance Movement under the guise of objective facts.

The story led to Värmland Regional Council publicly distancing itself from the dentist, who has held his post for over 15 years without any prior investigations against him.

Nya Wermlands Tidningen "Nazi dentist" screenshot
“NWT reveals: Värmland dentist active in Nazi organisation” – Screenshot from NWT

The clear purpose of the hit piece was to harm the dentist, to intimidate other potential supporters of National Socialism and to create an opportunity to spread lies about the Resistance Movement.

Both the Nordic Resistance Movement and the man’s alleged opinions are completely legal. The Nordic Resistance Movement is a registered political party that stands for election, and being a National Socialist is protected under Sweden’s Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression. There is therefore nothing in the story to indicate that the dentist committed any offence or otherwise acted in a manner that should merit the hit piece or physical confrontation by the newspaper.

NWT’s story sparked various reactions on social media sites, where many people were sympathetic to the dentist and claimed the report was absurd.

“Out of sheer curiosity, can we find out who the communists and Islamists are?” wrote one person.

Another commenter wrote: “Is NWT trying to get a private person fired from his job? It would be more fitting to write an article about communist teachers who can’t stop themselves from spreading their disgusting views in their teaching – as well as which schools they work for so parents can keep their children away from this brainwashing.”

Another commented: “Nonsense. What he does in his spare time should not affect his work.”

Source: https://www.facebook.com/nyawermlandstidningen

Värmland Regional Council investigation concludes that the dentist did nothing wrong

Värmland Regional Council subsequently conducted an investigation to determine if the man allowed his opinions to influence him in his work during his many years of employment.

Naturally, the investigation demonstrated that the man acted professionally during his career and did nothing wrong, and that consequently there were no “legal grounds for taking measures relating to employment law”. According to Sweden’s Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, people are entitled to hold whatever opinions they want (including those that would make the nation better and stronger in every conceivable way).

Nya Wermlands Tidningen "Nazi dentist" screenshot
“Värmland Regional Council concludes its investigation of the Nazi dentist” – Screenshot from NWT, 1 October 2021

The decision will likely come as a disappointment to regional councillor Fredrik Larsson (Moderate Party), who told NWT that he thinks National Socialism is abominable. At any rate, Värmland will retain a competent and popular dentist in its service.

Public action in Sävsjö

ACTIVISM. On Saturday, 25 September, Sweden’s Nest 7 created a great commotion in Sävsjö with a public activity.

NRM public action in Sävsjö, Sweden

Lately, the traitors in power in Sävsjö Municipality have begun to react with increasing hostility to the Resistance Movement’s presence in the locality. The chairman of the Municipal Council, Stefan Gustafsson, recently attempted to portray the Resistance Movement’s activities as criminal and scare off the people of Sävsjö from resisting the system.

Speaking to the local newspaper regarding the Resistance Movement’s activism in Sävsjö, Gustafsson said: “We do not accept it. It should not exist,” and “The municipality acts and does not turn a blind eye to this type of incident.” He also stated that the municipality reported several of the Resistance Movement’s activities to the police.

NRM public action in Sävsjö, Sweden
“Stop the Population Replacement”

In order to show the people of Sävsjö that they do not have to live in fear of the politicians’ threats and persecution, Nest 7 visited central Sävsjö to conduct a public banner activity. Many happy and interested local people came forward to ask questions and express their support. Among them was a bus driver who told the activists about his daily experiences with multiculturalism, as well as a young nationalist man who came over to shake hands. Overall, the people did not seem to have fallen for the politicians’ scare tactics.

One exception was an aggressive and pathologically angry racial alien, who approached the Resistance men to initiate a confrontation. After assuring the activists that this would be the last activity they conducted, he rang the police to tell them that the Resistance Movement were in Sävsjö, which he was fully convinced was illegal. Following the conversation with the police, he stood and yelled about how he was going to attack the Resistance men, which caused some passing locals to try in vain to calm him down. He subsequently approached again to photograph the Resistance fighters intrusively with a murderous look in his eyes. After he was removed from the activists’ private sphere, the formerly tough-talking racial stranger rang the police again to cry about having been assaulted. The activists remained in the location for a while before making their way to another more central place in Sävsjö, with the troublemaker following close behind, reporting their every step to the police on the phone.

Opponent at NRM public action in Sävsjö, Sweden

After the activists had stood and talked for a while with some supporters, the police showed up to check on the situation. When they found that everything was calm, they spent the rest of the time attempting to calm down the frenzied racial alien, while he frantically tried to persuade the police to arrest the Resistance men. The activists told the police about the racial alien’s deranged behaviour, and the police appeared to agree with them.

NRM public action in Sävsjö, Sweden

The day’s activity also became a hot topic of conversation on Facebook, when the troublemaker decided to warn the community about the Resistance Movement’s activity in an informational group about local crimes in Sävsjö. However, he was only met with opposition from the group’s members, who understood that the activity had nothing to do with crime.

Facebook messages of opponent at NRM public action in Sävsjö, Sweden
Screenshot of the racial alien complaining on Facebook about the Resistance Movement standing outside a shop in Sävsjö. Other members of the Facebook group inform him that the Resistance men have a right to be there and that he should not push a camera in their faces and try to provoke them.

When the activists had stood with the banner until the appointed time, they were able to end the activity without anyone being arrested, much to the annoyance of the racial alien, and likely also to Stefan Gustafsson. It turns out that it is completely legal to conduct National Socialist activism in Sävsjö Municipality, regardless of what traitors or mentally unstable vagrants have to say about the matter.

To all sympathisers in Sävsjö: You are many! Do not be afraid of politicians’ persecution. Send in an application and resist!

NRM public action in Sävsjö, Sweden

Material wealth enslaves you


IDEOLOGY. The modern world’s materialistic outlook is one of the biggest problems to combat today. Marcus Hansson explains why, from two different points of view, in two separate articles. This first article is about revolution and materialism.

No revolution - TV

Materialism prevents revolution

Man has always fought for resources with the ultimate aim of competing for advantages when it comes to acquiring a mate. This has ensured that women all over the world attach great importance to the resources or status of a man when choosing a partner. Both the woman and the man operate like this to increase their offspring’s chances of survival. Understandably, nature has moulded man in this way for generations. If we were to entertain the idea that the opposite were true – i.e., that women were more likely to choose men who were poor at acquiring resources – then, in such a case, there would be a greater risk of their offspring dying out, or their being out-competed by groups who are better at gathering these resources. In Africa, Australia, Asia and North and South America (i.e., virtually the whole world), this happened when the White man repeatedly took over the societies of the original inhabitants, as they had basically no resources or had not accumulated enough resources or knowledge to resist the military power of the White man.

The White man is good at acquiring resources, and modern capitalists have used this in their commercial logic throughout the 20th century. Today’s elite, well aware of how people function, utilise these mechanisms to prevent a necessary revolt against them at a time when they are trying to accumulate the majority of the earth’s resources. Today one percent of the earth’s population owns about 50 percent of the planet’s resources. Much of this has been achieved via fraud, such as creating money out of thin air and lending it to the working people.

It is usually sufficient just to threaten to take away material things from the aspiring revolutionary to make him fall to his knees and kowtow to power – especially if he has a family or wants to start one. His biology cries out that he is going down a path that is worsening his quality of life and the chance of a good partner. The man deprived of status does not get the best women, period.

If a parent feels that he can only participate in the struggle if he can also have at least one large house, two cars and two holidays abroad every year – then the power-holders need only take away one of these things for that individual to desert the struggle. If a man feels that he must, at the very least, own an expensive house, then the power-holders only need take away his job so the bills cannot be paid and the struggle is deprioritised. Despite the fact that the power-holders have treated the individual so badly, the individual chooses to cling to the material. Others may not be able to cope with going to prison, so the authorities try to ascertain this information and then send the person in question to prison or threaten to do so.

Black and white photo of a man and a tent

Whoever does not cling to the material becomes a dangerous person

If the person is prepared to be imprisoned and prepared to live in a tent, and is perhaps even prepared to lose his entire family, what should the power system do with such an individual? Really, the only options left are life imprisonment, torture or murder. Imagine if there were 10,000 such Swedes who were prepared to live such a lifestyle with their families and were also willing to rebel. This would really be something to make the system tremble. Because even though the state has the police and the military on its side, these individuals are weakened by materialism themselves; and if the individuals are not, their family members are.

An excellent example of this is the USA, where people complain about having lost around 4,500 men in Iraq and around 2,500 in Afghanistan. People take this argument about many American soldiers dying in the wars seriously, when really they should be laughed at. The fact that some citizens feel they cannot spare 7,000 soldiers in a state with 300 million inhabitants points to a degradation of the will to dominate. However, it should not be forgotten that these wars are Zionist wars, which means that I do not support them in the slightest.

The elite also suppress the number of aspiring revolutionaries by bribing the people with material things to subdue their will to self-sacrifice. Bribing populations or leaders of populations in order to gain their support is a proven method throughout history. This happens in the same way today, but people no longer think along such lines and therefore become blind to it.

Hundreds of thousands of Swedes see how this nation is collapsing before their eyes and that things are only going to get worse. However, they still have it too good, too comfortable, and have too many material things they will not give up. These people then actively choose to deceive themselves with false doctrines, such as the idea of a democratic solution – something that will not solve the problems they experience.

So how can we solve this? I am not a Marxist and therefore I do not believe that the population’s natural heritage can be completely deprogrammed from them. But one should still not underestimate the impact of the environment (education) on people. I think a good way forward for White Europeans is to subdue the material desire of the individual as much as possible and then channel the desire that exists within us into acquiring resources within a mutual fellowship.

This could be a group buying a shared house and then renting it out to other Whites in the fellowship. The income for the let goes towards more house purchases. The same would happen with businesses, production facilities and village neighbourhoods, with a view to expanding gradually together and taking over whole villages and towns, and ultimately winning back our entire countries under our control. Live frugally in order to have the resources for aggressive expansion. Instead of women choosing men according to their resources, they will choose them according to their hierarchical status within this fellowship.

Take away the “Holocaust” – and Swedes would hate Jews for no reason?


Prime minister Stefan Löfven admits that lack of “education” regarding the “Holocaust” would lead to antisemitism. The logical question is why?

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #204: Around blacks never take the vaxx!

Monthly meeting in Sweden’s Nest 6: Mountain climbing and ghost hunting

MEETING. On Saturday, 18 September, members and supporters went deep into the woods on the border between Norrbotten and Västerbotten to hold a monthly meeting, spend the night and record an episode of the Kulturbunkern web TV show.

Camping at Vithatten mountain, northern Sweden

The plan was for everyone to arrive early and be ready for the monthly meeting, which was scheduled to start at 12 o’clock. However, these plans were dashed rather quickly when the location’s remoteness and inaccessibility became apparent to the various members of the group arriving by car. In increasing frustration, they attempted to navigate along a myriad of winding gravel roads deep in the forest with the help of a GPS and maps, searching for places that in some cases are not even marked on maps. The somewhat bewildering roads meant that even people who had been there before found it hard to reach the destination in time.

The goal was for everyone to get to the foot of the Vithatten mountain and the farm located there. The mountain has long been the subject of local legends and superstitions, and both the mountain in general, and the farm at its foot in particular, are said to be haunted by ghosts. This reputation and the incredibly beautiful view from the summit have made Vithatten a popular place to visit, and there have even been books written about it.

Vithatten house, Sweden
The main building at Vithatten

The main reasons for gathering here were to climb the mountain and enjoy the beautiful views the summit has to offer, as well as to record an episode of Kulturbunkern (The Culture Bunker) about the location and investigate how haunted it really is.

Vithatten hiking, northern Sweden
David Nilsson looks out over an endless forest landscape

When the party had finally reached the final destination with sighs of relief, tents were erected, food was consumed and a successful meeting was held, before everyone headed up to the top of the mountain. Once at the summit, the group were treated to a fantastic view, which was further enhanced by the beautiful display of autumnal colours.

Vithatten hiking, northern Sweden
Hikers on the way up to the top of Vithatten
View from Vithatten mountain, northern Sweden
The view from Vithatten, 511 metres above sea level

Back at the farm, the food that had been brought along was prepared, and the comrades warmed themselves by the fire as the temperature dropped. After stomachs were filled, the group sat and socialised, enjoying pleasant conversation while the darkness of twilight enshrouded them.

Camping at Vithatten mountain, northern Sweden
A meal in the firelight

The comrades from Nest 6 also had the pleasure of receiving a visit from Nest 4 in the form of David Böhlin, who participated as a guest during the filming of Kulturbunkern. The participants then embarked on the strange, but fun, experience of hiking in the midnight darkness in search of ghosts.

Camping at Vithatten mountain, northern Sweden
The Kulturbunkern hosts prepare to interview David Böhlin

The evening and the activity concluded after more socialising around the fire. The party then went to bed in a military tent with a stove that emitted a pleasant warmth and spared the comrades from the cold outside.

"Ghost" at Vithatten mountain, northern Sweden
A long shutter speed on the camera fittingly resulted in the image of a ghostly Nest Chief

NORDIC FRONTIER #204: Around blacks never take the vaxx!


NORDIC FRONTIER. A couple of antisemitic purebloods sit down to shoot the breeze about Covidshit and the like and you won’t believe what happens next!







Interview with Tuukka Kuru from Sinimusta Liike

Monthly meeting in Sweden’s Nest 4: Restoration and live music in the forest


Antisemitism illegal in Ukraine

Classical architecture in the third world

Mandated vaccine for police in Australia

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Live at:

7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond

Norm MacDonald was brilliant!


In the latest episode, Nordic Frontier Norm analyzes MacDonald’s humor.

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #203: Back to NORMal

Election activism: “What politicians really think”


ACTIVISM. On the day before the parliamentary elections in Norway, the Resistance Movement’s Nest 3 conducted a campaign to show voters what politicians’ really think.

NRM Norway election activismOn Sunday, 12 September, the day before the Norwegian parliamentary election, members and activists from Nest 3 gathered in central Bergen for a public informational activity.

Speech bubbles that revealed politicians’ true opinions and intentions were placed on all the election posters that the Resistance men came across. In addition, a large number of stickers, leaflets and posters were put up. The activists also ensured that hostile propaganda was removed.

The action attracted a folk-traitor who wanted to remove the posters the Resistance fighters had put up, but she got cold feet when she was confronted and noticed one of the activists had a camera.

NRM Norway election activism
“Immigrants before Norwegians” sticker on a Red Party poster
NRM Norway election activism
“No to free speech”

NRM Norway election activismNRM Norway election activismNRM Norway election activismNRM Norway election activismNRM Norway election activismNRM Norway election activismNRM Norway election activism

NRM Norway election activism
“A vote for us is a vote against Norwegians and Norwegian sovereignty”

NRM Norway election activism


Monthly meeting in Sweden’s Nest 4: Restoration and live music in the forest

MEETING. Members of Sweden’s Nest 4 recently went to the Jämtland forest to hold their monthly meeting and spend the night in an old mountain cabin.

The comrades gathered in the village of Bräcke in Jämtland on 11 September to procure the last necessities needed before driving far out into the woods. The weather was grey but the atmosphere was good as the group travelled to the destination for the excursion: a mountain cabin hidden by the trees. Instruments, a grill and foraged mushrooms were brought along for the evening, but the first item on the agenda was the restoration of a dilapidated barn. The work consisted of tearing down the rotten part of the old roof, while leaving the beams intact.

Restoration of an old barn in the Jämtland woods
The work in full swing

This is the second construction project Nest 4 has undertaken in a relatively short time, with members also having helped a comrade replace the gutters on his house over the course of a few weeks.

A cabin in the Jämtland woods, Sweden
The cabin after being decorated in the customary way by the team

After a hard work shift, the men left the barn in a somewhat better condition than they had found it and began cleaning up and preparing dinner. An activist had picked porcini mushrooms in the morning, which were supplemented with shaggy ink cap mushrooms picked during the day. The dinner consisted of chicken, vegetables and mushrooms fried together over the fire, with rice and homemade bread on the side.

A porcini mushroom in the Jämtland woods, Sweden
A porcini mushroom, almost completely worm-free
A stew cooked on a campfire in the Jämtland woods, Sweden
Freshly diced mushrooms are added to an already delicious stew

The evening in the cabin was long and cosy, not least thanks to the violin music performed by the Nest’s own folk musician.

Musical performance in a cabin in the Jämtland woods, Sweden
Live music in the wilderness

The next morning was spent cleaning up and getting things ready, before the comrades thanked one another and parted ways.


Hey you, the couch potato right there!

MOTIVATION. Michael Hovila writes about the different excuses that are used as to why some people cannot engage in the struggle and why nothing...