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NORDIC FRONTIER #112: EU and the snack bowls of Europe

NORDIC FRONTIER. We dive deep into the snack bowl that is the EU-election, Mike waves the flag for his favourite hockey team and we also fight for our ancient runes.

Mixed Bag:

GOT and the absolute state of the world

Neo-Mike’s Neo-Nazi Hockey rant

Face animation getting scary

New fires being set around Sweden

EU-election extravaganza

Everything anyone is going to remember from the EU-election 2019.

Der Dritte Weg wins two seats in local election

Runes under attack

  • You fuck with our symbols, we’ll fuck with yours:

Leftist terrorist plotting communist revolution – gets five years in prison

Jewing continues in Poland

Löfven promises to cuddle jews forever

Green politician man-handles boy student

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8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond


What is fascism?


IDEOLOGY. “Fascism” and “fascist” are two terms which are thrown around a lot in political debate. Here Jimmy Thunlind discusses what fascism actually is and how it differs from National Socialism.

“No fascists on our streets!” Many of us have heard the chants from the violent, brainless leftist placard-wavers. To them the term “fascist” incorporates everything from Nazis, racists, Sweden Democrats, nationalists, the majority of Moderates, to anyone else they don’t like for whatever reason. For the rest of the general population, the word “fascist” is no more than a general insult, like “idiot”. As such I think it will be interesting to give a little account of what fascism really is, especially as it exposes just how completely uncultured and ignorant of history so-called anti-fascist groups (e.g., Antifa, the Young Left, Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden) really are, given that there are practically no fascist organisations in the world today. The overblown fight against fascism is a fight against windmills and illusions.

Let me begin by clarifying that this article does not claim to be a complete academic account of fascism as an ideology and historic phenomenon; rather it simply aims to give a brief introduction to fascism as an ideological and historic concept.

Fascism took shape as an ideology in Italy during and after the First World War. Its foremost advocate upon its creation was the Italian socialist and nationalist Benito Mussolini, who in March 1919 started the first fascist combat groups, the Fasci di Combattimento. In 1921 Mussolini founded the National Fascist Party (Partito Nazionale Fascista), and in 1922 the fascist revolution was proclaimed in Italy. Mussolini had been one of the leading figures in the Italian socialist party, and his politics were fundamentally built on a revolutionary form of syndicalism combined with an ardent nationalism, with the historic Italian ideal of the Roman Empire as its archetype. Mussolini’s view of polity was inspired in part by the syndicalist Georges Sorel and the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s authoritarian and elitist theses, which argued that leadership should be based on competence and merit – as well as the justification of violence to achieve political goals.

One can simplistically outline the original fascist ideology in three main points:

1. Realpolitik. Fascism developed from a strong hostility towards communism, capitalism, liberalism and parliamentary democracy. Communism because it contravenes nature with its anti-evolutionary egalitarianism and utopian internationalism, which instead has created class hatred and moral degeneracy. Capitalism because it lacks spiritual ideals and materialistically aims for maximum exploitation of people and resources, with impoverishment and inequality as a result. Liberalism because it builds on egotism and self-interest before the public good. And parliamentary democracy because it’s ineffective, powerless and stagnatory.

The fascists were often criticised for having no traditional and fully developed ideology on which to build their politics. But according to Mussolini this was fascism’s strength – because when the opposition among the liberals and communists stood locked in old established party programmes and ideological dogmas, the fascists were free to move in whichever direction they needed and take realpolitikal decisions based on the conditions of the time. This realpolitikal position made the fascist state very efficient and responsive to the people’s needs, often referred to as “democracy through action”. It also ensured fascism was incredibly modern and progressive in its method of managing society’s functions, which leads to the next point:

2. Corporatism. The notion of viewing society as an organic body (the Latin corpus), in which the different societal groups (or corporations) each constitute a part, was not something the fascists developed on their own. Similar ways of organising society go back to the trade and guild systems of the Middle Ages and the later class society. The metaphor of the human body was used as early as the New Testament (Romans 12: 4-5), in which Paul compares the church to a body that consists of various limbs (from which we derive our word member). But Mussolini was the first in modern times to organise an entire nation with corporatism as its core principle.

Simply put, the idea was to unite the citizens in professionally or socially defined groups, called corporations, with common interests. Industry workers would comprise one corporation, farmers another, teachers and school personnel another, and so on. The corporation’s own common interests formed the basis of its decisions, and spokespeople were appointed to represent the group in the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations, the fascist state’s lower house. A big advantage was that both employers and employees were united in the same corporation. It was the profession and the mutual dependence that united people, not their station or class, and thus the foundations for a class society were erased.

Via corporatism’s emphasis on citizens and groups as functions that contribute to the achievement of the greater good (society or the national community), a super-individualistic outlook is created that is unselfish and healthy. The emphasis on one’s function rather than one’s office or status also meant a modern and practical planned economy could be developed, in contrast to the egalitarian and class-divided communist states. Corporatism’s ideas were so effective that they went on to influence governmental systems in several countries after the end of the Second World War, including Portugal, Spain and… Sweden (!). In our country, corporatist thought has had a large impact on the development of the system of cooperation between the government, unions and industry – the so-called “Saltsjöbaden spirit” – and via our constitution, which guarantees various organisations’ influence in the central political decision process through the state referral institute. Unfortunately in Sweden this has greatly contributed to erasing fascism’s third essential feature:

3. National identity. The uniting of the people under a strong authoritarian state founded on a proud historic heritage, which takes responsibility for important societal functions benefiting all citizens, and which ensures that children and young people receive a sound education and upbringing. For Italian nationalism, a common history was fundamental – the Roman Empire’s bygone days as a world power still stirred in every Italian’s blood. But nationalism was also an important force for infusing strength, belief in the future and a spiritual ascendancy in the people.

Here we will leave the description of fascism and move on to the question which many in our time ask: Wasn’t German National Socialism the same thing as fascism? No, it wasn’t. Certainly National Socialism was inspired by the fascists’ national uprising after the catastrophic conclusion of the First World War, and there were indeed aspects the two ideologies had in common, such as the realpolitikal opposition to communism, liberalism and capitalism, and the corporatist organisation of trade and industry and a planned economy – but there are also some crucial differences:

1. The race question. National Socialism’s definition of the people as a biological entity with a blood fellowship is completely lacking in fascism, where instead the historic nation with its borders and common culture are the important factors. National Socialism’s strong emphasis on inherit racial differences and their significance is also totally absent in fascism, making it a non-racialist ideology. It is therefore almost embarrassingly ridiculous that organisations today call themselves “anti-fascist” while fighting against “racism”, which does not exist in fascism.

2. Contra-Semitism. The resistance and struggle against Jewish power over the economy, culture and media was central to National Socialism. Knowledge of the Jews’ large-scale involvement in the Bolshevik Revolution and Marxist expansionism, as well as in the capitalist system the world over, made Jews National Socialism’s enemies. But within fascism there was no anti-Zionism, anti-Semitism or even criticism of Jewish influence. Rather Jews were completely assimilated into Italian society. Many were members of the Fascist Party, including Alberto de Stefani, Mussolini’s finance minister during the 1920s, newspaper editor Ettore Ovazza, who ran a Jewish-fascist newspaper, and Mussolini’s mistress Margherita Sarfatti.

3. Relationship to the church. In both Italy and the other fascist states, the relationship between the Catholic Church and the state was very strong, something which has often aggravated fascism’s opponents, who believed the fascists never could have come to or kept power if they hadn’t had the church’s support and blessing. National Socialism, on the other hand, was completely free from the church’s influence. Most of the leaders within National Socialism saw religion as a private matter and something in which the state should not interfere. For example, Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring were both members of the church until their death; however, Hitler, like many of the other leaders, was an opponent of the church’s institutions and clergy and was convinced that religion was eventually doomed to failure (Hitler: Monologe, p. 303; Picker: Tischgespräche, p. 355).

In today’s Sweden, there are no avowed fascist organisations. I do not believe this is due to fascism’s ideas in themselves being inferior or unworkable; I believe it is rather because the good and practical aspects of fascism have been incorporated into the much stronger National Socialist movement. Today, awoken and courageous people turn to the revolutionary and functional Nordic Resistance Movement, which with great efficacy has proven that National Socialism is the only practicable path out of our time’s political catastrophe of Zionist-dictated “democtatorship”, destructive multiculturalism and exploitation of man and nature. I suggest you also join the growing band of proud Nordic warriors for a healthy and hopeful future for our children and grandchildren!

Autonomous National Socialists burn EU propaganda


AUTONOMOUS ACTIVISM. According to information given to Nordfront staff, autonomous National Socialist activists have during the past few weeks been gathering enemy EU-propaganda such as signs and flags. Here they share the video where they burn it all!

Social activity with nature in mind

SOCIAL ACTIVITY. Caring for nature is something natural for us National Socialists and that’s why on the 18th of May members from Nest 2 in Skövde held an activity for the benefit of biological diversity.

Our wild bees are one of many species that fulfil a vital function in our ecosystem but are, unfortunately, now threatened. A simple, fast and concrete way to help the bees is to build a bee hotel as we did. Several of them will be placed out in the wild during the weekend and we hope that others will follow our example.

Training in Luleå

TRAINING. On Friday the 17th of May members of activist group 601 held a training session in Luleå. The session began with warming up, followed by some light boxing and performing parts of the activists’ physical test.

Everybody performed well and activist group 601 in Luleå will continue having different types of training sessions in order to constantly improve its members’ condition and ability to defend themselves.

Croatian nationalists highlight the Resistance Movement’s struggle against global Zionism


RESISTANCE NEWS. The Croatian publication Tribun highlights world Jewry’s campaigning to ban the “only movement that is fighting to save Sweden from its attempted suicide”.

The Croatian online publication Tribun recently wrote an article about the Nordic Resistance Movement, stating: “[They are] the most active resistance against the Swedish authorities’ ethnic suicide policy.”

“Due to the fact that the number of Resistance members, and their activities, is growing rapidly, certain people with a “special status” are lobbying Swedish authorities to ban the organization and its activities.”

Tribun has also read the enemy of the people, Expos’ report, which states that the Nordic Resistance Movement is responsible for 90 percent of “white power” activities, which has increased significantly in recent years. Tribun and commenters claim that Expos’ list is misleading.

“White difference groups within the “opposition” are classified as white power groups, including the political party Alternative for Sweden (AfS). Most of these organizations, especially AfS, have nothing to do with white power.”

Tribun sarcastically claims the Jewish-power organization World Jewish Congress (WJC) pressures Nordic governments to ban the Nordic Resistance Movement.

“Since the Nordic Resistance Movement is an ideological national socialist organization that advocates the creation of a Nordic state consisting of the Nordic countries and the restoration of natural order and natural values, it was only a matter of time that this would not draw the attention of “the chosen people,” they write.

They also point out the paradoxical situation of reading almost daily how much racism, hatred, xenophobia and ethnic cleansing is taking place in occupied Palestinian territory; yet the WJC chooses to focus on the Nordic Resistance Movement, who has never attacked any members of “the chosen people.”

It therefore sounds odd when the WJC sends a letter to Stefan Löfven describing the “terrifying uniformed marches” that the Resistance Movement undertook on Yom Ha-Shoah itself, which everyone knows is Holocaust Memorial Day, not your “Labor Day”, the publication says.

It is important to mention that the Nordic Resistance Movement did not even know that the Jews this year had one of their numerous memorial days scheduled for May 1st, and that no other people’s celebrations can be allowed to take precedence over their own people’s.

The Croatian article also mentions the fake news video promoted by the WJC to smear the Nordic Resistance Movement, and notes that even with over 2,000 views, their video had 5 “likes” versus 274 “dislikes.”

Tribun also notes the amusing incident during Almedalen in 2018, when a Jewess attacked a Resistance member and tried to steal a flag, and later cried to the media.

She claimed that she had been the victim, and in fact it was an evil Nazi that attacked her and “cut her hands,” which happened because she refused to let go of the flag. She also was caught lying a second time at the same event, claiming “the Nazis” tried to rob her of a valuable gold ring.

Tribun also tells its readers that the Nordic Resistance Movement is a legal political organization, but due to the constant oppression of ethno-nationalism in the Nordic countries, the organization is the only political party that is not allowed to have any bank accounts.

Finally, they write that they do not wish to waste a lot of words describing the idiocy that the state authorities show with the great waste of police resources to constantly harass members of the organization when, for example, they legally distribute flyers with political information.

SOURCE: https://tribun.hr/svjetski-zidovski-kongres-trazi-zabranu-djelovanja-najaktivnije-opozicije-svedskom-suicidu/

“We will never moderate. We will never adapt!”


NATIONAL SOCIALISM. Norwegian writer Arjuna explains why the Nordic Resistance Movement must never be liberalised and why it must remain faithful to National Socialism.

Man holds a Nordic Resistance Movement flag in the mountains

Two kinds of readiness are constantly needed: (i) to do only what the logos of authority and law directs, with the good of human beings in mind; (ii) to reconsider your position, when someone can set you straight or convert you to his. But your conversion should always rest on a conviction that it’s right, or benefits others-nothing else. Not because it’s more appealing or more popular.

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

“It’s truly a privilege to live and be politically active in these times.” Such a statement might seem strange to many, and many may not immediately agree with it. Its validity is hard to dispute, yet it can be difficult to comprehend with all the noise we surround ourselves with these days.

The point is that we National Socialists will forever have the truth and the moral foundation in accordance with man’s nature and his spirit. As such, even when something appears to be a defeat, there will always be an element of victory. This isn’t just a case of positive thinking, but objective observation. All who have the will can see this.

Protestors holding a torchlit march in Charlottesville

One example is Charlottesville and its repercussions, which included a purging of websites and social media accounts that expressed “heretical” opinions. On the surface, and at present, this can be seen as a considerable setback, but the fact is that it confirms we have taken many large steps forwards. These steps have covered so much ground that we might not even realise it ourselves. As Andrew Anglin from The Daily Stormer, one of the most-discussed websites in this context, said:

The battle between ideas is over and we won. They lost the debate, and their only remaining alternative is to shut us out.

Those who protested against the Alt Right in Charlottesville are also supported directly by Wall Street, Hollywood, the Deep State, foreign heads of state like Angela Merkel, former presidents like George Bush Jr. and George Bush Sr., the MSM and the biggest corporations in social media; i.e., the “Elite” or “the 1%”.

A shady hand hold the strings to a puppet

Our opponents and their supporters have been forced into the open, and, as we expected, it isn’t pretty. The Marxist professor and Gramsci expert Diego Fusaro states that the new Left wing which has emerged has interests in common with both capitalism and imperialism. He calls this symbiosis a two-winged eagle which de facto constitutes what we now refer to as globalism (he believes that the 1968 generation’s apparent revolt was a huge victory for the neo-liberal agenda).

Related: What is Cultural Marxism?

Fusaro says the Right side (capital power) sets and establishes the structures, while the Left sets the superstructure. Capital power wants to destroy nation states because such states limit globalism’s ideas of free movement of capital etc., while the Left want to destroy nation states because they believe nations and borders are artificially constructed (except those towards which they are ideologically sympathetic, such as the Kurds and Zapatistas).

As such both have an incentive to deconstruct everything that supports the nation; i.e., family, ethnicity, religion etc.

The elite in general – and capital power especially – are therefore highly involved in attacks on everything that could constitute a basis for a national community (think Brexit). An interesting case in this context is the Norwegian Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet, FRP). This party functions as a safety valve and claims responsibility for protecting what they refer to as “Norwegian values”. We know now that these “values” are not especially Norwegian, but rather universal and very diffuse; e.g., “democracy”, “freedom of expression” and “human rights” – values they also support being exported to other countries, with unlimited deaths, repression and suffering as a result.

American fighter planes in the Gulf War

If we look at the ideological platform the Progress Party is built upon, this comes as no surprise. We know that Ayn Rand and objectivism are central to the FRP, something their leader Siv Jensen has explicitly made known. Ayn Rand was a Jewish immigrant and an avowed proponent of open borders. She reasoned she couldn’t be anything else, given her history. When considering her legacy today, curated by the Ayn Rand Institute and its Jewish leader Yaron Brook, the central theme is the same: Capitalism and open borders are two inseparable entities.

Brook has illustrated this by representing the immigrant as the very embodiment of capitalist principles: He pulls up his roots, renounces his identity and overcomes all obstacles in his pursuit to realise his dream; he creates his own future anew, unhindered by any limitations. Brook goes so far as to promote his own desire for creating a new man – a future man. Not unlike “the Soviet man”, this man will also be above racial and national lines and other aspects of identity such as religion, but he shall also be individualistic and work only for his own gain.

Graphic of man with no identity

Fusaro also has an example of this. In Marseille, there stand sculptures by the Moroccan artist with French citizenship Bruno Catalano, which are supposed to represent the “world citizen” (as Catalano defines himself). These sculptures are characterised by their lack of vital organs: they have only a head, hands and feet, but lack both a heart and a backbone. Fusaro believes this is not accidental: A heart and a backbone are required for people to see values behind the exclusively materialistic, and act accordingly from that realisation.

These are perhaps not the expressed politics of the Progress Party, but they are the practical consequences, and I’m not sure all their supporters and voters realise this. Thus the lines of demarcation are set and clear for all to see: We have a double-winged, seemingly noble bird, which in reality can best be described as a scavenger, a devourer of rotten cadavers.

Kultur Terror poster

This is relevant in relation to those who comment on National Socialists in general – and the Nordic Resistance Movement in particular – and desire for us to moderate our views and adapt to today’s fashions. To this I will just say: Never! Moderation and adaptations are the equivalent of suicide. For two reasons:

Firstly: Nobody likes a hypocrite who bends whichever way the wind blows to please others. People will always look for something constant, especially when all other values have been eroded: an anchor, an Irminsul (Axis Mundi) in a troubled and unpredictable world. Compare this with the church and its implosion, where all such traces have been eliminated. Infiltrated by special interest groups, the church is now often difficult to differentiate from an ordinary secular social organisation, such as the Norwegian Tourist Board. God has had to adapt himself to man and his whims. The nihilism is total. So what do you need God for? The result is clear: No one takes the church seriously anymore; it has made itself redundant. As the late Norwegian priest Børre Knudsen put it: “Now the flock is leading the shepherd.”

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity;

W. B. Yeats

Nordic Resistance Movement march in Gothenburg

Secondly: National Socialism is organic and holistic, and, in its ultimate sense, an outer and inner manifestation of nature and the cosmos. It incorporates all of life’s aspects. Deviating from National Socialism would mean a mutation, a foreign element that instead kills the organism. To restrict one’s view of life to a demand that Muslims should eat ribs at Christmastime, go on a pilgrimage to Holmenkollen at least once in their lives and raise the Norwegian flag on the 17th of May is in the best case self-deception, and, taken to its extreme (politically: FRP, metapolitically: counter-jihadism), misleading our people into accepting their death.

For them, dying slowly is presumably nobler or less dangerous. Like the frog in the gradually warming water dies without knowing it, in its comfortable surroundings. “It’ll be OK,” it thinks as its bodily functions stop working. National Socialism is a natural measure of the environment’s temperature. Even if the environment seems to be comfortably warm, we know that it’s just a trap to sedate us and pacify the organism.

A power can be overthrown only by another power, not by a principle, and no power that can confront money is left but this one. Money is overthrown and abolished only by blood. Life is alpha and omega, the cosmic stream in microcosmic form. […] For us, however, whom a Destiny has placed in this Culture and at this moment of its development – the moment when money is celebrating its last victories, and the Caesarism that is to succeed approaches with quiet, firm step – our direction, willed and obligatory at once, is set for us within narrow limits, and on any other terms life is not worth the living. We have not the freedom to reach to this or to that, but the freedom to do the necessary or to do nothing. And a task that historic necessity has set will be accomplished with the individual or against him.

Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West

Training day in Nest 8

TRAINING. On Saturday 11 May, training personnel from Nest 8 arranged a full day of sweat and toil. Activist groups met outside Västerås, where all parts of the activist test were performed.

Nest 8 training in Västerås

The test was passed with flying colours, as were the extra activities that followed. Some achievements that impressed were 69 push-ups, 99 back extensions (in a set time) and a standing jump of 2.45m.

Afterwards it was time for combat training. The participants were instructed in the proper way to take down an opponent, which they practised in pairs. Once the technique had been mastered, other aspects were added to the exercise. Last but not least, the activists practised 2 vs. 1 situations, which left everyone completely exhausted.

Nest 8 training in Västerås

Tyr Runes in Greenland

ACTIVISM. Supporters of the Nordic Resistance Movement recently put up Tyr Rune stickers in the area around Nuuk in Greenland.

Nordic Resistance Movement stickers in Greenland

Nordic Resistance Movement stickers in Greenland

Nordic Resistance Movement stickers in Greenland

NORDIC FRONTIER #111: Based British, Tom Goodrich and Paul English

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we have an interview bonanza coming to you live from the Nordic forest. We invite Based British aka Christian Bell, Tom Goodrich and Paul English to talk about various pro-white projects that have been launched in recent times.

Some Bits:

Soph – the antidote to Greta

Abortion – Modern women’s degeneracy exposed

Sheep raped

Stumbling rocks will make you never forget

Fucken based poles


Based British aka Christian Bell comes on the show to talk about his new documentary – Apotheosis of Evil

Bitchute link: Apotheosis of Evil

Youtube link: Apotheosis of Evil

Second segment:

We invite Tom Goodrich and Paul English to talk about the audio book version of Hellstorm.

Book: https://hellstormaudiobook.com/

Paul English on Euro Folk Radio

RSS: https://nordiskradio.se/?format=mp3-rss&show=nordic-frontier

EMAIL: [email protected]

Support the Nordic Resistance Movement!

Live at:

7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond


Vera Oredsson - When the Flagpoles Bloomed

When the Flagpoles Bloomed review

REVIEW. What was life really like growing up in the Third Reich? Vera Oredsson’s childhood memoirs offer a very different version of history to...