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Social Days and activism in Denmark’s Nest 3

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Members gathered for martial arts training and activism at the monthly Social Days event in Denmark’s Nest 3.

Saturday was dedicated to community fellowship at the Social Days event in Nest 3, which is held once a month. March’s Social Days offered a full afternoon and evening of training in fighting techniques and sparring, interspersed with a coffee break, a bite to eat and the opportunity to shop at the store.

Denmark Nest 3 Social Days meeting

After the training, a banner action was held with an LED banner and smoke grenades advertising the Resistance Movement’s Danish website, Nordfront.dk.

Will Smith and black privilege


The National Socialist view on the Oscars.

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #225: Living in a tent with Marcus

A gray world without us whites


Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing

A new episode will be out tomorrow at 22:00.

LIVE 20.00 – NORDIC FRONTIER #225: Living in a tent with Marcus


NORDIC FRONTIER. Times are getting leaner and tonight we’ll find out what it’s like living in a tent with Marcus Hansson.

LIVE LINK: https://odysee.com/@nordicfrontier:3/ep225:5




Nest 3 “confronted” by immigrant gang in Sölvesborg

“Make a revolutionary choice instead” – The Resistance Movement attends Alternative for Sweden public rally

“The 30s are approaching” – Meeting and lecture in Sweden’s Nest 5

“Peace for Nordic Women” action at leftist demonstration

Leafleting at Randers spa after report of problems with racial foreigners


We will invite Marcus Hansson, activist from the Swedish branch of the NRM, who will talk to us about his experience spending a winter living in a tent.

BIG NEWS: Will Smith punched Chris Rock

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7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
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Understanding Breivik’s actions


Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing

Nest 3 “confronted” by immigrant gang in Sölvesborg

ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 3 continued their Blood and Soil campaign with public leaflet distributions in Kristianstad and Sölvesborg.

Sölvesborg NRM leafleting activity

On Saturday 19 March, activists from Nest 3 went to the C4 shopping centre outside Kristianstad, where they handed out leaflets for just over an hour. The activists report that the reactions were mixed, but mostly positive.

The activity was a continuation of the Nest’s Blood and Soil campaign. Many people were out and about, presumably to take advantage of the spring weather. Several activists got to practise their debating skills on the day, as there were many interested people present who wanted to know more about the Resistance Movement and its aims.

Sölvesborg NRM leafleting activity

On the same day, leaflets were also delivered outside the Ica store in central Sölvesborg. The police arrived on site after approximately half an hour and observed that everything was calm.

This calm subsided after a while, however, when a local immigrant gang was confronted following a minor provocation. This resulted in a heated debate between the activists and the racial foreigners, who were very offended by the Resistance Movement’s presence. As is usually the case in such hostile situations, the racial foreigners started talking about how dangerous they are and the kind of people they know.

Sölvesborg NRM leafleting activity

After explaining to the racial foreigners that Sölvesborg – just like the rest of the North – belongs to White men, and that the activists will not be adapting to their wishes, they started calling all their friends for “reinforcements”, saying things like, “Get all the boys!”

The leaflet distribution continued as the foreign gang grew in numbers, until the activists felt compelled to band together. When the foreigners felt strong enough and numbered 15 people, together with a couple of young, misguided White Swedes and other acquaintances, they plucked up the courage to approach the activists.

Immigrant gang at NRM public activity, Sölvesborg, Sweden

Disorganised, and without any kind of discipline, they walked over to the activists and continued their “Sölvesborg belongs to us” posturing. However, the activists did not let themselves be provoked and stood firm in their position.

Although the racial foreigners’ mouths were yammering and their demeanours were aggressive, they avoided physical confrontation, despite their advantage in both numbers and presumably weapons.

Immigrant gang at NRM public activity, Sölvesborg, Sweden

At some point during the attempted confrontation, the racial foreigners realised the activists were not the kind of cucked Swedes they are used to. They clearly understood that the Resistance men did not intend to back down, and that if they tried to take on the activists physically, it would end very badly for both parties. This caused the racial foreigners’ morale to sink, while the activists remained ready and defiant. In other words, it was a lot of talk and no action.

Immigrant gang at NRM public activity, Sölvesborg, Sweden

One by one, the racial foreigners began to slink away to their nice expensive cars, which they had boasted so much about during the “confrontation”; and soon only the activists remained, on the same spot they had stood the whole time. The young White Swedes, who had initially appeared to idolise the older racial foreigners, now had some food for thought, after seeing who turned on their heels first and who stood firm.

Nest 3 of the Resistance Movement will return to the Sweden Democrat-controlled municipality of Sölvesborg soon and awaken hope within more lost Swedish youths.

“Make a revolutionary choice instead” – The Resistance Movement attends Alternative for Sweden public rally

ACTIVISM. Activists from Sweden’s Nest 1 held a positively received banner action in front of approximately 150 nationalists in Stockholm’s Old Town on Saturday 12 March.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner at Alternative for Sweden rally, Stockholm

As the voter base of Alternative for Sweden (AFS) often have more radical views than the party itself, Nest 1 chose to visit the AFS rally at Stortorget to stand with a banner urging the audience to make a revolutionary choice instead and join the Nordic Resistance Movement.

At first, the activists lined up directly behind the stage, which meant the banner could be seen on AFS’s official livestream on YouTube. However, as the banner was not as visible to the audience in that location, the activists subsequently moved onto the square, where no one could miss their presence.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner at Alternative for Sweden rally, StockholmNordic Resistance Movement banner at Alternative for Sweden rally, Stockholm

A tragic group of communists had gathered for a counter-demonstration against AFS, which mostly consisted of standing behind a couple of police vans and shouting. However, their chants did not disrupt the speeches given by the party’s representatives.

Communist protestors at Alternative for Sweden rally, Stockholm

During the rally, several people came over to talk with the Resistance Movement activists and show their approval for the organisation’s presence. Most people asked if the Resistance Movement will also stand for election, while a couple said they are considering applying for membership.

An activist who took part in the activity summarises the day as follows:

The activity can only be regarded as successful, as we received good exposure, both on-site and afterwards on social media.

During the rally, Alternative for Sweden revealed they are not a serious alternative for Sweden when it comes to repatriation. This was exemplified by Jeff Ahl, when he said during his speech, “If you come to Sweden, you have to adapt or go home.”

Just like the Sweden Democrats, they are clearly of the opinion that it’s fine to have racial foreigners in the country, as long as they adapt and adopt Swedish culture, customs and practices. They seem to have completely missed the ethnic aspect, which is actually the most important one if you want Sweden to be populated by Swedes. So make a revolutionary choice instead and join the Nordic Resistance Movement!

“The 30s are approaching” – Meeting and lecture in Sweden’s Nest 5


RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Simon Lindberg visited Nest 5’s monthly meeting to give the attendees inspiration from martyrs of the past.

Nest 5 NRM Simon Lindberg speech

On Saturday 5 March, Nest 5 members gathered to hold their monthly meeting, which is a routine occurrence in the organisation. After arrival and a little mingling, the attendees were bid welcome and the meeting began.

The meeting started with some general information to give the audience a clear picture of what the situation looks like in the Nest, including how it may be affected by current world events. Afterwards, a short break was taken to allow the attendees to fill up on some snacks ahead of the second part of the meeting. This latter part consisted of the member and activist groups making separate plans for future activities and projects.

After the monthly meeting was concluded, the participants began to prepare the venue and diverse sales tables before the scheduled lecture.

Nest 5 NRM meeting food

The lecture was to be delivered by the leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement, Simon Lindberg. Under the title “The 30s Are Approaching – Inspiration for Today’s Struggle from Yesterday’s Martyrs”, the lecture dealt with a selection of various topics.

Lindberg began by making a comparative social analysis, juxtaposing the environment in which yesteryear’s National Socialists operated with the environment in which the Resistance Movement finds itself today. After the audience had understood how Europe has changed over time, Lindberg explained how our movement’s chance of winning is still absolute.

In the second part of the presentation, Lindberg recounted Horst Wessel’s life and work. Wessel’s path into the movement, his fanatical struggle for National Socialism and ultimate martyrdom were all discussed.

In the final part of the presentation, Lindberg summarised the lessons he has learned from Horst Wessel, including the fact that the struggle must be prioritised above all else, and that the struggle demands fanaticism. Lindberg concluded the lecture with a fiery speech that exhorted the audience to make Wessel’s belief and will a reality.

Nest 5 NRM Simon Lindberg speech

From Simon Lindberg’s speech:

If we seek victory for our cause, no recreational activity should occupy more time than the struggle. No enjoyment should be more costly. No friend should be more important than the comrade by your side. No girlfriend or boyfriend, mother, or whoever it may be, should ever cause you to waver. No career opportunity should make you tone things down. No threats, injuries or sacrifices should overcome you.

Nor can the choice to devote oneself to the struggle be some passing whim or fancy. We cannot give everything for the struggle for a year or two and think we have done our part. Because then we will never grow; then X will just be replaced by Y all the time and we will get nowhere.

No, if it really is victory we seek, our wholehearted commitment must be for life, no matter long or short that may be.

The struggle demands a lifetime of sacrifice in the form of time, money, freedom and blood. The struggle demands everything.

But the struggle still gives more than it takes. It gives me the best comrades and a meaning to my existence. It gives me hope in a dark age, and it gives me the privilege of looking my four children in the eyes without being ashamed!

Enormous Jewish wealth and why it’s not listed


Jan Lamprecht on why you should not believe in lists of the “richest people in the world”.

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #224: Jan Lamprecht and the Immortal European Race

Five steps to counter The Great Replacement


The IKEA manual.

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing


Are we right-wing extremists?

NATIONAL SOCIALISM. We are often called right-wing extremists by the media. Is this statement accurate? Are we right wing? As National Socialists, we are often...