Home Ideology Are people starting to doubt the Holocaust?

Are people starting to doubt the Holocaust?


IDEOLOGY. Oscar Lagerqvist comments on a local newspaper article about the Resistance Movement’s action in Jönköping on “holocaust memorial day”, which drew varied reactions from the public.

“No shame – No guilt. The holocaust never happened.”

On Saturday 27 January, the Resistance Movement conducted an activity in Jönköping, with the aim of awakening the sleeping majority to the truth about the most grotesque hoax in modern times: aka, the Holocaust.

During the activity, an old woman told the Resistance men to go to hell, as well as to go and visit Auschwitz. She followed this up by contacting the local newspaper Jönköpings-posten (the Jönköping Post) and complaining. This led to a relatively accurate but nevertheless ridiculous article, which I thought I would share a few thoughts about.

“The holocaust denied – on Holocaust Memorial Day”. Article from the Jönköping Post.

Rebecca Staf and Terese Karlsson, the Bonnier-paid “journalists” who penned the article, begin by writing in horror about how there were a number of people handing out leaflets to passing Jönköping residents, who accepted them without questioning the message.

In reality, people are starting to see through the holocaust hoax to a greater extent, especially younger Swedes; but of course the occasional junkie and other awkward individual were also present, acting like children, when in fact they probably belong in a nursing home.

A brainwashed old woman incapable of having a normal discussion

The article continues with the offended woman saying:

I reacted to the fact that people politely accepted the leaflets, which felt strange, given the message. I’m thinking about it from a democratic perspective. Is democracy worse for wear and are people beginning to doubt that the Holocaust happened?

On this point, I agree with her. If the average Svensson were to wake up and realise the Holocaust is a hoax, they would also venture to ask why it has been taboo to question this alleged event all these years. They would then understand the real problem and join our ranks, in order to fight those who have constructed this anti-White system, and to ensure the traitors are held accountable throughout the Nordic region.

The woman expressed the concern that there are now fewer and fewer people who have “witnessed” the Holocaust, before asking the question “How will we maintain the course when they’re gone?”

Something she obviously hasn’t considered (probably because she’s been severely brainwashed) is that if the holocaust really did happen, there would be no need for anyone to “maintain the course” because there would be no glaring flaws in the official story.

The Nuremberg Trials, for example, would not have been so distorted as to rely on a written confession by a heavily intoxicated and tortured Rudolf Höss. Likewise, chemists like Leuchter would not have claimed there was no cyanide gas in the alleged gas chambers. And there would not have been stories about masturbation machines or one individual surviving six gassing attempts, while the other six million died from the first alleged gassing, and so on.

A scene from the fiction film Schindler’s List, which is used as evidence for the existence of the holocaust

In the article, the Jönköping Post contacted police spokesperson Johnny Gustavsson to ask if the Resistance Movement had permission for the activity. Gustavsson responded by saying no permit had been granted; however, what was not mentioned in the article – for obvious propagandistic reasons – is that there is no legal requirement for a permit to be granted. This is because the right to freedom of demonstration is enshrined in the Sweden constitution, which allows a public gathering such as this to take place without any permission from the police.

Obviously, they formulated it like that to smear the organisation for propagandistic purposes, which has happened a lot recently in Jönköping – by the Jönköping Post and Sveriges Radio Jönköping – with the clear aim of desperately trying to stop the growing Nest in Småland.