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About “Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives”


Traditionalist philosopher and author Askr Svarte about his new book “Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives”.

Excerpt from ARISTOGENESIS #10: Askr Svarte Interview 3

Spectacular activism in central Kristianstad


ACTIVISM. The Resistance Movement held a town square meeting and an abseiling action in the multicultural city of Kristianstad on 11 September.

Kristianstad NRM activism

Kristianstad has recently been hit hard by the increasing multicultural criminality that is spreading across Sweden and the rest of the Nordic region due to the politicians’ betrayal of the people. Swedes living in Kristianstad no longer dare to go outside after everything that has happened. Just recently this has included fatal shootings, a library that was forced to close after vandalism, a mentally ill Syrian who kidnapped and tortured a newspaper courier, bomb explosions, and a 60-year-old woman who was shot when she was going to post some mail.

While the parties in the Riksdag come out with empty rhetoric about integration and raising or lowering taxes, the Resistance Movement takes to the streets to remind Swedes that “This is our country!”

Kristianstad NRM activismKristianstad NRM activism

With support from Nest 7, the Resistance men took up their positions on one of the larger town squares in central Kristianstad to hand out leaflets and hold a speech. Also present were some members of the Sweden Democrats and the Citizens’ Coalition party, who gave out a few pathetic paper bags of party knick-knacks.

The activist Cedric Höglund made his speaking debut and urged the Swedish people to join the struggle. Below are two excerpts from his speech:

Our so-called elected representatives do not work for the Swedes but against us. When is enough actually enough? How long are you going to accept the madness? How long are you going to sit silently?

It was the Swedes who built this country. It was the Swedes who fought and died for this country. And it is only the Swedes who can take this country back!

Kristianstad NRM speechKristianstad NRM speechAfter a while, a security guard arrived and made the strange claim that the activists had been vandalising a dustbin, when in reality they had just been removing a hostile poster from it. After attempting to interrogate nearly all of the activists and trying to prevent the activism, the guard was encouraged to call the real police instead of pretending to be a policeman himself, something that offended him greatly.

Kristianstad NRM activism and guard
An offended guard engages in a staring contest with the activists

The Sweden Democrats who were present quietly complained about some Muslims who had set up a small tent a little way off, while simultaneously appearing to appreciate the presence of the non-European guard. In their view, he was well integrated into the politically correct Swedish culture and was busily engaged in harassing the real opposition. A rather telling example of the Sweden Democrats’ treacherous politics.

Apart from that, no one protested the Resistance Movement’s presence – and in many cases it was the opposite.

Kristianstad NRM activismAfter just over an hour, the activity was concluded in order to prepare for the next action.

Kristianstad NRM activism
The Resistance men plan their next activity

Two activists strapped into their harnesses while others got ready for their respective tasks, which consisted of filming and documenting, attaching the ropes and assisting with safety.

Several people stopped below the galleria when they saw the two activists abseiling down the 20-metre-high wall. An impressive banner was then attached to the Galleria Boulevard wall with the message “This is our country!”

Kristianstad NRM abseiling actionThe banner remained in position for at least an hour, but was likely there for much longer.

Kristianstad NRM abseiling action
The Galleria Boulevard shopping centre is decorated with a true and radical message – “This is our country!”

Nest 3 have conducted similar actions in the past, including on 1 May, when activists affixed a banner to one of the Kärnan towers in Helsingborg – in clear view of many townspeople.

The activity in Kristianstad was reported on live throughout the day, which ensured the action received wider attention.

After a very successful day, the activity declared over, and Nest 3 thanked Nest 7 for their support.

Harvest festival in Sweden’s Nest 2

SOCIAL ACTIVITY. On the first weekend of September, comrades from Sweden’s Nest 2 gathered to revive one of our ancestors’ age-old traditions – the harvest festival.

Harvest festival Resistance Movement, Nest 2Members met early on Saturday morning on the edge of the beautiful plains of Skara, Västergötland, where they were warmly welcomed at the farm by Julia Rosander. The plan for the day was to hold the Nest’s first, but likely not last, harvest festival.

Lunch was the first item on the schedule and consisted of soup served in a pumpkin, alongside bread, pork and sour cream. The saltiness of the pork proved to be particularly flavoursome when combined with the sweetness of the pumpkin.

Harvest festival Resistance Movement, Nest 2After the tasty lunch, Julia explained the rest of the agenda for the day. First up was a tour of the farm grounds and a review of how best to cultivate, manage and harvest the various plants the farm has to offer. Everyone was then divided into groups with different areas or plants for each group to harvest. Some guests were given the task of picking apples, while others gathered vegetables and herbs.

Harvest festival Resistance Movement, Nest 2When the harvest was complete, new duties were assigned. One group was given the task of baking an apple pie, which would be consumed later on, while another group tied herbs together for drying.

Harvest festival Resistance Movement, Nest 2
Julia with some of the day’s harvest

During the apple picking, it was observed that Resistance men will always find ways to make things more exciting (and increase the risk of accidents), even during a relatively simple task. A scaffold was fetched to help reach more apples, but it still didn’t allow the participants to get the ones at the top of the tree. Eventually, the comrades were hanging on to thin branches to reach the treetop to ensure no apples were wasted.

Apple picking, Sweden
The simple (but less enjoyable) way to pick apples

When everyone had completed their respective tasks, the apple pie that one of the groups had made was served. The bakers had clearly been very successful in their task, as the pie tasted wonderful!

When the day began to draw to a close, some guests chose to head home, while others stayed late into the evening and ate a dinner of meat and other foods harvested during the day.

Regardless of the guests’ backgrounds or prior experience of cultivation, everyone went home with new knowledge about the subject and an even stronger feeling of kinship and comradeship.

Banned Resistance Movement in Finland raise swastika flags after legal victory

ACTIVISM. Activists in Finland raised swastika flags and put up Tyr rune banners after Helsinki District Court ruled that the swastika is a legal symbol in the country.

Swastika flag and Vastarinta banner, FinlandIn 2018, the Nordic Resistance Movement was banned in Finland after a loophole in the freedom of association law was grossly exploited by the Finnish police. The organisation was also forbidden from arranging a demonstration on Finland’s Independence Day – which had been a tradition for several years. Although much of the verdict was unclear and open to interpretation at the time – with parts of it still being vague today – some of the statements made by the police indicated that the Tyr rune flag was banned in connection with activity by the Resistance Movement.

Instead of participating in the banned Resistance Movement march on 6 December 2018, all former members and supporters were encouraged to join the independent National Socialist demonstration, which was organised under the slogan “For Freedom!”. At the head of the march, where Tyr rune flags were usually held aloft during Resistance Movement demonstrations, swastika banners were carried instead, as they were legal under Finnish law.

Swastika march, Helsinki
Photo from Nordfront.se – censored due to Swedish law

After the march had progressed a few hundred metres, the police decided to contravene Finnish freedom of demonstration and expression by blocking the ongoing demonstration and forcibly confiscating the swastika flags. All of the flag bearers were arrested, together with the former leader of the Resistance Movement in Finland, Antti Niemi. The arrested men were suspected of breaking Finland’s nebulous “incitement to racial hatred” law.

At the end of August, the good news came that the accused were acquitted in Helsinki District Court, that the swastika is still legal in Finland, and that the police had therefore acted incorrectly. The verdict led to a debate in Finland, in which anti-White commenters lamented the decision, and individual police officers stated they will unlawfully seize swastika flags again if such demonstrations occur in the future.

Swastika flag, Finland
Photo submitted anonymously to the Finnish nationalist news website partisaani.com. Censored in accordance with tyrannical Swedish law.
Swastika flag and Vastarinta banner, Finland
Photo submitted anonymously to the Finnish nationalist news website partisaani.com. Censored in accordance with tyrannical Swedish law.

As a contribution to the debate, anonymous former members or sympathisers of the Nordic Resistance Movement in Finland raised swastika flags around the country. In some places, green flags were also hoisted, and banners with Tyr runes and the Resistance Movement’s old web address Vastarinta.com (which is still online as a historical document) were put up. Green flags were previously used during the 2018 demonstration, together with the swastika flags.

Uncensored versions of the photos can be seen on Frihetskamp.net.

NORDIC FRONTIER #202: Full Frontier with Coach Finstock


NORDIC FRONTIER. While Alan is taking the week off, Andreas invites Coach Finstock of Full Haus podcaster fame to talk about life, family and food.




Obstacle course and martial arts training in Småland

Jewish struggle – A model for us?

ARISTOGENESIS #10: Askr Svarte Interview 3


Tonight Andreas sits down with fellow podcaster Coach Finstock from the show Full Haus.

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ARISTOGENESIS #10: Askr Svarte Interview 3


ARISTOGENESIS. This is the tenth episode of Aristogenesis.

Join us for a third and final interview with Traditionalist philosopher and author Askr Svarte. In this episode we discuss Askr’s new book (“Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives”), the problems of translation and interpretation of ancient texts, as well as the matter of linguistic degeneration, regression of language faculties and their implications on modern man’s intellectual and spiritual capacity. We look deeper into the complicated and bilaterally life-supporting relationship between the state and the church – with focus on Russia – and we discuss religious education in schools as a mean of semitic spiritual intrusion into the mind of European youth.

In this episode: Nestor, Alan and Askr Svarte

Further reading

  • Polemos II. Pagan Perspectives, by Askr Svarte
  • The Conquest of New Spain, by Bernal Diaz
  • Letters of Cortés, by Hernan Cortés
  • The Conquest of Siberia, by Gerhard Müller
  • Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri
  • On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin
  • Beowulf. A Verse translation. Penguin classics. ( We recommend this edition where the translator has made a successful attempt to maintain the alliterative poetical meter, according to our discussion in the episode).
  • The Merchant of Venice and Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
  • The Craft of Translation, edited by John Biguenet and Rainer Schulte
  • Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World, by Nicholas Ostler

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Jewish struggle – A model for us?


IDEOLOGY. The leader of the Resistance Movement writes about whether it’s right to use National Socialism’s antagonists as models for our struggle.


We recently translated and published two articles by the Norwegian writer Russleman:

Even though I find both of these articles very much worth reading and largely agree with their content, there is also a shared thought in each of them that, depending on whether Russleman omitted certain details deliberately, I do not agree with, and which I therefore think deserves its own article. It is the view of the Jews as a model for our struggle, which is manifested in these two quotes from the articles:

As Whites, we have one thing to learn from Jews, and that is organisation. By ensuring that over 90 percent of their population are politically active, this little group has been in a position to take control of the West, but they have only managed it because they are the only ones playing on that level. If Whites began to play the same game (as the National Socialists did in Germany in 1933), the Zionist world order would unravel in the course of a few years, which they themselves are fully aware of.

Jews make up less than 1% of mankind and today dominate most of the globe, despite hardly any examples of Jewish political parties existing outside of Israel. This is not just because Jews are the world’s most hyper-political ethnicity (with at least 90% of their population involved in some form of political activity), but also because of how closely this activity is coordinated, via rabbis among religious Jews and NGOs among secular Jews.

Before I go any further, I would like to make it clear that there are naturally Jews who are in no way part of any hyper-political organisation, just as there are non-Jews who are. Those who govern society today and are sworn enemies of National Socialism consist of both Jews and non-Jews, but not of all Jews or all non-Jews. However, in some cases it is vital to talk about Jews, as they have enormous power in society relative to how few of them there are, as mentioned in the above quote. Jews have a special place both historically and in the present day when it comes to asserting and defending ideals that are diametrically opposed to National Socialism.

Nevertheless, for various reasons I choose hereafter not to refer to the Jews as a homogeneous group, but instead as our heterogeneous antagonist in general.

Cultural Marxism parade

Are our antagonists role models?

There are certainly things we can observe and learn from regarding how our antagonists worked throughout history. How they organised themselves, how they used propaganda and black propaganda, how they worked culturally as well as academically, and how they always made sure to work on multiple fronts at the same time rather than focusing relentlessly on a single path. How they worked within the media, banking, education, food production, the entertainment industry and so on.

They have worked broadly, purposefully and in an organised manner; and they have succeeded, and are still succeeding. Year after year, Cultural Marxism progresses, mass immigration continues and all the natural values we know are further dissolved. Families are broken apart, gender is questioned, big business gains more power, human races and cultures are diluted beyond recognition.

At the same time, it is also incredibly important to understand and remember that we differ from our enemies on several levels. Just as the ethnic Jews differ from ethnic Northerners, the essence of Cultural Marxism also differs from the National Socialist spirit.

Our antagonists have worked diligently according to the motto that all morality and all honour are subordinate to the ultimate goal. That the ends justify the means. They have therefore, as the rule rather than the exception, dealt in lies and manipulation, in entryism and backstabbing. They have marched over graves, totally without compassion, or for that matter without any conscience before nature. In a clinical manner, they have identified weaknesses and attacked them without regard for anything other than their own advancement. The atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are an example of this; derivatives speculation against the economies of entire countries is another.

If we copied our enemies in this regard, if we adapted to their ways and acted as they do, would we be able to drive National Socialism forwards as they have developed their world order? I firmly believe that the answer to this question is no. By acting like them, in a way that is foreign to us, we would also become foreigners. We would no longer be National Socialists, but rather our antagonists. Cultural Marxists. Globalists.

Within National Socialism there is an inherent honesty, morality and honour – sacred values that cannot be violated without also destroying the worldview itself. Of course, this does not mean that we could never lie to our enemies under any circumstances, or break a few eggs to make an omelette, but it does mean that in general we should never act as dishonourably as today’s rulers have done.

Schemers, master manipulators and coup-plotters are unwelcome in our ranks, while honour through loyalty is commended. On this matter, National Socialism reflects the Nordic people’s racial characteristics, which have taken shape within our culture from the beginning.

Loyalty, Honour, Strength
Loyalty, Honour, Strength

How can we win?

We will win precisely by remaining faithful to these higher Nordic values – by living and practising National Socialism in its full glory. Of course, we can also observe how our enemies have organised themselves. We must also – in the same way that we realise the importance of strength – understand the enormous importance of the media, the economy and the cultural struggle. And we must succeed in organising a significant section of our people in order to achieve the same success our antagonists have achieved. But we must do it in the way of our people – in the National Socialist way. With the conviction that truth and good always win in the end. With the knowledge that our people are fundamentally attracted by loyalty, honour and strength, and not by empty promises and mercantile power.

We are not them, and they are not us. Since their values, ingrained in their souls, are not nearly as high as ours, they can never become us; and if we copy them, we will no longer be ourselves, but will instead become them. It is with this knowledge foremost at hand that we must study and learn about the current rulers’ path to power. This is how we can learn from our antagonists in order to be victorious ourselves. Never as role models – but as examples.

Banner activism in Greater Copenhagen


ACTIVISM. A group of activists conducted banner drops and spread propaganda in Greater Copenhagen, Denmark, last weekend.

Banners were hung in several places in the district of Gentofte with the messages “Mass Immigration = Genocide – Nordfront.dk” and “Multiculturalism = Genocide – Nordfront.dk”.

NRM banner, Gentfote, Denmark
“Mass Immigration = Genocide”

NRM banner, Gentfote, Denmark

NRM banner, Gentfote, Denmark
“Multiculturalism = Genocide”

Stickers were also put up in the areas of Hellerup, Dyssegård, Søborg, Gentofte, Vangede and Jægersborg.

NRM stickers, Greater Copenhagen, DenmarkNRM sticker, Greater Copenhagen, DenmarkNRM sticker, Greater Copenhagen, DenmarkNRM stickers, Greater Copenhagen, Denmark

Obstacle course and martial arts training in Småland


TRAINING. Sweden’s Nest 7 ended August with a tough training day.

Nest 7 physical training

On Sunday, 29 August, members from Nest 7 met in the Småland Highlands for martial arts training. This time the warm-up was a little different, with the comrades putting their physiques to the test on a military obstacle course.

Nest 7 physical trainingClimbing-walls, monkey bars, balance beams and tunnels were just some of the obstacles that stood in the way of the participants as they navigated their way through the course. However, it was not just obstacles they had to take into account, as the hilly terrain also comprised many slopes and ridges.

Nest 7 physical training obstacle courseAfter the warm-up was completed, a short break was taken to recover while the equipment was unpacked for the next activity: martial arts. Meanwhile, the comrades had the opportunity to talk between gulps of water after the exertions of the obstacle course.

During the martial arts, the comrades trained in punching combinations, kicks, reaction abilities and speed. Each round was alternated with push-ups and squats until everyone’s energy was exhausted.

Nest 7 boxing trainingAfter all of the participants had fought long and hard, and lactic acid, nausea and the taste of blood had begun to take their toll, the training was concluded. On the way back to the gathering place, the day’s activity was discussed with great cheer, before everyone said their goodbyes until next time.

Jewish symbology


How the Jews operate regarding the “Holocaust”.

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #201: Autumn postings


Alibis vs allies

OPINION. In this article Martin Saxlind writes about how racial aliens can be alibis or allies. Non-white ”anti-racists” and feminists sometimes refer to whites or...