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Organisation Days 2020


RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The Nordic Resistance Movement’s first Organisation Days event took place in southern Norrland, Sweden, at the weekend, with the theme “An Entity of Iron”.

Simon Holmqvist at the Nordic Resistance Movement's Organisation Days

On the first weekend of December, the Nordic Resistance Movement held its first Organisation Days. Organisation Days will be a yearly recurring event at which Activist Groups and Member Groups from the entire organisation will gather to hear important news about the organisation’s operations, partake in practical exercises, and listen to instructive lectures and inspiring speeches. The theme for this year’s Organisation Days was An Entity of Iron.

Saturday began with the compere Simon Holmqvist and the organisation’s Leader Simon Lindberg bidding everyone welcome. First on the agenda for the day was a report by each Nest, as well as the appointment of several new Nest Chiefs. Each of the Nest Chiefs was called onto the stage and ceremonially received the organisation’s national flag before summarising the past year in their Nest and outlining future goals.

Jimmy Thunlind is officially appointed as Nest Chief by ceremonially receiving the national flag

The first of the new Nest Chiefs was Jimmy Thunlind, who was appointed chief of Nest 8. He was followed by Hampus Maijala for Nest 7, who replaces Magnus Wardmo; then Mattias Sigvardsson for Nest 2, who replaces Jimmy Andersson; Daniel Gerdås for Nest 3, who replaces Freddy Nerman; and Daniel Byström for Nest 6, who replaces Robert Eklund. Next, the acting Nest Chiefs for Nest 4 and Nest 1 spoke about their respective Nests, before the long-time Nest Chief Pär Sjögren – who was honoured with a spontaneous birthday song – gave a report for Nest 5. Finally the Norwegian National Council member Martin Oppegaard reported on activities in Norway.

The newly appointed Nest Chief Hampus Maijala gives a report of activities in Nest 7

When the reports had concluded, the Radio Chief Fredrik Vejdeland was welcomed to the stage. Vejdeland made several announcements regarding the organisation’s radio operations and publishing work.

The next point on the agenda was a lecture by Nordfront’s responsible publisher Marcus Hansson about racial hatred legislation. Hansson explained how to avoid being prosecuted and convicted, and how he works to defend freedom of speech from the corrupt legal system.

After the lecture, it was time for a much-needed lunch.

With full stomachs, the members then listened to a lecture about rituals by Pär Öberg. Öberg emphasised the importance of the organisation having its own National Socialist ceremonies for its members relating to everything in life, including birth, marriage, death and much more, so that its members are strengthened by having their spiritual needs met in accordance with their own worldview, instead of such things being managed by the hostile state.

The next in line to give a lecture was Robert Eklund. Eklund spoke about the organisation’s propaganda activities, various propaganda departments, and how activities must be improved.

Simon Lindberg then held a speech about defection, betrayal and treason.

The last point on the agenda before dinner saw the members divided into groups to discuss a number of questions and evaluate the organisation’s operations regarding what is good, what can be improved, and in which direction they would have taken the organisation if they were its leader. The groups then had to present their conclusions to the other groups.

At dusk it was time to eat dinner. The organiser group in Nest 4 served a very well-prepared and much-appreciated Yule meal.

After food, the next event was the traditional appointing of activists. Simon Lindberg read out the names of a number of new activists, who all took to the stage to accept their activist pins.

It was then time for more speeches. Jimmy Thunlind gave a speech about the struggle of the NSDAP and SA in Germany in the 1920s and 30s, and what they achieved during their time in power. Thunlind emphasised that the NSDAP were victorious in Germany after just 14 years, and that we should therefore be very optimistic about our possibility of victory today.

The last item for the day was another very inspiring speech by Simon Lindberg. Lindberg spoke about the immense importance of self-sacrifice for our fighters in the Resistance Movement, and the importance of enduring and remaining in the struggle until victory or death.

Simon Lindberg at the Nordic Resistance Movement's Organisation Days

The next day, two more speeches were given, one by Jimmy Thunlind and one by Sebastian Elofsson, after which Organisation Days was concluded.

Inspired and possessing new knowledge, the comrades parted ways in order to continue the struggle around the country – as an entity of iron – to victory or death!