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Outdoor activity – escaping the system

NATURE. Activists from Nest 3 spent the weekend of 12-14 July in the beautiful environs of southern Sweden, where they were able to practise important survival skills.

Nordic Resistance Movement Nest 3 activists camping in the wilderness

On Friday, the activists gathered by Immeln lake in Skåne before marching north with baggage containing only the most essential equipment. The purpose of only having minimal baggage was to simulate a realistic situation in which the opposition to the current system might need to move quickly into the wilderness.

After a couple of hours’ hiking, the Resistance men gained the promontory they were heading for. Once there, they set to work building a raft. The baggage was then piled on the raft, and the activists swam out to a nearby island.

Shortly after landing, they cooked food over an open fire, while some members of the group dried off in the sun. When all the food was ready, everyone sat down together and ate in a true atmosphere of national community, without any distractions like mobile phones. The meals throughout the weekend were intentionally lean in order to help develop the activists’ capacity to carry out tasks while hungry.

Later in the evening, the comrades were trained in building two types of emergency bivouacs. One type was constructed with tarpaulin, while the other was made with fir twigs and branches that were lying around the camp.

On Saturday morning, the comrades were up early for a rapid relocation exercise. The group reused the raft and swam to another island. After exploring it thoroughly, everyone reconvened and built a larger camp with materials from their surroundings.

Nordic Resistance Movement Nest 3 activists camping in the wilderness

By dusk, the clouds had gathered, and Thor, god of thunder, had struck his hammer. After a hard day’s work, several of the Resistance men fell asleep to the sounds of rain and thunder, while the others sat around and traded anecdotes as lightning bolts flickered in the background.

On Sunday, the group packed up their gear and began swimming back to the mainland with the raft. From there, it was still over six miles’ march through forest terrain to get home. On the way back, the comrades took the opportunity to pick wild blueberries and raspberries, which were a welcome refreshment after such a demanding weekend.

Lake in Skåne

With their minds cleansed of the modern world’s decadence and luxury, the members of Nest 3 were once again ready to continue their fight against the system.

Brå are lying about immigrant criminality – by orders of the government


OPINION. The foundation “Det goda samhället” (The Good Society) has analysed publicly available crime statistics from Brå and has released its own report on criminality and ethnic background. The report shows that Brå is lying about immigrant criminality by orders from the government.

Recently Brottsförebyggande rådet (Brå – the Central Crime Statistics Bureau) released a report ordered by the government in order to prove that there is no correlation between the increased immigration of mostly young men and the spiralling rape statistics. Everything is said to be because of an increased inclination to report the crime as well as ”socio-economic factors”.

The conclusions in the report from Brå were immediately called into question as being skewed. For reasons including that the survey did not analyse the findings in depth but simply accepted a correlation between asylum seekers received by the municipality in 2015 and the change in sexual crimes between 2013-2014 and 2016-2017, a quasi method that does not prove anything.

Behind Brå’s report was a man who has been most opposed to investigating the connections between country of birth and criminality – the Jew and criminologist Jerzy Sarnecki.

The foundation Det goda samhället has gone further by requesting and analysing publicly available crime statistics from Brå between the years 1985 and 2017. The result has ended up in a report on criminality and ethnic background under the title “Immigration and Criminality – A Thirty-Year Perspective”.

Behind the report is the author Patrik Engellau, who has previously worked for the UN, SIDA and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. This is the reason given by him for investigating the effects of immigration on crime statistics:

The reason for this report is that Brå on two occasions has given detailed investigations concerning criminality among persons born in Sweden and those born abroad… No updates of Brå’s investigations have been made for fourteen years. The primary reason is that Swedish decision makers have not wanted to know anything about the evolution of criminality among people with foreign backgrounds.

Engellau has made it clear that the unwillingness of decision makers to let facts become publicly known has been allowed to govern the work of an ”independent” agency – Brå – and dictate which results the government investigations are supposed to arrive at.

Engellau’s thorough investigation shows a number of interesting conclusions:

– For the first time more crimes are being committed – in absolute numbers – by people with foreign backgrounds than by people of Swedish descent.

– Swedes are no longer the most common perpetrators of crimes, as politicians, flim-flam criminologists and the media are publicly saying. During the period of 2013-2017, the number of crimes committed by people with two parents born in the country was down to 42 percent. This means that people with a foreign background, or those with foreign parents, commit 58 percent of the crimes, despite the fact that the group only makes up a third of the overall population.

– The subgroup most prolific in crimes is that of people born in the country with two parents born abroad, those that are usually referred to as second generation immigrants. These people are more prolific in crimes than those who are born abroad, and this is constantly increasing.

– A group that has not attracted much attention previously is the group of unregistered people; for example, members of foreign robber gangs, so-called paperless people, EU migrants and tourists. This group has sharply increased their portion of the total amount of committed crimes from 3 percent to 13 percent during the last few decades.

– Concerning rape statistics, the report shows that men born in Africa are most inclined to commit rapes, followed by men born in West Asia (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan). These particular groups have arrived in large numbers since 2014.

– Persons with a foreign background, as a group, are at about the same upper risk of committing crimes during this entire thirty-year period. This is roughly double that of people of Swedish descent when all crimes are taken into account (upper risks signify how many times more common it is for a certain group of people with a foreign background to commit a particular crime than a person of Swedish descent).

– Between the years 1985 and 2017, the number of reported crimes has increased by 49 percent. At the same time, the population increased by 20 percent. An average person living in Sweden is thus subjected to criminality that is almost 30 percent higher in 2017 than in 1985 (49 percent in total minus the 20 percent population increase).

Because of the principle of public access to official records, all these statistics are available to anyone who wants to look at them. The privately financed foundation Det goda samhället has just put together these statistics without an agenda with the help of Brå and Statistiska centralbyrå (The Central Bureau of Statistics).

But to the Zionist-controlled rulers, who frenetically want to promote mass immigration and a multi-cultural society, these facts are of course uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that they in a dictatorial manner do not hesitate to dictate the results of the investigation and lie to the people, in order to later persecute those who point this out.

Arnar Björnsson comes out as a National Socialist


Counter Currents writer Arnar Björnsson appeared on Nordic Frontier to talk about volcanoes, life on Iceland and National Socialism.

Björnson recently “came out” as a National Socialist and talks more about this experience. He compares it to the “Leap of faith” from Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade.

Excerpt from Nordic Frontier #117.

The Resistance Movement “rules”



NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we invite a fellow national socialist from Iceland to talk about his recent escapades on Twitter. We also enjoy diverse rapper discovering neo-Swedes.

Last week’s poll:


ASAP Rocky experiences some Neo-Swedes

We invite fellow national socialist Arnar Björnsson to talk about his recent “coming out” on Twitter and his political journey.

Arnar’s writings on Counter-currents

Icelandic media writes about his controversial Tweets

Interesting Twitter thread about how Jews dominate the Icelandic parliament

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TELEGRAM GROUP: Nordic Frontier Channel and Chat

Support the Nordic Resistance Movement!

Live at:

7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond

Resistance Movement’s House of Culture banner not “incitement to racial hatred”

FREE SPEECH. A banner displayed on the House of Culture in Stockholm by Nordic Resistance Movement activists last autumn did not constitute “incitement to racial hatred”, according to the Chancellor of Justice.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner on the House of Culture, Stockholm
The Nordic Resistance Movement’s banner on the House of Culture, 27 September 2018

The ruling relates to an activity on 27 September 2018, when activists from the Resistance Movement rappelled down the walls of the House of Culture in Stockholm and attached a banner to its glass façade. On the banner were two symbols of the Resistance Movement – the Tyr rune and the Ing rune – as well as the message “Stop the Extermination of Our People”.

After the activity, the Chancellor of Justice (CoJ) received a report of “incitement to racial hatred” due to the ancient Nordic Tyr rune being featured on the banner. However, the CoJ has said it does not regard the banner as constituting racial hatred and will not initiate a preliminary investigation for “breach of press laws”.

“Concerning the Tyr rune, the Chancellor of Justice has previously reviewed this symbol and found that it does not go beyond that which is considered expressible within the limits of the press and freedom of speech regulations,” the CoJ wrote in its decision on 9 July.

This isn’t the only time the system has attempted to make the Tyr rune illegal. In October 2018 a prosecutor began proceedings to attempt to ban the symbol at Nordic Resistance Movement demonstrations.

The pro-globalist justice minister Morgan Johansson (Social Democrats) has even demanded an investigation into the possibility of banning runes in Sweden, despite the symbols being a vital part of Swedes’ cultural and historical heritage.

Severing a people’s roots is a proven way to make that people lost and easy to manipulate and control. As it states in George Orwell’s 1984:

He who controls the past, controls the future; and he who controls the present, controls the past.

At the time of writing, it is unclear whether the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which also uses the Tyr rune as its symbol, will be an object of persecution from the system.

Video of the activity:

White guilt – Our greatest threat


OPINION. Despite numerous recent terrorist attacks in Europe, our countries’ borders still stand wide open while so-called immigration critics don’t dare speak out. Here Jesse Torniainen writes about “anti-immigration” politicians who are ashamed of their own opinions, and the importance of being open and honest about one’s political views.

Today’s debate culture is so strongly controlled by anti-nationalist forces that even active and “radical” nationalists adopt politically correct positions in their public statements, even though their true views really are more radical. What causes people to act like this?

In March 2016, the Finnish website Vastarinta wrote about the pressures nationalists are subjected to via the use of certain pejorative terms:

The most common way they attempt to make a nationalist back down in a debate is to call him a racist.

[…] Last year the pseudo-nationalist PS-Nuoret [the youth organisation of the True Finns, now called the Finns Party] published an entire document to prove conclusively that they were not racists. Other politicians or public figures also often begin explaining their standpoints by saying it’s a matter of being critical of immigration, not racism.

[…] In the summer of 2015, we saw what was perhaps one of Finland’s most amusing series of events constructed around the concept of “racism”, when the founder of Hommaforum [a Finnish internet forum] Matias Turkkila participated in a free pro-multiculturalism concert called Meillä on unelma [We have a dream], during which he attacked his party comrade Olli Immonen, who opposed multiculturalism. Turkkila’s aim was to prove to the world and the multiculturalists that he was, under no circumstances, a racist.

Of course, the Finns Party’s apologetic behaviour is nothing new. For years they have been playing their opponents’ game, the aim of which is to make the party constantly give up more and more ground. The party’s members convince themselves this is the way to increase their popularity with the people, enabling them to achieve real positions of influence. But the aim of this article isn’t to defend the governmental ambitions of the Finns Party…

The point is that the majority of those who backed down over their beliefs in the past or today hold stronger views than they pretend to have in public. In private conversations they are more likely to express these more radical views than they would openly. On a number of occasions, I have been present when people have said they support the Resistance Movement’s ideology, only to add, “But you can’t say that out loud.”

But why do they act this way? The answer is political correctness, the fear of being branded a “racist” and a “Nazi”, as well as putting their political carriers before their ideology and being ashamed of openly standing up for their true beliefs.

Dancing to the politically correct tune is political cancer, because it is written by those in power, the anti-white media and other much-vaunted anti-Nordic opinion shapers. How can a nationalist acquiesce to such a trick, one directed by individuals who hate everyone who doesn’t share their globalist world view?

It goes so far that they are prepared to disavow people and organisations which defend the Nordic people, just to please their political opponents. They even disown their own party comrades, as the aforementioned case with Turkkila shows. Obviously those who determine the politically correct agenda will never be satisfied, no matter how much you disassociate and turn tailcoat, which makes such bootlicking all the stranger. What do you achieve by pleasing your political opponents?

Video from the aforementioned “We have a dream” demonstration (Finnish):

Of course it’s possible to achieve a profitable political career via political correctness, as the Finns Party has now succeeded in doing. Many current MPs most likely joined the party with honourable intentions, with the goal of pursuing anti-immigration policies, but their time in office has shown that this noble sentiment was pushed well into the background once they attained power.

Instead many of these people have landed good careers and substantial wages, such as Jussi Halla-Aho, who has amassed many votes from the anti-immigration electorate. He went to the European Parliament but has not accomplished anything of value, at least not for Finns. This is just one example of many that illustrate how a career takes precedence over the reasons which originally drove someone to get into politics. Money rules.

Jussi Halla-Aho

Branding people as “racists” or “Nazis” is a way to silence them, from the grassroots level up to the corridors of power. In the aforementioned article, we described this stigmatisation in the following way:

The mantra “I’m not racist but…” has become almost a joke, even in private conversation. National Socialists and other radical nationalists often find themselves in situations where a politically uninformed acquaintance asks, “Are you racist?” Even more likely is that the question is posed by some multiculturalist who wants the nationalist to appear ridiculous by starting to explain himself.

In case you find yourself in such a situation, you should absolutely not begin by saying: “Of course I’m not racist, because…” If you start floundering and explaining, you’ve already put yourself on the defensive in the conversation and are letting the opponent set the pace of the debate. The core of racism-hysteria is based on silencing or demeaning nationalists as well as steering the debate away from topics like immigrant crime and the racial replacement in Europe. Unfortunately, this tactic seems to work all too often; e.g., in the case of the public posturing of the immigration critics and the Finns Party. (As a side note, it’s worth mentioning that it was the Jewish homosexual activist Magnus Hirschfeld and the notorious Jewish communist Leon Trotsky [Lev Bronstein] who were responsible for the concept of racism.)

When someone asks, “Are you racist?” it’s important to ask the counter-question, “What do you mean by racism?” Often multiculturalists can’t even define their own pet terms, but in case they manage to do so, you will have a clear starting point from which to base your response. The same logic applies to all other ambiguous concepts and accusations that are thrown at nationalists. Ask the multiculturalist to define these vague terms. Or, if the whole subject of racism seems irrelevant, you can circumvent the question by saying, “It doesn’t bother me to be called racist.”

When someone brands someone else a racist, it merely demonstrates that the person doing so has no idea what they’re talking about. Question everyone who uses such terms, or even better: don’t concern yourself with what your opponents think about you, because they likely won’t like you whatever the case.

As I mentioned before, I’ve been present on several occasions when someone has said they support the Resistance Movement’s ideology and activities but that they “can’t say that out loud”, usually followed by a friendly wink. Why shouldn’t they be able to say it out loud? Why would anyone assume that if someone pursues a policy by lying, whether it’s at grassroots level or higher up, that this lying will stop when they achieve power, at which time they’ll start being honest?

If you really believe something about a certain issue, my recommendation is to be honest about it from the start. Anything else is to dance to your opponents’ tune, and that leads nowhere. It also says something about honesty that of all the events arranged on Finland’s Independence Day, the Resistance Movement’s public National Socialist march was the biggest. It would be interesting to know how this is possible seeing as the organisation doesn’t play the Cultural Marxists’ game, but is rather always honest regarding its activities and ideology.

The truth is a force that draws people to it. Hiding behind ambiguous explanations only increases the size of the confused masses.

Jesse Torniainen

Mark Collett on the Nordic Resistance Movement


The political activist Mark Collett appeared on the most recent episode of Nordic Frontier to talk about his time in the BNP, demographic questions and his much-discussed debate with three Jews. Here is what Mark thinks of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Hiking and comradeship in Boden

SOCIAL ACTIVITY. On Sunday 7 July, activists and members from Activist Group 601 went for an excursion in nature.

Nest 6 activists hiking in the forests of Boden

The day began with an early gathering at a comrade’s house in Boden ahead of a full day of folk fellowship.

From there the group headed to a lake and set off on a canoe and a little rowing boat towards a nearby mountain, reaching it after about 30 minutes’ paddling.

The group scaled the mountain at a quick but comfortable pace and were able to enjoy the beauty of nature along the way. On the route up, they discussed a wide range of topics, from the natural medicines of Norrland’s forests, to how to make handicrafts from tree burr. Large areas of the mountain were covered in boulders, so the comrades had to watch their step in places.

Nest 6 activists canoeing in the forests of Boden

The comrades finally reached the summit at lunch time and enjoyed grilled sausages and freshly boiled coffee by the campfire.

Weekend hiking in Värmland

NATURE. On Friday 12 July, members from Nest 2 ventured out into the forest of Värmländ for 12-mile hiking trip.

Nordic Resistance Movement Nest 2 hiking in Värmland

In pleasant company and wonderful surroundings, the group faced challenges in the form of untrodden terrain, a lake that needed to be crossed, and navigation and camp building after nightfall.

According to the group, the activity was full of important lessons and experiences for future excursions, which are already being planned.

Lake in Värmland, SwedenNordic Resistance Movement Nest 2 hiking in Värmland


Race – Not Country

IDEOLOGY. Simon Lindberg explains National Socialism’s relationship to race and nationality, an important distinction that is often misunderstood.
Stavanger sword monument

What do you live for?