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A response to media hatred and police harassment in Södermanland


RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. A correspondent from Nest 8 responds to the recent hit pieces by local newspaper Sörmlands nyheter (Sörmland News), and reports on Nyköping Police’s latest illegal actions and violent attack.

The media’s tactic of attacking the Nordic Resistance Movement to get clicks is currently being diligently employed by Sörmlands nyheter. In what appears to be a marketing ploy to help their new website, the paper began publishing an unprecedented series of hit pieces on the Nordic Resistance Movement from 9 April onwards. These pieces contain everything from doxxing to astonishing statements from Södermanland’s thought police. The black propaganda campaign appears to be planned to last for several days.

The first day of the hate campaign saw the lying press publish three articles. The first, titled “These are the Nazis who run the NRM in Sörmland”, was a typical doxxing article. Some Resistance men were doxxed with their names and photos, while others had only their ages and locations reported. This was presumably because the “journalists” responsible realised they could be found guilty of libel if they published the members’ full details.

The article contains a series of inaccuracies, and some of the people “exposed” in it aren’t even members of the Resistance Movement. One member who had his name and photo published was falsely accused of having spread “anti-Semitism and hate against homosexuals” despite having never been reported or prosecuted for anything of the kind.

The next piece was an editorial penned by the chief editor of Sörmlands mediaEva Burman – in which she expresses her fantasies about what kinds of politics the Nordic Resistance Movement stands for. Under the hypocritical headline “Where the NRM begins, democracy ends” she lies about our views and defends her attacks by claiming that liberal society does nothing to combat them. The main thread of the article is her whining that “democracy’s tool, freedom of expression” also applies to, and is used by, us.

Sörmlands nyheter doxxing article about the NRM
“These are the Nazis who run the NRM in Sörmland” – a typical example of a hate article from sn.se

The third and most incredible piece was an interview with Mikael Backman, the police chief for Sörmland. In an article titled “The police: ‘We have good control of the NRM’” he openly admits that the persecution and harassment of the Resistance Movement’s members is premeditated and a part of the tactics used by the police and Säpo. He takes a clear political position and even has the audacity to attempt to frighten people off from doing the right thing and joining the Nordic Resistance Movement by threatening them. He says: “If you are involved in this group, you should know that you will be the object of the police’s focus. You should perhaps think about whether that’s something you really want.”

Pär Öberg, press spokesman and leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement’s parliamentary branch, commented on this attack by saying:

If the quote by police chief Mikael Backman published by Sörmlands Nyheter is accurate, he is breaking the law. Threatening the population with harassment by the police if they support a lawful political party is among the worst things I’ve seen. We will be taking action against this. I will also take this opportunity to address the regular policemen in Sörmland. Did you join the police to hound people with different opinions? Maybe you should consider if this is what you really want. A paradigm shift is approaching. Choose your side today.

Update on the struggle in Nyköping

The Resistance Movement – and the members of Activist Group 801 in particular – have a long history with Sörmlands Nyheter and the (thought) police in Nyköping. The paper has doxxed members on several previous occasions and takes every opportunity to libel both individual members and the organisation itself. The newspaper’s proudest achievement was their “revelation” that National Socialists hired a training area where they practised everything from football to martial arts. In response, the anti-Swedish city council unlawfully annulled our contract, after which we decided to hold a training session outside the city hall. This ended with undercover police wearing skull and crossbones symbols attacking the training session. A detailed report of this incident can be seen here [Swedish].

Since then the police have stepped up their harassment against local members. They have targeted one person at a time, following them, regularly stopping and searching them, and so on. They have also committed blatantly illegal acts, such as seizing phones and computers without any clear suspicion of crimes.

More recently the police have become utterly crazed in their behaviour. On Thursday 4 April, two Resistance Movement members were stopped by a police car on their way to a group training session. Without any justification or warning, both of them were pepper sprayed and then arrested. When the rest of the group approached the police, the police set a dog on them, which resulted in several of the activists suffering deep bite wounds. Both incidents were filmed, but the police seized the activists’ phones in order to confiscate the material. This incident will have legal consequences, and hopefully the unprovoked assault will be shown on Nordfront at some point in the future.

You can see a photo of one of the dog bites here (Warning: graphic image).

Members of a group of police who a set dog on Nordic Resistance Movement activists in Nyköping
Some of the police who committed an unprovoked attack and assaulted participants of a training session on 4 April

Apart from cosying up to criminal racial foreigners, it seems the police in Nyköping have no other duties outside of terrorising Resistance Movement activists. As such, everyday life for members of Activist Group 801 in Nyköping now consists of vehicle stop and searches, body searches and the police watching them outside their homes and places of work etc.

Although this behaviour is aggravating, such repression proves the righteousness of our struggle. It can also be comical to see what the police do to get a reaction; for example, when they recently “seized” a plastic knife from an activist. During the time of writing this article, the police have visited another group training session and stopped another comrade for a routine check.

Nyköping police harass a Nordic Resistance Movement member via an unwarranted stop and search

Crimes are committed every day in Nyköping, but they are given low priority so the police can play at being political commissars. But police persecution will never stop National Socialism’s victory or our struggle, either in the long term or short term. Activist Group 801 would like to remind all our enemies in the media, political establishment and police that their actions will one day have consequences.

To all our kinsmen who have not yet fought back against the increasingly oppressive system: It is time to understand that you are part of the problem. Don’t let the terrorists’ threats scare you. Find your courage and resist!

– Sven-Erik Wigenstam, nest correspondent from Nest 8

Flash demonstration in Copenhagen

EVENT. On Saturday, 6 April, the Nordic Resistance Movement held the largest National Socialist gathering in Copenhagen since the Second World War.

During the weekend, the Nordic Resistance Movement entered the Danish capital of Copenhagen with more than 80 activists to hold the largest National Socialist gathering in the city since the Second World War.

What was about to unfold on Saturday was an unannounced manifestation planned by the Danish branch of the Resistance Movement and supported by activists from Sweden and Norway.

The blitz activism was unleashed when the more than 80 man strong group of activists got off the train in the city centre around 1 p.m. and marched with flags held high towards Kultorvet, a central square in Copenhagen.

Passers-by stopped what they were doing to observe and take pictures as the march moved past many historical buildings before the first police officers showed up.

When they arrived on the busy square, the activists were met by a couple of police officers who were told that the Nordic Resistance Movement was present to hand out leaflets to the people. The police wanted to know if the activists had come to demonstrate, and were informed that was not the case.

A dialogue was initiated between the activist in charge of the operation and the police, who demanded that the group of 80 activists designate themselves to a small confined area of the square behind police tape for the duration of the activity.

Naturally the Nordic Resistance Movement would not accept such demands and the speaker for the event immediately began his speech, using a megaphone. The police tried to stop the speaker from giving his speech, but a group of activists quickly formed a ring around the speaker, protecting him from the police.

For the next ten minutes, the hundreds of people on the square were able to hear a speech about Nordic values, such as honor, morals and bravery – in sharp contrast to the customary mentality of surrender that governs most people today – the result of hostile institutions and corrupt politicians who love to see the people as disarmed, demoralized consumers.

Except from the speech:

The Nordic Resistance Movement consists of people who wish to see a society and a folk that strives for a higher ideal and reject the lowest common denominator, which is imposed on the people by the media and hostile institutions.

The Resistance Movement is fighting for a reawakening of the old Nordic values in the modern Nordic folk. A folk today characterized by decay, self-loathing, guilt and a lack of morals and honor. A folk led astray by an entertainment industry and a Cultural Marxist education system that has taught us to look to other peoples’ cultures in fascination and admiration while our own Nordic culture is being ignored and in some cases even actively erased and destroyed.

Concepts such as strength and honor, morality, loyalty and bravery are natural to the Nordic folk.

It is not brave to quietly let a hostile government hand over our Nordic lands and riches to a foreign folk.

It is not loyalty to your folk and our ancestors’ blood and hard work to mix and marry with people from another race, as this would mean that the bloodlines which your ancestors fought and died for will disappear, never to come back.

And it isn’t honorable or a sign of great morality to allow homosexual parades arranged by pedophiles in the public space for children to see and be affected by.

Gender-confusion, homosexuality, feminism, the hypnotising but misinterpreted concepts such as diversity, equality and liberalism. These are the signs of a people subjected to deliberate dumbing down and deception who are being led away from their true identity towards decay and ultimate doom.

When the higher ideals of a people get destroyed and forgotten, only the one common denominator remains. They are just spectators and consumers.

From this common denominator, where everyone is equal regardless of competence, the masses become slaves of the ones who are deliberately pushing towards more consumption, more capitalism, more bland politicians, more decadence, more political parties causing even more fractioning of the folk, more dumbing down, more, more, more of all that which makes the proud, honorable and brave Nord into a slave of a system that is made to fail!

After the speech the police presented several unclear and contradictory directives when the activists were lining up to leave the square. This caused a minor turmoil to arise when the police blocked the activists from leaving via one street and then tried to push them back to the square. It seemed like the police wanted to keep the activists on the square, but the activists had plans to leave. The police raised their batons but the activists managed to make their way across a sealed-off fountain and the march was on again.

After leaving Kultorvet the march headed back toward the train station. The police spared no expense, with riot police and vehicles continuing to follow the march. An estimated 200 riot cops were on scene to stalk the 80 activists.

The march was now surrounded by the police, who decided to stop all traffic and let parts of central Copenhagen come to a grinding halt as they followed the activists through the city.

At a checkpoint every activist had to go through a frisk search before the march continued. The search did not lead to any illegal findings and can only be viewed as another waste of time and police resources.

The manifestation in Copenhagen was a huge success. The red anti-fascists, who had previously been a strong force in Copenhagen, had not been able to mobilize more than a handful of screaming, singing and sad-looking counter protesters who did not dare get closer than 50 meters of the marching activists.

The Danish police learned that the activists in the Nordic Resistance Movement stand together, are disciplined and act as one unit.

The Danish people learned that the Nordic Resistance Movement as a pan-Nordic organization is capable of marching through Copenhagen and in a successful and powerful fashion speak to the people in an attempt to lift the veil from their eyes.

A video of the journey back to the cars, a train ride with riot police and police vans following the train with lights flashing:

Propaganda production in Norrköping

ACTIVISM. On Wednesday, the 27th of March, members in Nest 8 met up for a rewarding afternoon of socializing and manufacturing of propaganda material. Many banners were manufactured and stencils for a new banner design were cut.

Nordic Voice #2: Hitting the streets of Copenhagen


NORDIC VOICE. Here is the second episode of our new pan-Nordic activist podcast Nordic Voice!

In this episode we have already lost two of our six permanent panelists because the struggle simply need more than words, and on this specific evening, our Finnish and Icelandic comrades are out on secret missions…

Although we have with us:

  • Out stable host Max – who is a Nazi just because he’s German?
  • Our Swedish activist Julius – who is recruiting Asians like there is no tomorrow?
  • The Norwegian Andreas – who has become a camera thief?
  • Even if our Icelandic comrade Frank didn’t make it for the entire show, he still managed to say hello at the end – only for your sake!
  • Last but not least, we have our Danish comrade Kristian – who has helped the Danish police to dust off their Molotov police vans?


Confrontation with reds at Dan Park’s trial in Malmö


RESISTANCE NEWS. On the occasion of street artist Dan Park’s trial at Malmö’s court of appeals activists from Nest 3 seized the opportunity to chase off a bunch of local ANTIFA members.

On Tuesday the 2nd of April activists and members from Nest 3 visited Malmö’s court of appeals in order to show their support for popular street artist Dan Park who was being prosecuted for inciting racial hatred, i.e. a ”hate speech”. The national socialists were present at the hearings from 09.00 in the morning until 12.00 when the jury decided it was time for a lunch break.

The activists then left the court and headed towards their vehicles in order to get some lunch when they saw three reds with masks sitting on a bench a bit further down the court house, and it was the masks that revealed their identity. Their intentions were unknown and the activists suspected that they were planning to attack them. As soon as, however, the resistance men started walking towards the reds they immediately got up and hurried away and therefore the activists assumed that they were just planning to take pictures.

One of the national socialists documented their cowardly escape with his mobile phone. One of the reds, a racial foreigner, carried a weapon that looked like a plank with a nail through it but even though he was armed, the reds dared not turn around and fight the resistance men. After a while the reds were chased down, but the police quickly intervened and violently arrested the resistance men, three of them are now accused of threat and attempt to assault. Moreover, they were accused of actually carrying the plank with the spike on it even though it was a red who was armed with it which can clearly be seen in the video.

The police and the security guards in the court centre of Malmö said at first that they arrested the resistance men proactively, in order to prevent them from committing a crime, and the charges were raised subsequently.

Organizational education in Luleå

SOCIAL ACTIVITY. On Sunday 31 March, after a long hike and camping in the woods, a group of members and activists from Nest 6 gathered to continue watchInG the documentary Europa – the Last Battle.

Europa The Last Battle screen capture

The group watched part 7 of the documentary, Floods of Blood, which details subjects such as the Soviet regime’s systematic purge of intellectuals in several countries, including in what is now Ukraine.

The episode also tells the story of the Katyn massacre by Soviet soldiers (and not by Germans, as those in power tried to convince the world), as well as how Soviet partisans, on direct orders of Joseph Stalin, dressed as German soldiers and murdered many innocent people to stir up anti-German hatred.

You can watch the whole documentary here. (Warning: Contains disturbing scenes.)

NORDIC FRONTIER #106: Transtrains and Danish march

NORDIC FRONTIER. National socialists have been marching in Denmark, while the Swedish healthcare is busy turning their girls into boys. Tune in to hear more!

MeWe page!

Mixed bag:

Driver’s license no longer valid as ID

ISP Bahnhof standing strong against Orwellian legislation

Eugenics – it’s happening!

The transtrain and teenage girls on SVT

Pedophilic rapist punched unconscious when bikers avenge their daughters

Suspected pedophile demanded to stay out of “jail” because he’s booked flights to the US and can’t run his business behind bars

Oulu imam’s brother in law fought for Isis, he claims he didn’t know, owned business with him

Finland friend sentenced for hate speech

Horse rape epidemic has spread from Sweden to Finland

Denmark march

Finnish branch appeal to highest court

Finland racist week

Danish National Socialists clean up nature

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Live at:

7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond



The Nordic Frontier is an English speaking podcast and a sister broadcast to the glorious Radio Nordfront. Our aim is to spread our political message of the Nordic Resistance Movement to a wider audience. Through theme- and discussion-based episodes we will dive deep into what National Socialism has to offer in the 21st century.

The format is not set in stone and everything is subject to change, the overall message is based on the political direction of the Nordic Resistance Movement but the individual opinions expressed by the hosts and guests are their own.

Permanent hosts: Andreas Johansson, Johan Svensson and Michael Hovila.

Spring Break activism in Umeå

ACTIVISM. Two young activists from the Nordic Resistance Movement detail how they turned this year’s Spring Break in the city of Umeå into a productive week of activism in service of the struggle.

NRM Umeå activism
“Spring Break vs. Activism Break”

The first week of March marked Spring Break for the youth of Umeå in northeast Sweden. This annual school holiday is usually a time when the majority of young people spend their days playing video games, watching TV or getting drunk at parties rather than doing anything productive. We saw this as the perfect opportunity to change the Spring Break culture and rebrand it as a week of youthful activism.

The task of mobilising Umeå’s youth for National Socialism has been made more difficult on account of the city’s Marxist character, which is largely a result of its university and left-wing students. It’s a place where nationalism, conservatism and love of one’s people or culture are always being attacked. Yet the struggle in Umeå is no insurmountable task but rather a challenge, a challenge we will succeed in.

Our struggle in Umeå is making constant progress, and in this article about our activism over Spring Break, I will focus on our successes in local youth circles. I, Hugo Edlund, and my comrade, Herman Bengtsson, are young men ourselves, and over the course of our awakening, we have experienced most things young National Socialists can experience.

This has included psychologists who try to “cure” us of our worldview, police who play us films of the grotesque “Holocaust” lie, interviews with social services, parents who arrange meetings with “defectors” from the “anti-racist” group Exit, reds who leave us threatening messages, pressure from the Swedish Security Service, expulsion from the armed forces, and so on. The list is long.

But to quote an excellent passage from Cedric Höglund’s article “Nordic Youth, Join Us”:

We young folk have much to contribute to our people’s struggle for freedom. We are not just more revolutionary; we also have the social advantage of being in daily contact with other young people in school and therefore have the opportunity to spread National Socialism and recruit new members.

Due to our experiences and our strong desire to awaken the youth, we have been very successful lately. Both Herman and I have long acted as contact people for youngsters in Umeå, and we can report that teenagers in the city are slowly but surely beginning to change their views. The local youth have shown a great interest in the Nordic Resistance Movement. They have asked us a lot of political and ideological questions via social media, they have requested leaflets and stickers, and they have also asked to meet and become members.

Kämpa Umeå Facebook post about the NRM

The “anti-racist” group Fight Umeå (Kämpa Umeå) are upset that more young people are being recruited in Umeå and that youngsters in general are becoming more radical. In the above post on their Facebook page they urge people to oppose the National Socialist youth.

Here follows a full report of the week of activism:

Sunday 3 March

On Sunday we held a public banner activity on a bridge in the Haga area of Umeå. Members and young sympathisers gathered together and went to the bridge, where we unfurled a banner with the message “Stop Mass Immigration” and held Tyr Rune flags.

NRM banner activism in Umeå

We stood undisturbed on the bridge and the activity passed smoothly. The banner’s message drew all possible types of reactions, from thumbs up to more negative hand gestures. After 25-30 minutes the police showed up. Despite their “lack of resources”, a total of three patrol cars came to the scene to investigate the activity.

NRM banner activism in Umeå
Umeå police have nothing better to do than harass Resistance Men spreading their political message

The police approached us and asked who was in charge of the activity, but to their great surprise, none of us knew. One of the policemen, who looked like he was about to cry, asked, “What kind of organisation are you if you don’t have anyone in charge of the activity?”

The police then stood in a group at the side of the bridge and observed the activity for about ten minutes, after which they carried out a Police Law 19 body search on all the activists.

Police search an NRM activist in Umeå
A Resistance Man is body searched

After all the comrades had been searched, without anything being found, the banner action continued as planned. The police then went on their way, apart from one patrol car that remained to watch the activity. After an hour and a half, we decided to head back to the rendezvous point before socialising and discussing the day’s events together.

Monday 4 March

On Monday 200 leaflets were distributed in the Umedalen area of Umeå.

NRM leaflet being delivered in Umeå

Tuesday 5 March

On Tuesday 400 leaflets were distributed in the Teg and Böleäng districts of the city.

NRM youth leafleting in Umeå
A Resistance Man takes delivering “flyers” very seriously

Wednesday 6 March

On Wednesday activists held a public banner activity on a cycle bridge over a road heading to Umeå garrison. After meeting up and travelling to the bridge together, we unfurled the banner and flags. This time we also had green smoke grenades to make us more noticeable to drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.

NRM banner activism in Umeå
Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians are met with Tyr Rune flags, green smoke grenades and a powerful message

NRM banner activism with green smoke grenades

After we had stood on the bridge for 40 minutes, a patrol car showed up. Two police officers came over to us and asked who was responsible for the activity, to which we answered that we didn’t know. One of the police mentioned some kind of green smoke but admitted she hadn’t actually seen it herself. After conversing for a while, the police stood back and watched the activity from a few metres away.

A little while later, a well-known and aggressive Marxist showed up on the bridge, presumably because the police were now there to protect him. The Marxist immediately started asking the police why we were allowed to stand there, how easy it would be for them to arrest us on the spot, and that he would stand up for his right to freedom of speech.

Marxist opponent of NRM activist in Umeå

The Marxist, or Marcus “Gråbenson”, was met with opposition by the police, who said we could stand on the bridge if we wanted to and that they would protect our rights. These comments made Marcus even angrier.

By now word had spread that National Socialists were standing on a bridge with flags and a banner. “Anti-fascist” groups Fight Umeå and “Not Racist, But…” posted social media messages about the ongoing “demonstration” and encouraged people to go there.

After a while, we could see that some reds had gathered on a street under the bridge. They looked like a very sorry bunch, with the majority of them being small girls. There were seven to start with, but their numbers increased to nine after a while.

"Anti-racist" activists demonstrate against the Nordic Resistance Movement in Umeå
Umeå’s reds muster their forces in a show of resistance against National Socialism

Upon arriving, the reds used cable ties to put up their two banners beside ours. One of them read “Crush Nazism”, but when we asked why they didn’t “crush us” when we were right there, we didn’t get an answer.

The activity continued despite the reds’ presence, although our ears had to endure the aural equivalent of cancer when they started screeching their age-old “No racists on our streets” chant down a megaphone.

Police at NRM banner activism in Umeå

There were a few disputes between the groups, including one in which the reds explained to everyone that we weren’t white but “pale”. The reds were asked what was healthy and progressive about mass immigration, but none of them could answer. When a comrade gave an example of what is destructive about mass immigration, one of the reds asked the female police officer if what he’d said was an example of racial hatred. She answered that it wasn’t.

After we had stood on the bridge for about two hours, we decided to call it a day and head home.

Thursday 7 March

On Thursday 400 leaflets were given out in the Grisbacka area, after which the comrades held a public banner activity on a bridge over a road heading to Mariehem.

NRM leafleting in Grisbacka
Grisbacka receives the Nordic Resistance Movement’s new leaflet

Fight Umeå put a post on Facebook after Wednesday’s activity (visible higher up in this article). In the post they urged people to show resistance to the “Nazis” in Umeå and threatened to stop us and “make it difficult” for us to be National Socialists. Members and young sympathisers therefore thought it would be fun to hold another public banner activity.

NRM activists in Mariehem, Sweden
Resistance Men on the way to the bridge to Mariehem

Upon arriving, the comrades set up in the usual manner. It’s worth mentioning that Mariehem is a more multicultural area, which was evident in some of the motorists’ reactions. There were still positive responses, however, with some drivers being so sick of the multicultural hell that they gave a certain salute in full view through their windscreens.

NRM banner activism near Mariehem

After an hour the first patrol car turned up. A single policeman walked over to us and said people had phoned them and complained that “Nazis are standing on a bridge and screaming ‘Sieg Heil’, giving ‘Nazi’ salutes and being threatening and aggressive to passers-by”.

We were so surprised by the claim that we all laughed out loud, whereupon the policeman realised that it had probably been political opponents who had made the complaint. After the officer had unsuccessfully enquired who was in charge of the action, he wished us good luck and moved on.

Policeman at NRM activity in Umeå
Umeå police gave up harassing the Resistance Men and sent a lone policeman to the scene

An hour and a half later, we decided to pack up and head home. All the comrades were surprised that it wasn’t actually difficult to be a National Socialist after all, and that Fight Umeå only write empty words.

Friday 8 March

On Friday 150 leaflets were distributed in the Tomtebo area.

Saturday 9 March

The Nest held their monthly meeting in Umeå. The meeting provided good food, socialisation, and interesting speeches on the subject of law.

Sunday 10 March

On Sunday 500 leaflets were distributed in the Haga area.

NRM leafleting in Umeå

Altogether, we gave out 1,650 leaflets and held three public banner displays throughout the week.

We hope more local youngsters will join us in the struggle and take part in our continued campaign for our people’s survival and freedom. We give the youth of Umeå a promise: Every school holiday will now be an activism holiday!

– Hugo Edlund och Herman Bengtsson

Activist group 203 returns to the streets of Uddevalla

ACTIVISM. The Nordic Resistance Movement in Uddevalla went out to spread the message of National Socialism to the town residents.

Activist group 203 gathered at the “Torp” shopping center in Uddevalla on Saturday the 30th of March. The activists positioned themselves near the biggest entrances with a leaflet specially made for Uddevalla.

The leaflet and its message, regarding the increase of crime and violence in the streets of Uddevalla as well as the political changes that the Nordic Resistance Movement demands, were happily accepted by the majority of the people. Many leaflets were distributed and one man was especially happy to receive one and hailed the coming victory.

A woman who didn’t like the activists’ presence stared angrily at some of them and shouted “Shame on you all”. But she never bothered to explain what the activists should be ashamed of.

The Nordic Resistance Movement’s activism has become a noticeable presence in the everyday life of the residents of Uddevalla, which has led to a growing number of sympathizers as well as people applying for membership.

Public activity in Grebbestad

ACTIVISM. Members of Nest 2 visit Grebbestad.

On Friday afternoon the 29th of March, activist group 203 gathered in the small town of Grebbestad, close to the border of Norway, to carry out a public leafleting session.

The men positioned themselves in the proximity of some centrally located stores and commenced the activity. People showed remarkable interest even though they were on their way home after a hard day’s work and many expressed their sympathy for the Nordic Resistance Movement, a great number of them were Norwegians!

A middle-aged woman had some kind of emotional outbreak and she found it shameful that good, young men were drawn into “hate” instead of working for what she called “love”. This woman showed no interest in explaining in what way the fight for the survival of one’s people is “hateful” in any way, she just turned around and left.

Some interesting discussions did take place though, before the activity was concluded and the activists were satisfied with the day.


Jimmy Thunlind

Jimmy Thunlind’s 1st of May speech

1 MAY. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Nordic Resistance Movement’s 2020 1st of May demonstration was postponed. In its place, a digital 1st...