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Julius Blomberg speaks at the Coin Square

EVENT. On 10 March Nordic Resistance Movement activist Julius Blomberg spoke against the evils of the opinion corridor at a public event on Stockholm’s Coin Square.

The demonstration was organised by Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden and was held under the slogan “Now we blow open the opinion corridor!”

The “opinion corridor” is a term originating in Sweden to describe the extremely narrow field of debate that is allowed in a politically correct state.

Julius Blomberg was one of the invited speakers, along with Dan Park, Markus AnderssonMårten HernebringLasse WilhelmssonDaniel VagerstamJonas Persson, Fritjof Persson and Lennart Matikainen. 

Stockholmers for a Sovereign Sweden describe themselves in the following words on their website:

We focus on the demographic situation, Sweden’s need to leave the EU and UN to prosper as a sovereign nation, the opinion corridor and freedom of speech, the growing insecurity spreading across the country, and the problems with globalism.

Julius gave an engaging speech in which he presented several illustrative examples from his own life about the consequences for those who protest against the globalists’ agenda and refuse to conform to the narrow opinion corridor in today’s Sweden.

From the beginning of his speech, Julius set out the reasons for his ardent commitment to the struggle:

I love my people, my country, and our culture, which all too often is incorrectly referred to as stolen, barbaric or even completely non-existent by the restrictive power structure of today. I want my country to be governed by people who actually care about the legacy our forefathers fought and died for. People who put the people’s interests ahead of the big finance of the globalists. People who actually value and fight for our right to exist, rather than doing everything in their power to destroy us.

Julius went on to speak candidly about how the system has worked against him and the Nordic Resistance Movement because of its lawful battle for these ideals. He told of how he lost his job and was branded as a “threat to the safety of the state”, how he was failed by the unions and how he was expelled from the Residents’ Association.

He also gave informative examples of how the regime has attempted to stop the Resistance Movement from conducting political work by opposing its public gatherings and making the banks deny both the Movement and individual members the right to hold accounts and send or receive money:

Private banks now have the possibility to deny both individuals and political groups the ability to handle money. Private banks have the right to decide who has the ‘right’ views and who shall be put in their place for their heresy.

Julius’ speech concluded with a fiery exhortation to the audience to continue to stand up and organise against the opinion corridor and the current insanity in the country, which will soon not just affect the Nordic Resistance Movement but all citizens protesting against the system. He concluded with these words:

If you force us to run the gauntlet through your opinion corridor with its locked doors and no windows, then by all means let me in. But I guarantee that I will run through every one of your guards and kick down every door of uncomfortable truths there is. I will see to it that you never have the opportunity to imprison my people there again. Who is with me? Now we blow open the opinion corridor!


Highway activism and police harassment in Tampere

ACTIVISM. Members show the system that they won’t be silenced in Tampere, Finland.

On the 9th of March, Finnish members and activists from the Pirkanmaa region conducted public activism with a banner and Tyr Rune flags above a heavily trafficked road to advertise the Nordic Resistance Movement in Tampere.

During the activity, motorists reacted to our presence in the usual varying manners, from middle fingers and thumbs up to Roman salutes, as the activists held a banner with a determined message: “We cannot be silenced!”

About 40 minutes into the activity, a police sergeant arrived at the site with flashing lights on his vehicle. A moment later two more police cars joined, bringing the total patrol to three police cars and five officers. The officers interrogated the activists, asking if they had permission to arrange the event. The activists repeatedly reminded the police that you do not need permission for these kinds of activities. After this, the officers wrote down each participant’s personal information and ended up leaving the site after a few awkward minutes of sitting in their cars staring at the activists.

Recently the Finnish parliament has further pushed the development of a police state by approving a new civilian intelligence act. This new law will give the police and military intelligence the ability to spy on Finns who aren’t even suspected of committing any crimes.

In an attempt of preventing “crime” and “serious threats to national security”, the police can spy on average citizens’ private information, such as work-related documents, health care data, messages, phone calls and location on any device. This loss of our constitutional right to privacy is justified by claiming that we’re getting better protection from “terrorism, espionage and foreign military operations” in return.

Snowmobile activism in Nest 6

ACTIVISM. Members of activist group 601 recently went for a snowmobile ride in northern Sweden to spread the message of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

On Thursday 7th of March, members of Nest 6, activist group 601, went for a snowmobile ride through the snowy forests outside Luleå to put up posters with the message “New Politics for a New Time!” The posters were put up on various towers designed for moose hunting, as well as on cottages that are strewn around the forest for people to enjoy when being out and about in the wilderness.

The snowmobile tracks north of Luleå are now decorated with posters depicting a sound message, ensuring many more northerners are informed of our presence!

Simon Lindberg’s thoughts on the mosque shootings


IDEOLOGY. The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement Simon Lindberg offers a comment on the recent mosque shootings and the possible correlations to the Nordic struggle.

By now everyone has heard the news about the apparently nationalist man Brenton Tarrant entering a mosque to the sounds of nationalistic music and shooting as many racial foreigners as he could. I have seen the video and have read his manifesto. Like many others, it is an event that has affected me and one which I have pondered during the course of the day. Here I share some of my conclusions.

It is hard not to feel some sympathy for the two main motives that Tarrant gives in his manifesto. Firstly that the white race is heading towards its biological destruction via extremely low birth rates combined with mass immigration of non-whites to all white countries. Non-whites who statistically have considerably more children than whites.

Why more people do not notice this simple conclusion and are not shocked into action by such knowledge is, and remains, one of the most important and burning questions there is today. Our entire existence depends on people beginning to understand and act on these facts. As such, this is the Nordic Resistance Movement’s most important task at this time: to smash through the layers of brainwashing that prevent people’s understanding, and to sweep aside the smokescreens of the egocentric trance that stops them doing anything about the problem, even if they know what it is. We must inform the people about the struggle and mobilise them to join it.

Secondly, Tarrant states that his actions are revenge for terrorist attacks committed by racially alien Muslims against innocent whites, and also for the many other murders, assaults, rapes and muggings by non-whites on whites the world over.

It is remarkable that none of the millions of siblings, parents, children, partners, friends, neighbours, colleagues, the surviving victims themselves, or just fellow human beings with a sense of empathy ever fight back and deal out at least a little justice for these crimes. That the white victims and their relatives just let themselves be walked over and stamped on is of course due to the same factors that cause them to accept their own biological destruction; i.e., that they are brainwashed, passivated, defeatist, egocentric and dejected.

In reality, there is really nothing strange about what has happened in New Zealand today. Rather it is more surprising that such things don’t happen more often.

One can look at it from a moral perspective. Death is death, and some will say that taking the life of another can never be justified. However, we whites have involuntarily been subjected to a low-intensive war of extermination over the whole Western world. In war, men die. Is it worse to kill someone with your own hands than it is to lobby for, push through and form an active part of policies that kill an entire race? The shooter also seems to have chosen his targets carefully to ensure that to the greatest possible degree it was not complete innocents who were the victims.

With all this said, however, I do not mean to uncritically praise this act, because even if I do not see it as something strange or automatically wrong on a moral level, I naturally do not believe that this single deed will lead to the situation getting any better for white people in either New Zealand or the world. I cannot speak 100% for what the situation looks like in New Zealand, or Australia where the perpetrator is from, but I can speak for the situation here in the Nordic countries. Here, the civil national struggle has momentum; the Nordic Resistance Movement is growing steadily and is gaining more influence. Furthermore, we are not totally prohibited here and, despite increased repression, can still somewhat effectively conduct our struggle the way we want in a legal manner. As such we can still succeed.

This means that such methods as those used in New Zealand would be counterproductive here, as they would lead to increased sympathy for our opponents and give the system legitimacy for even harsher reprisals. Believe me when I say that we will be attacked for this shooting in the Nordic countries as well, even though we have nothing to do with it. This act will be used to mobilize opinion against us in general and to justify a ban on us in particular. The ironic thing is that by banning us, the system would create an environment in which the risk of more of these acts occurring would increase considerably.

Our struggle is a struggle for survival. It’s about either winning or disappearing – not only for us National Socialist activists, but for our entire people, including both the memory of our ancestors and the future life of our descendants. So it is for our children we fight. For their survival. A ban will not stop us.

If illegal methods are the only remaining way to make one’s voice heard, it is not particularly strange or wrong if something illegal happens. In a situation such as that I would not in any way condemn it. On the other hand, I hope that such potential future Nordic national partisans will set their sights higher and strike against the global elite who pull the strings, rather than the puppets they control – but that is another issue.

Methods such as these are more an expression of desperation and an attempt to take as many enemies with you as possible than they are an effective effort to actually change the situation on a large scale, genuinely and permanently. It was not through individual terrorist acts that our ancestors became rulers of the world. Likewise it was not through individual acts of terror that our enemies dethroned us and took over the positions of power previously held by our ancestors. No, it was by organizing. It has been a prolonged process of victories and losses, where the actors had to be patient. It is by the same means that we are struggling and growing. That is how we will win.

Do you understand that something needs to be done? Good. Are you brave enough to do what is required? Even better, so do it and join us!

If you do not share the same conclusions as I do and believe that Brenton Tarrant’s path is more appropriate than mine and that you are actually prepared to sacrifice what is needed to go down this route and not just use it as an excuse to do nothing, then it would be illegal and perhaps even inappropriate for me to encourage you to act. Therefore I say instead: stay far away from us, for both your own sake and ours.

The Nordic Resistance Movement does not engage in terrorism (even though the system wants us to, so they would have a good reason to ban us). We are a revolutionary struggle organization that acts civilly and legally. Having said that, we do not distance ourselves from white people who take action – even though they act differently than we would.

Do women belong in the struggle?


IDEOLOGY. Sweden’s first female party leader was Vera Oredsson, living proof that women are needed in the struggle and can contribute to the nationalist movement…

There are some inspirational figures that I particularly look up to. One of them is Vera Oredsson. I consider Vera to be a shining example of women being able to do so much more than “just” give birth to children and take care of their husband and household. Ever since I first got in contact with the Resistance Movement, it has been a given for me to contribute what I can. Many small streams make a great river, as we say in the Nordics, and that applies to the struggle as well.

It always strikes me as somewhat comical whenever I and other women in the movement are occasionally labelled as feminists. Even though such accusations aren’t too frequent, it’s still disturbing to say the least. I would be so bold as to claim that I am as far from the feminist ideal as you can get, because ninety-nine percent of my time is spent taking care of my and my husband’s eight children, minding the home, cooking, cleaning and generally trying to keep everything running smoothly. Even so, I still know I have other responsibilities, and I won’t avoid doing my bit. Having children and looking after the home and family is more than enough work (trust me), but the way things are today I cannot just sit by and watch.

I have to be active. For me it is extremely important to reach out to other women, because, with all due respect, I don’t believe men will succeed in that regard without our help. As women, it comes naturally to us to argue from an emotional perspective and explain matters from a more feminine (note: not feminist) point of view. Thus we can broaden our ideological reach and, in time, appeal to women in a way that men generally cannot.

Over the years I have promoted (often aggressively) the non-feminist mantra that women are needed and should cooperate with men to achieve what we want. I have also repeatedly underlined the importance of having children, and the fact that it is primarily the woman’s task to take care of them. Nevertheless, even I am sometimes called a feminist.

How can the national movement progress if it’s allowed to be an arena for this toxic gender war? We nationalist-minded women are not at war with men. We are at war with the enemies of our people, period. Whoever claims otherwise is not worthy of calling himself a man. Real men do not feel threatened by a woman writing articles or distributing leaflets. Real men (and women) value each of their racial comrades and feel gratitude for every individual’s self-sacrifice.

The truth is that it is not at all in our Germanic nature to view women with this kind of pessimism. I have said it before and will not hesitate to say it again: such views are characteristic of the Semitic religions, not ours. In Germanic societies, women have historically been respected and their abilities valued even outside the home, something the Roman historian Tacitus described as both surprising and unique for the Germanic peoples.

He wrote: “More than this, they believe that there resides in women an element of holiness and a gift of prophecy; and so they do not scorn to ask their advice, or lightly disregard their replies.”

A book to recommend on the subject is Den forna seden by Östen Kjellman. He too delves deeply into the Germanic peoples’ pre-Christian view of women, including recounting how women fought alongside men when attacked by foreign enemies.

I started this article by highlighting Vera Oredsson as a prime example of the fact that women most certainly do have something to contribute to the struggle. I had the honour of meeting Vera some time ago, and we spoke a bit about these matters. Among other things, I asked her what she thought about being active even though she was a woman. She looked at me and replied, “Woman? It doesn’t matter that I’m a woman. I am who I am and have contributed with what I could.”

The reply came so spontaneously, almost like a slap in the face. Afterwards I regretted that even I had placed such focus on Vera’s being a woman, as if that had been the most notable thing in her fascinating 86-year life. I understand exactly what she meant, and I feel the same. Our being women in this context is secondary. Our wanting to stand up for our people and constitute a resistance alongside the men is – and remains – the main thing. That is what means something. And it is that will that must be valued.

Police send helicopter to monitor banner activity in Stenungsund

ACTIVISM. The system sent two police cars and a helicopter to monitor a recent banner activity in Nest 2.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner activity in Stenungsund

On Friday 8 March, Activist Group 203 were at the E6 motorway near the town of Stenungsund, in south-west Sweden, to display a “Stop the Racial Replacement” banner to passing motorists. Upon arriving, the activists stationed themselves atop a bridge, where they unfurled the banner and stood holding a Tyr Rune flag and smoke grenades.

When the activity was over and the comrades were packing up, two police cars appeared on the scene, accompanied by a police helicopter. The helicopter then followed one of the activists’ cars for over 10 miles before giving up and turning around.

Before the police’s arrival there were many thumbs-up from passing drivers who appreciated the Resistance Movement’s message.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner activity in StenungsundA police helicopter monitors a Nordic Resistance Movement activity in Stenungsund

NORDIC FRONTIER #102: Climate Panic and the Coin Square


NORDIC FRONTIER. Andreas and Johan revel in the decay of the modern world tonight and we also invite activist Julius Blomberg.

Mixed bag:

Climate Panic

Hypocritical Swedes

Ban Coming

Nibba Village is Offensive

Resistance news:

We’ll invite activist Julius Blomberg to talk about his speech at the Coin Square protest.

Our path – Now in all Nordic languages

Demonstration on the Coinsquare

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The Nordic Frontier is an English speaking podcast and a sister broadcast to the glorious Radio Nordfront. Our aim is to spread our political message of the Nordic Resistance Movement to a wider audience. Through theme- and discussion-based episodes we will dive deep into what National Socialism has to offer in the 21st century.

The format is not set in stone and everything is subject to change, the overall message is based on the political direction of the Nordic Resistance Movement but the individual opinions expressed by the hosts and guests are their own.

Permanent hosts: Andreas Johansson, Johan Svensson and Michael Hovila.

Confrontation with race traitors in Nyköping

ACTIVISM. Nest 8 were out and about, confronting traitors and exercising.

On the 6th of March, National Socialists from Nest 8 gathered in Nyköping for training. Before this, however, they paid a visit to a meeting where amongst others the local politician and anti-Swede Carina Wallin from the Social Democratic Party was attending.

Wallin took part in the absurd persecution of the local Resistance members that took place towards the end of 2017. She and the local media ran an agitation campaign against the activist group which ended in her breaking a contract they had signed with the local municipality, preventing them from renting a gym hall in Vrena.

A member entered the meeting and explained to these people that they’re going to have to accept that we are National Socialists, we are everywhere, and one day even they will join us.

After this, the group proceeded with the planned training of cardio and martial arts.

Hate Through Love


IDEOLOGY. Love or hate – what really drives a Nordic Resistance Movement activist? In this article from 2012, Simon Lindberg gives the answer.

We in the Resistance Movement are often attacked for not being “tactical”, for occasionally using tough rhetoric, for our choice of terminology, our straightforwardness and for not mincing our words. “Radical”, “fanatics”, “propaganda”, “revolution”, “National Socialism” et al. are terms that, quite understandably, do not sit well with those who would rather shut their eyes through this madness or who are used to politicians’ sharp tongues and empty clichés. As such, some who claim to know better say we should speak in softer terms in order to better win people over.

I, however, am convinced we must use this more hard-hitting and candid vocabulary if we want to succeed in the long run, as doing so distances us from the current regime and shows we are a strong force and the antithesis to those who rule today – not just a somewhat shinier side of the same coin.

We have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. We use the truth as a weapon, and this weapon is good enough without the need to sugarcoat it. Journalists can’t unmask us for being “Nazis” or anything else, because from the beginning we steadfastly proclaim that we are proud to be National Socialists.

Another word we’re often attacked with is “hateful”. We are told our beliefs are built on blind hate and that hate is our greatest motivating force. While this is of course as far from the truth as possible, I believe that when considering the word and its meaning, we should not be afraid of acknowledging that sometimes we do hate. In reality hate is proof that one loves someone or something. I love my family and therefore I hate that which comes between me and my family. Because of this love, I also feel hatred towards anything that tries to harm them. If someone harmed my family, and I had felt nothing but a mild dislike towards that person in return, I would seriously have to question my love for my family.

Likewise I love my race and hate those who are hostile to its survival. I do not “dislike” the present anti-Nordic system, I HATE the system we are forced to live under today. And I do not “like” my race – I LOVE the magnificent white race and am incredibly proud to be a part of it. If you aren’t capable of feeling hate, you aren’t capable of feeling love – and not being able to feel love is nothing short of apathy.

So as not to give the media and establishment any cheap propaganda points, I should make it clear that my hatred isn’t aimed at individual racial foreigners, because on an individual level they constitute no threat to our race’s survival. Rather my hatred is directed at mass immigration as a phenomenon and against those who deliberately enable it.

I am a loving family man, a radical and revolutionary National Socialist, fanatical in the struggle for my race and full of hate towards those who consciously stand in our way. Of that I am proud.

Simon Lindberg, 15/6/2012

Monthly meeting and activist education – Nest 2

ACTIVISM. Nest 2 recently held their monthly meeting with a lecture and booksale.

On Saturday the 2nd of March, Nest 2 held their monthly meeting. Reports from the different activist and member groups were discussed, coming plans were reviewed, and an array of other topics were covered. The nest’s chief also brought up some of the different positions that need to be filled, and highlighted that everyone can contribute in some way.

After the meeting, a member with many years’ experience of political activism held a lecture directed towards activists. Many topics surrounding life as a member of the Nordic Resistance Movement were discussed, such as activism, safety, structure, the law and more. The lecture was based on the theme of the “Activist Handbook” and was very much appreciated.

During a break in the lecture, pasta salad was served and some literature as well as second-hand items were available for purchase.


Soldiers in rows

Military discipline

IDEOLOGY. Jacob Vullum outlines an important tool for self-improvement to help grow as a person and as an activist: military discipline. Discipline is the practice...
Drawing of the Nordic Resistance Movement flags with the Tyr rune symbol

Our symbols

National Socialist handshake

“My honour is loyalty”